File report

Archival description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 THMJ II/A/4 Obituary notice by M. de Broglie published in Académie des Sciences 14 Dec 1942 None
2 THMJ II/A/6 Biographical notes: Collection of verses by members of the Cavendish Laboratory entitled 'The Post-Prandial Proceedings of the Cavendish Society' May 1911 None
3 THMJ II/A/9 Biographical notes: Entry for Poggendorff biographical directory, vol. VI 1923–1931 None
4 THMJ II/A/12 Biographical notes: Correspondence from the Institution of Electrical Engineers re arrangements for the making of a film about Thomson May-Oct 1934 None
5 THMJ II/A/21 Biographical notes: Typescript inscribed 'J. J. Thomson as we remember him - by G.P. and J.P. Thomson' n.d. [1940?] None
6 THMJ II/A/23-24 Biographical notes: Miscellaneous correspondence and papers used in the preparation of Lord Rayleigh's biography of Thomson 1887–1943 None
7 THMJ II/A/25 Biographical notes: Correspondence from Lord Rayleigh to Thomson's daughter Joan Charnock, re biography Jun 1941 - Apr 1942 None
8 THMJ II/A/26 Biographical notes: Correspondence and Memorandum of Agreement from Cambridge University Press re the publication of Lord Rayleigh's biography of Johnson 27 Oct 1941–22 May 1942 None
9 THMJ II/A/27 Biographical notes: Correspondence between Lord Rayleigh and the Chemical Society re 'The Sir Joseph J. Thomson Memorial Lecture' 20–30 Oct 1941 None
10 THMJ II/A/28 Biographical notes: Correspondence to Thomson's daughter, Joan Charnock 1941, 1948–1952 None
11 THMJ II/A/29 Biographical notes: Correspondence re notes made by Joan Charnock and G.P. Thomson titled 'J. J. Thomson as we remember him' Apr - May 1958 None
12 THMJ II/A/30 Biographical notes: Manuscript notes made by Lord Rayleigh whilst writing Thomson's biography [1940-1942] None
13 THMJ II/A/32 Career, honours, and awards: Letter and testimonials re Thomson's election as an Associate of Owen's College, Manchester 11–23 Nov 1874 None
14 THMJ II/A/34 Career, honours, and awards: Testimonials Oct-Dec 1877 None
15 THMJ II/A/36 Career, honours, and awards: Letters of congratulation to Emma Thomson on her son's University examination success 30–31 Jan 1880 None
16 THMJ II/A/37 Career, honours, and awards: Testimonials Apr-May 1881 None
17 THMJ II/A/38 Career, honours, and awards: Letter of application and testimonials for the Chair of Applied Mathematics at Owen's College, Manchester May 1881 None
18 THMJ II/A/39 Career, honours, and awards: Advertisement and testimonials for the Professorship of Mathematics, King's College, London Nov-Dec 1881 None
19 THMJ II/A/41 Career, honours, and awards: Letter of application from Thomson for the Chair of Experimental Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 11 Dec 1884, and correspondence congratulating Thomson on obtaining it 11–26 Dec 1884 None
20 THMJ II/A/42 Career, honours, and awards: Correspondence re portraits of Thomson 1903-1930 None
21 THMJ II/A/43 Career, honours, and awards: Memorabilia re Thomson's honorary D.Sc. from the University of Oxford 21–22 Jun 1904 None
22 THMJ II/A/44-45 Career, honours, and awards: Letters of congratulation on Thomson receiving the Nobel Prize for Physics 13 Nov-22 Dec 1906 None
23 THMJ II/A/46-48 Career, honours, and awards: Letters of congratulation to Thomson on receiving a knighthood 9 Nov -13 Dec 1908 None
24 THMJ II/A/50-52 Career, honours, and awards: Letters of congratulation to Thomson on receiving the Order of Merit 7 Mar-2 Apr 1912 None
25 THMJ II/A/54 Career, honours, and awards: Memorabilia re Thomson's installation as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 5 Mar 1918 None
26 THMJ II/A/55 Career, honours, and awards: Memorabilia re Thomson's honorary D.Sc. from the University of Cambridge 15 Jun 1920 None
27 THMJ II/A/58 Career, honours, and awards: Correspondence re Thomson's Honorary Degree from the University of Paris 8–27 Dec 1922 None
28 THMJ II/A/59 Career, honours, and awards: Correspondence re Thomson's election as an Honorary Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers 20 Nov - 3 Dec 1924 None
29 THMJ II/A/62 Career, honours, and awards: Letter, invitation and certificate re Thomson's honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Edinburgh 16–25 Oct 1930 None
30 THMJ II/A/65-67 Career, honours, and awards: Letters of congratulation on Thomson's 80th birthday 26 Nov - 30 Dec 1936 None
31 THMJ II/A/68 Career, honours, and awards: File including letter and report from the Institution of Civil Engineers re Thomson's Kelvin Medal 3 May 1938 None
32 THMJ II/A/69-71 Career, honours, and awards: Letters of sympathy to Lady Thomson re Thomson's death 30 Aug 1940–29 Apr 1941 None
33 THMJ II/A/104 'J.J. on Education': Correspondence re the financial needs of university education 1918-1941 None
34 THMJ II/A/106 'J.J. on Education': Material re an address given by Thomson at a Liverpool College Speech Day 27-28 Nov 1928 None
35 THMJ II/A/109 'J.J. on Education': Correspondence from G.H. Hardy re the Education Committee 1940 None
36 THMJ II/A/110 Press cuttings: Reviews of Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry 1888 None
37 THMJ II/A/111 Press cuttings: Reviews of Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism 1892-1894 None
38 THMJ II/A/112 Press cuttings: Including reviews of the first edition of Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism 1894-1897 None
39 THMJ II/A/113 Press cuttings: Including press cuttings re Thomson's 1901 Royal Institution Lecture titled 'The existence of bodies smaller than atoms' 1900-1902 None
40 THMJ II/A/115 Press cuttings: Including reports on Thomson's acceptance of the post of head of the Department of Physics at Columbia University 1903 None
41 THMJ II/A/116 Press cuttings: Including reviews of Conduction of Electricity through Gases 1904 None
42 THMJ II/A/117 Press cuttings: Reviews of the third edition of Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism 1905 None
43 THMJ II/A/118 Press cuttings: Including material re Thomson's Nobel Prize for Physics 1906 None
44 THMJ II/A/119 Press cuttings: Including press cuttings re Thomson's nomination as President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science and his knighthood 1907-1911 None
45 THMJ II/A/120 Press cuttings: Re Thomson's interest in education 1907-1928 None
46 THMJ II/A/122 Press cuttings: Articles re the Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Manitoba Free Press Aug-Sept 1909 None
47 THMJ II/A/124 Press cuttings: Re J. J. Thomson's Order of Merit Jan-Nov 1912 None
48 THMJ II/A/126 Press cuttings: Including press cuttings re Thomson's discovery of two new air gases Jan-Sept 1913 None
49 THMJ II/A/127 Press cuttings: Reviews of Rays of Positive Electricity and their Application to Chemical Analyses Jan-Oct 1914 None
50 THMJ II/A/129 Press cuttings: Including press cuttings re the British Inventions Board May-Nov 1915 None
51 THMJ II/A/130 Press cuttings: Including press cuttings re Thomson's Royal Institution Lecture entitled 'Radiations from Atoms and Electrons' 1916-1917 None
52 THMJ II/A/131 Press cuttings: re Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Feb-Sept 1918 None
53 THMJ II/A/132 Press cuttings 1919-1921 None
54 THMJ II/A/133 Press cuttings: Including material re Thomson's Franklin Gold Medal from the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 27 Jul 1922 None
55 THMJ II/A/134 Press cuttings: re Thomson's Fison Memorial Lecture on 'The Structure of Light’, delivered on 7 May 1925 at Guy's Hospital Medical School 1923-1927 None
56 THMJ II/A/135 Press cuttings: re Thomson's Founders' Memorial Lecture 'Beyond the Electron’, delivered on 3 March 1928 at Girton College, Cambridge 1928 None
57 THMJ II/A/136 Press cuttings: Reviews of the third edition of Conduction of Electricity through Gases 1929 None
58 THMJ II/A/137 Press cuttings: Articles re the Fourth National Lecture, The Listener 22 Jan 1930 None
59 THMJ II/A/139 Press cuttings 1930-1931 None
