File report

Archival description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 DAVT/A/4 Correspondence and material relating to the memoir of Davenport by C. A. Rogers, D. A. Burgess, H. Halberstam and B. J. Birch c 1971 None
2 DAVT/A/47 Fellowship of Royal Society, Letters of congratulation. A - G 1940 None
3 DAVT/A/48 Fellowship of Royal Society, Letters of congratulation. H - N 1940 None
4 DAVT/A/49 Fellowship of Royal Society, Letters of congratulation. O - T, and first names only 1940 None
5 DAVT/A/52 University College of North Wales, Bangor application papers 1941 None
6 DAVT/A/53 University College of North Wales, Bangor correspondence 1941 None
7 DAVT/A/56 University College London correspondence Dec. 1944-Apr. 1945 None
8 DAVT/A/61 Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, University of Cambridge correspondence re appointment Dec. 1957-Feb. 1958 None
9 DAVT/A/62 Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, University of Cambridge: Letters of congratulation; A - C n.d. None
10 DAVT/A/63 Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, University of Cambridge: Letters of congratulation; D - J n.d. None
11 DAVT/A/64 Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, University of Cambridge: Letters of congratulation; L - O n.d. None
12 DAVT/A/65 Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, University of Cambridge: Letters of congratulation; P - R n.d. None
13 DAVT/A/66 Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, University of Cambridge: Letters of congratulation; S - W and unidentified n.d. None
14 DAVT/A/68 The Royal Society's Sylvester Medal Nov. 1967 None
15 DAVT/A/70 The Royal Society's Sylvester Medal: Letters of congratulation; A - H n.d. None
16 DAVT/A/71 The Royal Society's Sylvester Medal: Letters of congratulation; M - T n.d. None
17 DAVT/A/72 The Royal Society's Sylvester Medal: Letters of congratulation First names and unidentified n.d. None
18 DAVT/A/74 Honorary D.Sc., Nottingham correspondence 1968 None
19 DAVT/A/75 Honorary D.Sc., Nottingham press cuttings 1968 None
20 DAVT/A/76 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: A None
21 DAVT/A/77 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: B None
22 DAVT/A/78 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: C None
23 DAVT/A/79 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: D None
24 DAVT/A/80 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: E - G None
25 DAVT/A/81 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: H None
26 DAVT/A/82 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: J - L None
27 DAVT/A/83 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: M, O None
28 DAVT/A/84 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: P None
29 DAVT/A/85 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: Q, R None
30 DAVT/A/86 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: S None
31 DAVT/A/87 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: T, V None
32 DAVT/A/88 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: W None
33 DAVT/A/89 Letters of condolence on Davenport's death: Unidentified None
34 DAVT/A/90 Memorial Services nd None
35 DAVT/A/132 Miscellaneous letters from friends abroad 1948–69 None