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R./2.40A/1 · Item · 20 Dec. 1902
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Trinity Lodge, Cambridge.—Encloses six letters (2–7) written by Lord Byron to Henry Drury, which have been bequeathed to the college by the son of the recipient.



Trinity Lodge, Cambridge
Dec. 20. 1902

My dear Vice-Master,

On Thursday last {1} I had a visit of some hours from Mr L. M. Stewart, nephew and executor of the late Mr “Ben Drury,” of Caius {2}.

He read to me the enclosed letters of Byron to Mr Drury’s father, “Old Harry” as he was called at Harrow, a Son of Dr Joseph Drury the Head Master.

He left out one sentence in one letter about the Turks, which he told me was disgusting {3}, and I have not seen it.

The letters date between 1807 {4}, when the Hours of Idleness were published, and 1815 soon after Byron’s Marriage.

As there are numerous references to my Father, it may be well just to point out that my Father succeeded Dr Drury at Easter, 1805, and that Byron left the School that summer, i.e. I suppose, at the end of July. Consequently, their relation as Master and Pupil lasted only some 12, 13, or 14 weeks. How a reconciliation came about, and how the “gold pen” was given, I do not know, but our family tradition vouches for both facts, to say nothing of Moore’s Biography.

You will observe that the letter of 1810, in wh. the {5} reference to the “gold pen” occurs, describes the famous swim from Sestos to Abydos, and adds—what I had either not known or forgotten—that the swimmer had made a previous attempt which failed.

May I ask you and Dr Sinker kindly to take Charge of the letters, which Mr Benjamin Drury bequeathed to our Library, and to consider where and in what form they may best be kept. The fact that they are a bequest should be specially recorded.

Perhaps it might also be recorded that Dr Joseph Drury, the Grandfather of the Testator, was himself a Trinity man. His Son, “Old Harry,” to whom Byron wrote the letters, was at Eton and King’s.

I am, my dear Vice-Master,

Most truly yours
H. Montagu Butler


2 folded sheets.

{1} The 18th.

{2} Benjamin Drury’s sister Emily (1813–1902) married Stewart’s father, Lestock Wilson Stewart (1824–1876), an army doctor, in India in 1852.

{3} See the letter of 3 May 1810 (R.2.40A/4). Stewart may well have omitted more than one sentence.

{4} The earliest of the letters (R.2.40A/2) in fact dates from 13 January 1808, but it was misdated 1807.

{5} ‘1810’ struck through.

GREG/1/109 · Item · 10 Nov. 1942
Part of Papers of Sir Walter Greg (W. W. Greg)

University of Edinburgh.—Thanks him for a copy of The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare.



University of Edinburgh

My dear Greg,

Very many thanks for The Editorial Problem just received. I have read several of the chapters & passed it on to Duthie for the time to read you on Lear as he’s working on that just now. When I get it back I propose (now!) to write you a long letter about it. All I will say at the moment is that it seems at the top of your form, that I shall no doubt, as usual with your books, suck thereout no small advantage & that I only wish what you call ‘The’ problem was the only problem an editor had to face—it has seemed to one editor the least of his problems lately.

I read your friendly reference to myself at the beginning with very great pleasure: to be linked in this way with Aldis Wright is indeed an honour.

I hope that all continues to go well with your family in this disastrous world. My boy is now a Lance Cp.l† in the S.A.M.C. {1} but so far has not got farther than Port Elizabeth.

Yours ever
J. Dover Wilson


{1} South African Medical Corps.

† Sic.

O./10a.41 · Item · 1879
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Title on spine: 'Fitzgerald's Translations | Original Letters and Proof Sheets | Vol. II' [Vol. I is O.10a.42, a volume of letters from Fitzgerald to Quaritch'. 'Extremely interesting & valuable' written in pencil on the first leaf; note below, identifies the hand as Quaritch's. All following items tipped in onto trimmed paper stubs.

Letter from William Aldis Wright to Bernard Quaritch writing as FitzGerald's executor, 22 Jun 1883.

Nine letters from Edward FitzGerald to Bernard Quaritch, 24 Mar. 1879-4 Jun. 1879; the last letter in the book, [Apr. 1979], has a strip of printed proof pasted to it, with corrections by FitzGerald in ink. Letter to FitzGerald, 17 Apr. 1879, incomplete and without signature but from Edward Byles Cowell [see preceding letter, and pencil note at bottom of FitzGerald's letter of 20 Apr.]

Printed proofs of title page, with annotations by FitzGerald, and sub-title page of Jami's Salámán and Absál; proof from the 'Notes' to Omar Khayyám, paginated 35-36, with MS sheet in FitzGerald's hand pasted to it; two versions of revised proofs of pp. 97-112 of Salámán and Absál, with corrections and comments by FitzGerald, including a sheet of paper pasted on at the verso of the second p. 112; printed leaves from the first edition of the Life of Jami, 4 ff., with numerous revisions by FitzGerald, including an MS slip pasted to the recto of the fourth sheet; printed copy of the first edition of Salámán and Absál [1856]., 23 ff., paginated 1-45, with extensive corrections by FitzGerald including slips pasted in at various places.