60 THMJ II/A/140 Press cuttings: re the University of Cambridge's Clerk Maxwell Centenary Celebrations Oct 1931-Jan 1932 None
61 THMJ II/A/141 Press cuttings: Including reviews of Thomson's Recollections and Reflections 1933-1938 None
62 THMJ II/A/142 Press cuttings 1943-1956 None
63 THMJ II/A/143 Press cuttings undated None
64 THMJ II/A/147 Financial: Household receipts 1880-1904 None
65 THMJ II/A/148 Financial: Receipts 1895 None
66 THMJ II/A/149 Financial: Receipts from the Manchester Stock Exchange 1896 None
67 THMJ II/A/150 Financial: Fire Assurance Policy 1897 None
68 THMJ II/A/151 Financial: Correspondence re Super-tax, Income Tax, and Stocks and Shares 1916-1924 None
69 THMJ II/A/152 Financial: Correspondence re Stocks and Shares 1930-1936 None
70 THMJ II/A/161 Invitations 1885-1901 None
71 THMJ II/A/162 Invitations 1902-1903 None
72 THMJ II/A/163 Invitations 1904 None
73 THMJ II/A/164 Invitations 1906-1919 None
74 THMJ II/A/165 Invitations 1922-1936, n.d. None
75 THMJ II/A/166-168 Death notices, mostly of friends and acquaintances 1876-1926, n.d. None
76 THMJ II/A/169 Material re Thomson's marriage 2-4 Jan 1890 None
77 THMJ II/B/1 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his wife Rose 1891-1899 None
78 THMJ II/B/2 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his wife Rose, on his journey from Liverpool to New York May 1903 None
79 THMJ II/B/3 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his wife Rose 1907-1924 None
80 THMJ II/B/4 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his wife Rose 1928-1931 None
81 THMJ II/B/5 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his wife Rose 1932-1935 None
82 THMJ II/B/6 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his wife Rose 1936 and undated None
83 THMJ II/B/7 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1899-1910 None
84 THMJ II/B/8 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1914-1917 None
85 THMJ II/B/9 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1918 None
86 THMJ II/B/10 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1922-1924 None
87 THMJ II/B/11 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1925-1927 None
88 THMJ II/B/12 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1928-1929 None
89 THMJ II/B/13 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1930-1932 None
90 THMJ II/B/14 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1933-1935 None
91 THMJ II/B/15 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1936-1937 None
92 THMJ II/B/16 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George 1938-1940 None
93 THMJ II/B/17 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his son George undated None
94 THMJ II/B/18 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his daughter Joan 1908-1938 None
95 THMJ II/B/19 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his mother Emma 1885-1900 None
96 THMJ II/B/20 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his brother Frederick 1900-1917 None
97 THMJ II/B/21-24 Correspondence: Letters to J J Thomson from his daughter-in-law Kathleen 1924-1939 None
98 THMJ II/B/25 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from his grandchildren John Adam, Lilian Clare and David Paget Thomson 1930-1940 None
99 THMJ II/B/28 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from his brother-in-law George Edmund Paget. 1924 None
100 THMJ II/B/29 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from his nephew John Paget. 1925 None
101 THMJ II/B/30 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from his brother-in-law Owen Frank Paget 1896-1918 None
102 THMJ II/B/31 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from his wife's brother-in-law James Henly Batty 1908-1938 None
103 THMJ II/B/33 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from Harry Fielding Reid 1886-1934 None
104 THMJ II/B/34 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson including congratulations on the birth of his son George 1892 None
105 THMJ II/B/39 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson: Brief correspondence re G.P. Thomson's candidature for the Royal Society Feb-Mar 1930 None
106 THMJ II/B/40 Correspondence: Letters to J. J. Thomson from Edith G. Reid 1936-1937 None
107 THMJ II/B/41 Correspondence: Telegraphs to J. J. Thomson re G.P. Thomson's Nobel Prize for Physics 1937 None
108 THMJ II/B/45A Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1891-1899 None
109 THMJ II/B/46 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1900-1901 None
110 THMJ II/B/47 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1902-1903 None
111 THMJ II/B/48 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1904-1908 None
112 THMJ II/B/49 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson Jun-Jul 1909 None
113 THMJ II/B/49A Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1909-1914 None
114 THMJ II/B/50 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1916-1920 None
115 THMJ II/B/51 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1921-1927 None
116 THMJ II/B/52 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1929-1931 None
117 THMJ II/B/53 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her husband J. J. Thomson 1932-1937 None
118 THMJ II/B/54 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1906-1912 None
119 THMJ II/B/55 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1913-1915 None
120 THMJ II/B/56 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1916 None
121 THMJ II/B/57 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1917 None
122 THMJ II/B/58 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1918 None
123 THMJ II/B/59 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1919-1924 None
124 THMJ II/B/60 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from family and friends on the engagement of her son G.P. Thomson Jul-Aug 1924 None
125 THMJ II/B/61 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1925-1932 None
126 THMJ II/B/62 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson 1933-1945 None
127 THMJ II/B/63 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her son George Paget Thomson Undated None
128 THMJ II/B/64 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson from her daughter Joan Paget Thomson, later Charnock 1908-1950 None
129 THMJ II/B/106 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1889 None
130 THMJ II/B/107 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1889 None
131 THMJ II/B/108 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence c 1889 None
132 THMJ II/B/109-115 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget/Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1889-Apr 1890 None
133 THMJ II/B/116-119 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget/Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1889-Mar 1890 None
134 THMJ II/B/120 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget/Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1889-Mar 1890 None
135 THMJ II/B/121-125 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget/Thomson from her Norwegian friend Thora Schjöth. 1882-1890 None
136 THMJ II/B/126 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Apr 1890 None
137 THMJ II/B/127 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Oct 1890 None
138 THMJ II/B/128 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1880 None
139 THMJ II/B/129 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Apr 1891 None
140 THMJ II/B/130 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jul 1891 None
141 THMJ II/B/131 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1891 None
142 THMJ II/B/132 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct-Nov 1891 None
143 THMJ II/B/133 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1881 None
144 THMJ II/B/134-136 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson re the death of her father G. E. Paget Jan-Feb 1892 None
145 THMJ II/B/137 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1892 None
146 THMJ II/B/138 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-Jun 1892 None
147 THMJ II/B/139 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Jul 1892 None
148 THMJ II/B/140 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Aug 1892 None
149 THMJ II/B/141 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1892 None
150 THMJ II/B/142 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1892 None
151 THMJ II/B/143 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence c 1892 None
152 THMJ II/B/144 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1893 None
153 THMJ II/B/145 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-May-1893 None
154 THMJ II/B/146 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Aug 1893 None
155 THMJ II/B/147 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Dec 1893 None
156 THMJ II/B/148 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-May 1894 None
157 THMJ II/B/149 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Sept 1894 None
158 THMJ II/B/150 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct-Dec 1894 None
159 THMJ II/B/151 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-May 1895 None
160 THMJ II/B/152 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Aug 1895 None
161 THMJ II/B/153 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1895 None
162 THMJ II/B/154 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1895 None
163 THMJ II/B/155 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1896 None
164 THMJ II/B/156 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Mar 1897 None
165 THMJ II/B/157 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-May 1897 None
166 THMJ II/B/158 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1897 None
167 THMJ II/B/159 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Aug 1897 None
168 THMJ II/B/160 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1897 None
169 THMJ II/B/161 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson inscribed 'Business letters for Carl and Vie, 1897 Sept-Nov 1897 None
170 THMJ II/B/162-164 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson re the death of her brother-in-law C. S. Roy Oct 1897 None
171 THMJ II/B/165 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1897 None
172 THMJ II/B/166 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1897 None
173 THMJ II/B/167 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1898 None
174 THMJ II/B/168 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1899 None
175 THMJ II/B/169 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-May 1899 None
176 THMJ II/B/170-172 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson on the death of her mother May 1899 None
177 THMJ II/B/173 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Aug 1899 None
178 THMJ II/B/174 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1899 None
179 THMJ II/B/175 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1899 None
180 THMJ II/B/176 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1900 None
181 THMJ II/B/177 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Mar 1900 None
182 THMJ II/B/178 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1900 None
183 THMJ II/B/179 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1900 None
184 THMJ II/B/180 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Sept 1900 None
185 THMJ II/B/181 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1900 None
186 THMJ II/B/182 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1900 None
187 THMJ II/B/183 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1900 None
188 THMJ II/B/184-185 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1901 None
189 THMJ II/B/186 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1901 None
190 THMJ II/B/187-188 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1901 None
191 THMJ II/B/189 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1901 None
192 THMJ II/B/190 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1901 None
193 THMJ II/B/191 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1901 None
194 THMJ II/B/192 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1901 None
195 THMJ II/B/193 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1901 None
196 THMJ II/B/194 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1901 None
197 THMJ II/B/195 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1901 None
198 THMJ II/B/196 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1901 None
199 THMJ II/B/197 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1901 None
200 THMJ II/B/198 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1901 None
201 THMJ II/B/199 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-Apr 1902 None
202 THMJ II/B/200 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1902 None
203 THMJ II/B/201 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1892 None
204 THMJ II/B/202 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1892 None
205 THMJ II/B/203 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1902 None
206 THMJ II/B/204 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1902 None
207 THMJ II/B/205 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1903 None
208 THMJ II/B/206 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Dec 1903 None
209 THMJ II/B/207 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan- Feb 1904 None
210 THMJ II/B/208 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1904 None
211 THMJ II/B/209 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1904 None
212 THMJ II/B/210 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1904 None
213 THMJ II/B/211 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Jul 1904 None
214 THMJ II/B/212 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1904 None
215 THMJ II/B/213 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct-Nov 1904 None
216 THMJ II/B/214 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1904 None
217 THMJ II/B/215 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1905 None
218 THMJ II/B/216 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1906 None
219 THMJ II/B/217 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Mar 1906 None
220 THMJ II/B/218 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1906 None
221 THMJ II/B/219 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-May 1906 None
222 THMJ II/B/220 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Jul 1906 None
223 THMJ II/B/221 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1906 None
224 THMJ II/B/222 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1906 None
225 THMJ II/B/223 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1906 None
226 THMJ II/B/224 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1906 None
227 THMJ II/B/225-227 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1906 None
228 THMJ II/B/228 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1907 None
229 THMJ II/B/229-231 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1908 None
230 THMJ II/B/237-239 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1908 None
231 THMJ II/B/240-242 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1908 None
232 THMJ II/B/243-245 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1908 None
233 THMJ II/B/246 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1908 None
234 THMJ II/B/247 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1908 None
235 THMJ II/B/248 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1908 None
236 THMJ II/B/249-250 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1908 None
237 THMJ II/B/251-254 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1908 None
238 THMJ II/B/255-257 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1908 None
239 THMJ II/B/258-259 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1909 None
240 THMJ II/B/260-261 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1909 None