References to 'the Critic' in the correspondence and notes are to Michael Kerney, Quaritch's chief assistant, cataloguer, and literary adviser.

FitzGerald, Edward (1809-1883), writer and translator
GREG/1/113 · Item · 22 Jan. 1904
Part of Papers of Sir Walter Greg (W. W. Greg)

Trinity College, Cambridge.—Thanks him, on the College’s behalf, for his Catalogue of the Capell Collection.



Trinity College, Cambridge
22 January 1904

My dear Greg

I have the great pleasure of conveying to you by desire of the Council the thanks of the College for the admirable Catalogue of the Capell Collection which you have completed with such care. For the first time it will be possible for outsiders to know what it really contains.

Believe me to be

Yours very sincerely
W. Aldis Wright
V. M. {1}

Walter W. Greg Esq.


{1} Vice Master.

Add. MS c/99/133 · Item · [May 1870?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Writes to ask her to inform William of certain developments; that 'W.A. Wright [new member of the Ad Eundem] cannot come'; that he himself will come if his hayfever is not too bad; and that he has not yet heard from the other new member. States that he is glad to hear that he [William?] is going on so well. Expresses his regret at the news of 'the calamity', involving Dr Meyer. States that he has never met the latter, but that he has heard a good deal from Mary about a Miss Meyer. Reports that [in Cambridge] they are all 'quiet and prosperous', and that he is 'rather hard at work with a variety of teachings.' Asks whether she has got any subscriptions for him for the ladies' lectures. Reports that he has read the greater part of Disraeli's novel [Lothair?], and does not think it equal to the best of his earlier ones, but states that 'it is very light and amusing reading.' Does not think that he has read anything else lately except Rossetti's poems, some of which he judges to be 'splendid', but he would not recommend the whole book.

Add. MS b/35/138 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity Lodge, Cambridge Dated February 13th, 1915 - Thanks him for the books ['Essays of Joseph Addison'?] and admires them, 'even [John Henry] Newman and Dean Church rarely surpass him', quotes Aldis Wright as saying that for narrative purposes he thought Froude the best stylist, knows Frazer thinks Macaulay is a great narrator; Whewell's Court has 400 Privates, and for their final Parade the Colonel of the Welshmen put Butler's grandson David Morley Fletcher on his horse from Great Gate to the Lodge, is pleased no vote of censure was proposed for this action by the Council.

Add. MS a/190/15 · Item · 27 July 1879
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Trinity College, Cambridge - Written to Aldis Wright in Lowestoft with information about the Master [W. H. Thompson] writing from Carlsbad, the Vice -Master from Zurich, and Blore's return from Mürren and Vevey; news from Cambridge - a judge in residence, and an article about the Commission wishing to install a religious instructor in every College.

Cobb, Gerard Francis (1838-1904), composer and writer
Add. MS c/153 · File · 1894-1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

146 letters, most of them replies to invitations to dinner, with a few concerning arrangements to stay in rooms in College for the night, sent to the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, or specifically to Henry Montagu Butler, John Walton Capstick, Hugh McLeod Innes, or William Aldis Wright. An original letter of invitation may be found as part of item 65.

Thirteen of the letters concern other matters related to Trinity College business, as described below.
Items 9-11: Blomfield, Sir Arthur William. Asks to use the College Hall for lunch for the Royal Academy Club annual excursion, June 1899
Item 19: Dalzell, Robert Harris Carnwath, 11th Earl of Carnwath. 7 Jan. 1899. Remittance for fees, deducting a fine incurred by his son which should be paid for by the culprit
Item 40: Devonshire, Duke of. Undated. Contribution to the Trinity College, Cambridge Mission Appeal.
Items 61-62: Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse. 1896, 1898. Encloses payment for his subscription to the Trinity College Mission and the Cambridge House
Item 84: Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings, 1st Baronet. 1898. Encloses payment for dues
Items 100-101: Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred. 25 Mar. and 1 May 1899, encloses lists of students and other women from Newnham who would like to attend the Rayleigh lecture
Item 108: Stanton, Vincent Henry. 3 Sept. n.y. Concerning the opening times of the Trinity College Library
Item 123: Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Viscount Alverstone. 19 July 1897. Encloses cheque for subscription.
Item 126: Whitehead, Alfred North. 21 Oct. n.y. To Capstick, asks for questions for the General Question paper

One letter appears to be personal, not Trinity College business: item 90, sent to John William Capstick by Georg Hermann Quincke 15 July 1896, who writes about electric currents, citing articles, and describing his overcrowded laboratory (in German).

Add. MS b/17 · Subseries · 1861-1926
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Includes testimonials and printed material. Some letters have explicatory notes by Florence Image. Almost 40 letters from Henry Jackson. Several letters from or relating to: H. M. Butler (some to Florence Image), A. V. Verrall, W. Aldis Wright, W. H. Thompson, Duncan Crookes Tovey and other members of his family, J. G. Frazer, J. N. Dalton, and J. W. L. Glaisher; for other correspondents see names below. Some letters by Image himself to various correspondents, and printed material