241 THMJ II/B/262-264 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1909 None
242 THMJ II/B/265 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1909 None
243 THMJ II/B/266 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1909 None
244 THMJ II/B/267 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1909 None
245 THMJ II/B/268 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1909 None
246 THMJ II/B/269-270 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1909 None
247 THMJ II/B/271 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1909 None
248 THMJ II/B/272 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1909 None
249 THMJ II/B/273-274 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1909 None
250 THMJ II/B/275 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1909 None
251 THMJ II/B/276-277 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1910 None
252 THMJ II/B/278-279 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1910 None
253 THMJ II/B/280 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1910 None
254 THMJ II/B/281 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1910 None
255 THMJ II/B/282-284 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1910 None
256 THMJ II/B/285-287 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1910 None
257 THMJ II/B/288-289 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1910 None
258 THMJ II/B/290-291 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1910 None
259 THMJ II/B/292 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1910 None
260 THMJ II/B/293 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1910 None
261 THMJ II/B/294 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1910 None
262 THMJ II/B/295 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1910 None
263 THMJ II/B/296-297 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1911 None
264 THMJ II/B/298 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Dec 1911 None
265 THMJ II/B/298A-298B Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1911 None
266 THMJ II/B/299-300 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1912 None
267 THMJ II/B/301-302 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1912 None
268 THMJ II/B/303-304 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1912 None
269 THMJ II/B/305 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson with congratulations on J. J. Thomson's Order of Merit Mar 1912 None
270 THMJ II/B/306-307 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1912 None
271 THMJ II/B/308-309 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1912 None
272 THMJ II/B/310-311 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1912 None
273 THMJ II/B/312 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1912 None
274 THMJ II/B/313 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1912 None
275 THMJ II/B/314 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1912 None
276 THMJ II/B/315-316 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1912 None
277 THMJ II/B/317-318 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1912 None
278 THMJ II/B/319-320 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1912 None
279 THMJ II/B/321 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1913 None
280 THMJ II/B/322-323 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1913 None
281 THMJ II/B/324-325 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1913 None
282 THMJ II/B/326-327 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1913 None
283 THMJ II/B/328-329 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1913 None
284 THMJ II/B/330-331 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1913 None
285 THMJ II/B/332-333 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1913 None
286 THMJ II/B/334 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1913 None
287 THMJ II/B/335 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1913 None
288 THMJ II/B/336-337 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1913 None
289 THMJ II/B/338-339 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1913 None
290 THMJ II/B/340-342 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1913 None
291 THMJ II/B/343 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1914 None
292 THMJ II/B/344 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-Apr 1914 None
293 THMJ II/B/345 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1914 None
294 THMJ II/B/346 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1914 None
295 THMJ II/B/347-348 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1914 None
296 THMJ II/B/349 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1914 None
297 THMJ II/B/350 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1914 None
298 THMJ II/B/351 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1914 None
299 THMJ II/B/352-353 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1915 None
300 THMJ II/B/354 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1915 None
301 THMJ II/B/355-356 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1915 None
302 THMJ II/B/357 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-Jun 1915 None
303 THMJ II/B/358 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Aug 1915 None
304 THMJ II/B/359 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1915 None
305 THMJ II/B/360 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1915 None
306 THMJ II/B/361 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Jun 1916 None
307 THMJ II/B/362 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1916 None
308 THMJ II/B/363 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1916 None
309 THMJ II/B/364 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1916 None
310 THMJ II/B/365 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1916 None
311 THMJ II/B/366 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1917 None
312 THMJ II/B/367 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Mar 1917 None
313 THMJ II/B/368 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1917 None
314 THMJ II/B/369 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1917 None
315 THMJ II/B/370 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Jul 1917 None
316 THMJ II/B/371 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1917 None
317 THMJ II/B/372 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1917 None
318 THMJ II/B/373 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1917 None
319 THMJ II/B/374 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1917 None
320 THMJ II/B/375 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1917 None
321 THMJ II/B/376 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1918 None
322 THMJ II/B/377 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1918 None
323 THMJ II/B/378 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1918 None
324 THMJ II/B/379 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1918 None
325 THMJ II/B/380 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1918 None
326 THMJ II/B/381 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1918 None
327 THMJ II/B/382 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1918 None
328 THMJ II/B/383 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1918 None
329 THMJ II/B/384 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1918 None
330 THMJ II/B/385 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1918 None
331 THMJ II/B/386 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1918 None
332 THMJ II/B/387 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1918 None
333 THMJ II/B/388 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1919 None
334 THMJ II/B/389 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Mar 1919 None
335 THMJ II/B/390 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1919 None
336 THMJ II/B/391 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1919 None
337 THMJ II/B/392 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1919 None
338 THMJ II/B/393 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1919 None
339 THMJ II/B/394 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Aug 1919 None
340 THMJ II/B/395 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1919 None
341 THMJ II/B/396 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1919 None
342 THMJ II/B/397 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1919 None
343 THMJ II/B/398 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1919 None
344 THMJ II/B/399-400 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1919 None
345 THMJ II/B/401 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1920 None
346 THMJ II/B/402 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Mar 1920 None
347 THMJ II/B/403 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1920 None
348 THMJ II/B/404 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1920 None
349 THMJ II/B/405-407 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1920 None
350 THMJ II/B/408 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1920 None
351 THMJ II/B/409 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1920 None
352 THMJ II/B/410 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1920 None
353 THMJ II/B/411-412 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1920 None
354 THMJ II/B/413 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1920 None
355 THMJ II/B/414 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1920 None
356 THMJ II/B/415 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1921 None
357 THMJ II/B/416 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-Jul 1921 None
358 THMJ II/B/417 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1921 None
359 THMJ II/B/418 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1921 None
360 THMJ II/B/419 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1922 None
361 THMJ II/B/420 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1922 None
362 THMJ II/B/421 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-Apr 1922 None
363 THMJ II/B/422 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1922 None
364 THMJ II/B/423 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1922 None
365 THMJ II/B/424-245 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1922 None
366 THMJ II/B/426 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct-Dec 1922 None
367 THMJ II/B/427-427A Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1923 None
368 THMJ II/B/428 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-May 1923 None
369 THMJ II/B/429 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-May 1923 None
370 THMJ II/B/430 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Dec 1923 None
371 THMJ II/B/431 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1923-May 1924 None
372 THMJ II/B/432 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Apr 1924 None
373 THMJ II/B/433 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1923 None
374 THMJ II/B/434-435 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1924 None
375 THMJ II/B/436 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1924 None
376 THMJ II/B/437 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1924 None
377 THMJ II/B/438 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1924 None
378 THMJ II/B/439 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1924 None
379 THMJ II/B/440-441 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1924 None
380 THMJ II/B/442 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1924 None
381 THMJ II/B/443 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1924 None
382 THMJ II/B/444 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1925 None
383 THMJ II/B/445 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Nov 1925 None
384 THMJ II/B/446 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1925 None
385 THMJ II/B/447 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-May 1926 None
386 THMJ II/B/448 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1926 None
387 THMJ II/B/449 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1926 None
388 THMJ II/B/450 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1926 None
389 THMJ II/B/451 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1926 None
390 THMJ II/B/452 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1926 None
391 THMJ II/B/453 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Mar 1927 None
392 THMJ II/B/454 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1927 None
393 THMJ II/B/455 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1927 None
394 THMJ II/B/456 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun-Jul 1927 None
395 THMJ II/B/457 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1927 None
396 THMJ II/B/458 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1927 None
397 THMJ II/B/459 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1927 None
398 THMJ II/B/460 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1928 None
399 THMJ II/B/461 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-Mar 1928 None
400 THMJ II/B/462 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-May 1928 None
401 THMJ II/B/463 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson with condolence re death of her brother-in-law, H.F. Gadow May 1928 None
402 THMJ II/B/464 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson in reply to invitations to social events May-Jun 1928 None
403 THMJ II/B/465 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1928 None
404 THMJ II/B/466 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1928 None
405 THMJ II/B/467 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1928 None
406 THMJ II/B/468 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1928 None
407 THMJ II/B/469 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct-Nov 1928 None
408 THMJ II/B/470 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1928 None
409 THMJ II/B/471 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1929 None
410 THMJ II/B/472 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-Apr 1929 None
411 THMJ II/B/473 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1929 None
412 THMJ II/B/474 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1929 None
413 THMJ II/B/475 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Aug 1929 None
414 THMJ II/B/476 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1929 None
415 THMJ II/B/477 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct-Nov 1929 None
416 THMJ II/B/478 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1929 None
417 THMJ II/B/479 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1930 None
418 THMJ II/B/480 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1930 None
419 THMJ II/B/481-482 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1930 None
420 THMJ II/B/483 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1930 None
421 THMJ II/B/484-485 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1930 None
422 THMJ II/B/486 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1930 None
423 THMJ II/B/487 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1930 None
424 THMJ II/B/488 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Oct 1930 None
425 THMJ II/B/489 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1930 None
426 THMJ II/B/490 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Jul 1931 None
427 THMJ II/B/491 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug Dec 1931 None
428 THMJ II/B/492 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1932 None
429 THMJ II/B/493 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-May 1932 None
430 THMJ II/B/494 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1932 None
431 THMJ II/B/495 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1932 None
432 THMJ II/B/496 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1932 None
433 THMJ II/B/497 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1932 None
434 THMJ II/B/498 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Jul 1933 None
435 THMJ II/B/499 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1933 None
436 THMJ II/B/500 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Dec 1933 None
437 THMJ II/B/501 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Feb 1934 None
438 THMJ II/B/502 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar-Apr 1934 None
439 THMJ II/B/503 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1934 None
440 THMJ II/B/504 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Oct 1934 None
441 THMJ II/B/505 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb-May 1935 None
442 THMJ II/B/506 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1935 None
443 THMJ II/B/507 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1935 None
444 THMJ II/B/508 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1935 None
445 THMJ II/B/509 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1935 None
446 THMJ II/B/510 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1935 None
447 THMJ II/B/511 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1935 None
448 THMJ II/B/512 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1935 None
449 THMJ II/B/513 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence c 1935 None
450 THMJ II/B/514 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1936 None
451 THMJ II/B/515-516 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1936 None
452 THMJ II/B/517-518 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1936 None
453 THMJ II/B/519-520 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr 1936 None
454 THMJ II/B/521 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May 1936 None
455 THMJ II/B/522-523 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jun 1936 None
456 THMJ II/B/524 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul 1936 None
457 THMJ II/B/525 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug 1936 None
458 THMJ II/B/526 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept 1936 None
459 THMJ II/B/527 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1936 None
460 THMJ II/B/528 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov1936 None
461 THMJ II/B/529 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1936 None
462 THMJ II/B/530 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Jul 1937 None
463 THMJ II/B/531 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Aug-Sept 1937 None
464 THMJ II/B/532 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Oct 1937 None
465 THMJ II/B/533-535 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov 1937 None
466 THMJ II/B/536-537 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Dec 1937 None
467 THMJ II/B/538 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence c 1937 None
468 THMJ II/B/539 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1938 None
469 THMJ II/B/540 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan-Apr 1939 None
470 THMJ II/B/541 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence May-Jun 1939 None
471 THMJ II/B/542 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Aug 1939 None
472 THMJ II/B/543 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Sept-Oct 1939 None
473 THMJ II/B/544 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Nov-Dec 1939 None
474 THMJ II/B/545 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jan 1940 None
475 THMJ II/B/546 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Feb 1940 None
476 THMJ II/B/547 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Mar 1940 None
477 THMJ II/B/548 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Apr-May 1940 None
478 THMJ II/B/549 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence Jul-Dec 1940 None
479 THMJ II/B/550 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1941 None
480 THMJ II/B/551 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1942-1943 None
481 THMJ II/B/552 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1944 None
482 THMJ II/B/553 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1945 None
483 THMJ II/B/554 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1946-1950 None
484 THMJ II/B/555-560 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence, undated n.d. None
485 THMJ II/B/561 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Paget: Correspondence with hotels etc 1884-1889 None
486 THMJ II/B/562 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc 1902-1903 None
487 THMJ II/B/563 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc 1906 None
488 THMJ II/B/564 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc 1908 None
489 THMJ II/B/565 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc 1909-1910 None
490 THMJ II/B/566 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc 1912 None
491 THMJ II/B/567 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc 1916-1926 None
492 THMJ II/B/568-569 Correspondence: Letters to Rose Thomson: Correspondence with hotels etc n.d. None
493 THMJ II/B/595 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the British Columbia and Yukon Church Aid Society. n.d. None
494 THMJ II/B/596-598 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the Church Army 1909-1937 None
495 THMJ II/B/599 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the Christian Social Union 1907-1915 None
496 THMJ II/B/600 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the Divinity Reading Union 1921-1938 None
497 THMJ II/B/601-602 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from Dr Barnardo's Homes 1900-1936 None
498 THMJ II/B/603 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the Girl Guide Movement 1916-1918 None
499 THMJ II/B/604-605 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the League of Honour 1915-1917 None
500 THMJ II/B/606-609 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the Mothers' Union 1892-1919 None
501 THMJ II/B/610 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: from the National Vigilance Association 1917-1919 None
502 THMJ II/B/611-618 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: Societies and organisations 1895-1943 None
503 THMJ II/B/619-625 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: Appeals 1892-1945 None
504 THMJ II/B/626-635 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: Societies, organisations and appeals - religious notes 1874-1925 None
505 THMJ II/B/636 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: Miscellaneous correspondence 1899 None
506 THMJ II/B/636A-638 Correspondence & Papers: Rose Thomson: Material relating to her funeral and memorial 1951 None
507 THMJ II/B/641-643 Correspondence: Letters and papers of George Paget Thomson: Memorabilia re Perse Grammar School 1905-1910 None
508 THMJ II/B/647-651 Correspondence: Letters and papers of George Paget Thomson: Mostly letters from family letters 1926-1927 None
509 THMJ II/B/655 Correspondence: Letters to George Paget Thomson from Doris Fielding-Reid 1953-1954 None
510 THMJ II/B/661 Correspondence: Letters and papers of Frederick Vernon Thomson 1874-1906 None
511 THMJ II/B/662-664 Correspondence: Letters and papers of Frederick Vernon Thomson: Condolences on the death of Thomson's mother Mar-Apr 1901 None
512 THMJ II/B/665 Correspondence: Letters and papers of Frederick Vernon Thomson: Income tax repayments 1914-1917 None
513 THMJ II/B/666 Correspondence: Letters and papers of Frederick Vernon Thomson: Letters to J. J. Thomson re his brother's Legacy 1921 None
514 THMJ II/B/667-667A Correspondence: Letters and papers of Sir George Edward and George Edmund Paget 1836-1892 None
515 THMJ II/B/669 Correspondence: Letters and papers of Sir George Edward and George Edmund Paget: Letters to Sir George Paget 1865-1892 None
516 THMJ II/B/670 Correspondence: Letters and papers of Sir George Edward and George Edmund Paget: Miscellaneous material 1 Feb 1892 None
517 THMJ II/B/672-673 Correspondence: Letters to Violet Emma Paget (Roy/Roy Batty) from her sister Rose 1878-1915 None
518 THMJ II/B/674 Correspondence: Miscellaneous family members c 1875 None
519 THMJ II/B/675 Correspondence: Miscellaneous family members: Pamphlets by Lady Clara Paget 1882-1897 None
520 THMJ II/B/676 Correspondence: Miscellaneous family members: Material re Charles E. Paget 1883 (and undated) None
521 THMJ II/B/705 Accounts: Household receipts 1878-1925 None
522 THMJ II/B/712 Accounts: Hotel bills Mar-Apr 1921 None
523 THMJ II/B/727-730 Visiting cards 1927-1930 None
524 THMJ II/C/1 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on J. J. Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 9 Jan-8 Feb 1918 None
525 THMJ II/C/2-4 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on J. J. Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 9 Feb 1919 None
526 THMJ II/C/5-6 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 10 Feb 1918 None
527 THMJ II/C/7 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on J. J. Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 11 Feb 1918 None
528 THMJ II/C/8 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on J. J. Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 12-16 Feb 1918 None
529 THMJ II/C/9 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on J. J. Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 18-28 Feb 1918 None
530 THMJ II/C/10 Correspondence: Letters of congratulation on J. J. Thomson's appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Undated None
531 THMJ II/C/11 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Feb-Mar 1918 None
532 THMJ II/C/12 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Apr-May 1918 None
533 THMJ II/C/13 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun-Aug 1918 None
534 THMJ II/C/14 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Sept-Oct 1918 None
535 THMJ II/C/15 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Nov-Dec 1918 None
536 THMJ II/C/16 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan-Feb 1919 None
537 THMJ II/C/17 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Mar-Apr 1919 None
538 THMJ II/C/18 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May 1919 None
539 THMJ II/C/19 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun-Jul 1919 None
540 THMJ II/C/20 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Aug-Oct 1919 None
541 THMJ II/C/21 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Nov 1919 None
542 THMJ II/C/22 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Dec 1919 None
543 THMJ II/C/23 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan 1920 None
544 THMJ II/C/24 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Feb-Apr 1920 None
545 THMJ II/C/25-26 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May 1920 None
546 THMJ II/C/27 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun 1920 None
547 THMJ II/C/28 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jul-Dec 1920 None
548 THMJ II/C/29 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan 1921 None
549 THMJ II/C/30 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Feb 1921 None
550 THMJ II/C/31 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Mar 1921 None
551 THMJ II/C/32 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Apr 1921 None
552 THMJ II/C/33-34 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May1921 None
553 THMJ II/C/35 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun 1921 None
554 THMJ II/C/36 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jul 1921 None
555 THMJ II/C/37 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Aug 1921 None
556 THMJ II/C/38 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Sept 1921 None
557 THMJ II/C/39 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Oct 1921 None
558 THMJ II/C/40-40A Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Nov 1921 None
559 THMJ II/C/41 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Dec 1921 None
560 THMJ II/C/42-43 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan 1922 None
561 THMJ II/C/44 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Feb 1922 None
562 THMJ II/C/45 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Mar 1922 None
563 THMJ II/C/46 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Apr 1922 None
564 THMJ II/C/47-48 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May 1922 None
565 THMJ II/C/49 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun-Dec 1922 None
566 THMJ II/C/50 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan-Apr 1923 None
567 THMJ II/C/51 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May-Dec 1923 None
568 THMJ II/C/52 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Mar-Jun 1924 None
569 THMJ II/C/53-54 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jul 1924 None
570 THMJ II/C/55 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Aug 1924 None
571 THMJ II/C/56 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Sept 1924 None
572 THMJ II/C/57 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Oct 1924 None
573 THMJ II/C/58 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Nov 1924 None
574 THMJ II/C/59 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Dec 1924 None
575 THMJ II/C/60 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan-Apr 1925 None
576 THMJ II/C/61 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May 1925 None
577 THMJ II/C/62 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun 1925 None
578 THMJ II/C/63 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Oc-Dec 1925 None
579 THMJ II/C/64 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1926 None
580 THMJ II/C/65 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1927 None
581 THMJ II/C/66 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1928 None
582 THMJ II/C/67 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1929 None
583 THMJ II/C/68 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Mar-Ap 1930 None
584 THMJ II/C/69 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge May 1930 None
585 THMJ II/C/70 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jun 1930 None
586 THMJ II/C/71 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Jan-Oct 1931 None
587 THMJ II/C/72-73 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Nov 1931 None
588 THMJ II/C/74 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Dec 1931 None
589 THMJ II/C/75 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1932 None
590 THMJ II/C/76 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Apr-Jul 1933 None
591 THMJ II/C/77 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Aug Dec 1933 None
592 THMJ II/C/78 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1934 None
593 THMJ II/C/79 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge 1935-1944 None
594 THMJ II/C/80 Correspondence: Received by J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Undated None
595 THMJ II/C/81 Invitations Jun-Nov 1918 None
596 THMJ II/C/82 Invitations: Replies to an invitation to attend the Mission to Seamen Meeting on 27 Jan Jan 1919 None
597 THMJ II/C/83 Invitations 1919 None
598 THMJ II/C/84 Invitations Jan-Feb 1920 None
599 THMJ II/C/85-86 Invitations: Replies to an invitation to a dance hosted by the Thomsons on 17 February. Feb 1920 None
600 THMJ II/C/87 Invitations Mar 1920 None
601 THMJ II/C/88 Invitations Apr-Jul 1920 None
602 THMJ II/C/89-91 Invitations May 1920 None
603 THMJ II/C/92-93 Invitations: Including replies to invitation to the Trinity Ball on 14 Jun Jun 1920 None
604 THMJ II/C/94 Invitations Sept-Dec 1920 None
605 THMJ II/C/95 Invitations Jan-Apr 1921 None
606 THMJ II/C/96 Invitations May 1921 None
607 THMJ II/C/97 Invitations Jun-Jul 1921 None
608 THMJ II/C/98 Invitations Aug-Dec 1921 None
609 THMJ II/C/99 Invitations 1922 None
610 THMJ II/C/100 Invitations: Including to a Royal Evening Party and the marriage of the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Apr 1923 None
611 THMJ II/C/101 Invitations: Including an invitation for Lady Thomson and her daughter Joan to Buckingham Palace on 21 May and 25 Jun May-Jun 1924 None
612 THMJ II/C/102-105 Invitations: Replies to invitations to a number of dances hosted by the Thomsons in early Feb 1926 Jan-Feb 1926 None
613 THMJ II/C/106 Invitations Jun-Sept 1926 None
614 THMJ II/C/107-108 Invitations Oct 1926 None
615 THMJ II/C/109 Invitations Jan-Mar 1927 None
616 THMJ II/C/110 Invitations Apr-May 1927 None
617 THMJ II/C/111 Invitations Jun-Dec 1927 None
618 THMJ II/C/112 Invitations Jan-Feb 1928 None
619 THMJ II/C/113 Invitations Mar-Apr 1928 None
620 THMJ II/C/114 Invitations May 1928 None
621 THMJ II/C/115 Invitations Jun-Aug 1928 None
622 THMJ II/C/115 Invitations Jun-Aug 1928 None
623 THMJ II/C/116 Invitations Sept-Dec 1928 None
624 THMJ II/C/117 Invitations Oct-Dec 1929 None
625 THMJ II/C/118 Invitations May-Dec 1930 None
626 THMJ II/C/119-120 Invitations 1931 None
627 THMJ II/C/121 Invitations 1932 None
628 THMJ II/C/122 Invitations 1933 None
629 THMJ II/C/123 Invitations 1934 None
630 THMJ II/C/124-127 Invitations c 1929-1934 None
631 THMJ II/C/128 Invitations 1935-1938 None
632 THMJ II/C/129-130 Invitations [n.d.] None
633 THMJ II/C/131 Entrance Scholarship examination papers, Trinity College Cambridge Dec 1937 None
634 THMJ II/C/132-137 Entrance Scholarship examination scripts, Trinity College Cambridge Dec 1937 None
635 THMJ II/D/5 Two photographs of instruments used by E. H. Barton in Bonn Jul 1893 None
636 THMJ II/D/7 Two glass photographic plates, with letter 1917 None
637 THMJ II/D/9 Miscellaneous photographs n.d None
638 THMJ II/E/3 Correspondence re the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, London Jan-Jun 1930 None
639 THMJ II/E/4 Correspondence from the Board of Trade, London, 1913, 1919 None
640 THMJ II/E/5 Menu card, letter and programme re activities of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1909-1910 None
641 THMJ II/E/6 Correspondence from the British Institute of Philosophical Studies, London 1924-1930 None
642 THMJ II/E/7-8 Replies to invitation by Thomson, as President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, to a Conservazione at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge on 12 March 1896. 1896 None
643 THMJ II/E/9 Correspondence re the Committee for the Reception of French Visitors Jun 1906 None
644 THMJ II/E/29 Correspondence from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research [British Government] 1924-1925, n.d None
645 THMJ II/E/30 Correspondence from the Institute de France informing Thomson that he has been elected a Foreign Associate of its Academy of Sciences 24 Oct - 27 Nov 1919 None
646 THMJ II/E/31 Material re the Physical Society of London visit to Cambridge on 20 June 1914 1914 None
647 THMJ II/E/32 Correspondence, lecture programmes re the Royal Institution of Great Britain 1894–1914 None
648 THMJ II/E/33-35 Correspondence, programmes and press cuttings re the Royal Society 1886–1920 None
649 THMJ II/F/1 Manuscript inscribed 'Extract from Cambridge Review February 20 1890: Letters to Lecturers'. [Feb 1890?] None
650 THMJ II/F/2 Manuscript of speech delivered by Thomson at the 150th anniversary celebrations, 20-22 Oct 1896, of the University of Princeton [1896?] None
651 THMJ II/F/3 'On Cathode Rays', given to the Cambridge Philosophical Society 8 Feb 1897 None
652 THMJ II/F/4 'Electric Sparks', given at Owens College, Manchester 6 Dec 1897 None
653 THMJ II/F/5 Manuscript of Thomson's Nobel Lecture, 'Carriers of Negative Electricity' 6 Dec 1906 None
654 THMJ II/F/6 Manuscript of 'On Rays of Positive Electricity', delivered at the Royal Institution, London 22 Mar 1907 None
655 THMJ II/F/7 'The Carriers of Positive Electricity', delivered at the Royal Institution, London 10 Apr 1908 None
656 THMJ II/F/14 Manuscript inscribed 'Commemoration Sermon December 1918' Dec 1918 None
657 THMJ II/F/21 'The Structure of Light': Fison Memorial Lecture, delivered at Guy's Hospital Medical School, 7 May 1925, with related correspondence 1924-1925 None
658 THMJ II/F/22 Letter to Thomson re celebrations of Newton's bicentenary organised by the Yorkshire Branch of the Mathematical Association; 'Newton's Work in Physics', delivered at Grantham, Lincolnshire, 20 Mar 1927 1926-1927 None
659 THMJ II/F/28 Notebook containing untitled manuscript draft, with loose manuscript material [n. d.] None
660 THMJ II/F/35 A Text Book of Physics: Memorandum of Agreement from Charles Griffin and Co. 1889 None
661 THMJ II/F/37 Royalties from the publication of Vortex Rings and Dynamics 1 Jul 1888 - 30 Jun 1889 None
662 THMJ II/F/38 Not used None
663 THMJ II/F/40 Hard-backed notebook inscribed on first page 'Conduction through Electricity First Edition 2' 1901 None
664 THMJ II/F/48 Manuscript inscribed 'Nature, Dec. 15, 1910 "A History of the Cavendish Laboratory"'. 1910 None
665 THMJ II/F/50 Correspondence relating to the journal Discovery 1921, 1930, 1936 None
666 THMJ II/G/1 Correspondence, invitations and programmes re the Jubilee of Lord Kelvin at the University of Glasgow 15–16 June 1896 None
667 THMJ II/G/4 Correspondence, invitations and programme for the Owens College Manchester Jubilee 12–13 Mar 1902 None
668 THMJ II/G/5 Material re visit to Baltimore, USA, May 1903 11 May 1903 None
669 THMJ II/G/6 Correspondence re the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting held at the University of Manitoba 28 Apr 1908 None
670 THMJ II/G/7-9 Material relating to the 500th Anniversary Celebrations, University of St Andrews Sept 1911 None
671 THMJ II/G/12 Programme re the Yorkshire Branch of the Mathematical Association's celebrations of the bicentenary of the death of Sir Isaac Newton [1927?] None
672 THMJ II/G/13 Material relating to the International Geographical Congress, held in Jul 1928 at Trinity College Cambridge [1928]? None
673 THMJ II/H/1 Correspondence with G. F. Fitzgerald 1898, n.d None
674 THMJ II/H/2 Correspondence with E. B. Ludlam 1921, 1925 None
675 THMJ II/H/3 Correspondence with J. B. Perrin 1897–1898 None
676 THMJ II/H/4 Correspondence with G. G. Stokes 1896–1898 None
677 THMJ II/H/5 Correspondence with J. W. Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh 1896, 1917 None
678 THMJ II/H/6 Correspondence with Lord Kelvin 1884-1906 None
679 THMJ II/H/7 Shorter scientific correspondence 1888–1895 None
680 THMJ II/H/8 Shorter scientific correspondence 1896 None
681 THMJ II/H/9 Shorter scientific correspondence 1897-1898 None
682 THMJ II/H/10 Shorter scientific correspondence 1903–1919 None
683 THMJ II/H/11 Shorter scientific correspondence 1921-1922 None
684 THMJ II/H/12 Shorter scientific correspondence 1924 None
685 THMJ II/H/13 Shorter scientific correspondence 1925–1938 None
686 THMJ II/H/14 Shorter scientific correspondence (undated) [n.d] None
687 THMJ II/H/15 General correspondence 1878-1886 None
688 THMJ II/H/16 General correspondence 1893-1898 None
689 THMJ II/H/17 General correspondence 1902-1910 None
690 THMJ II/H/18 General correspondence 1911-1917 None
691 THMJ II/H/19 General correspondence 1918-1919 None
692 THMJ II/H/20 General correspondence: from Buckingham Palace re arrangements for visit of Prince Albert [the future George VI] to Cambridge Jul 1919 None
693 THMJ II/H/21 General correspondence 1920 None
694 THMJ II/H/22 General correspondence 1921-1922 None
695 THMJ II/H/23 General correspondence 1923-1924 None
696 THMJ II/H/24 General correspondence 1926-1927 None
697 THMJ II/H/25 General correspondence 1930-1933 None
698 THMJ II/H/26 General correspondence 1934 None
699 THMJ II/H/27-29 General correspondence 1935 None
700 THMJ II/H/30 General correspondence 1936-1939 None
701 THMJ II/H/31 General correspondence (undated) [n.d] None
702 THMJ II/H/32-35 General correspondence: contents of folder inscribed 'Letters to JJ from distinguished people and others' 1880-1938 None
703 THMJ II/H/36 General correspondence: bundle of telegrams 1902-1934 None