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EDDN/B/3/4 · Item · [before July 1942]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington

§ 1. The conditions of observability.
§ 2. Correlation.
§ 3. The importance of systematic description.
§ 4. The uncertainty of the origin.
§ 5. Application to wave functions.
§ 6. Three-dimensional distributions.
§ 7. Extension to four dimensions.
§ 8. Curvature of space.
§ 9. Standard masses of the particles.

EDDN/B/3/3 · Item · [before July 1942]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington

§ 1. The conditions of observability.
§ 2. Correlation.
§ 3. The uncertainty of the origin.

(Earlier than B2/17. Contains a reference to an article by H. C. Corben in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, xxxv (1939), 203.)

EDDN/B/3/19 · Item · [before June 1942]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington


§ 1. Introduction.
§ 2. The theoretical formulae.
§ 3. Comparison of theory and observation.
§ 4. Values of the constants.
§ 5. The problem of consistency.
§ 6. The β-coefficients.
§ 7. The constant e/mec.
§ 8. The constant h/e.

(This manuscript, which is marked as having been received by the Physical Society on 8 June, was evidently used as the copy for the text printed in the Society's Proceedings.)

EDDN/B/3/18 · Item · [before July 1942]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington

ff. 1–9:
§ 1. Introduction.
§ 2. The theoretical formulae.
§ 3. Comparison of theory and observation.
§ 4. Alternative experimental methods.
§ 5. Values of the constants.

f. 10:
§ 5. The problem of consistency [beginning].

f. 11:
[§ 6. The β-coefficients [conclusion].]

ff. 12–21:
[§ 2. The theoretical formulae [conclusion].]
§ 3. Comparison of theory and observation
§ 4. Values of the constants.
§ 5. The problem of consistency.
§ 6. The β-coefficients.
§ 7. The spectroscopic e/mec.

ff. 22–5:
§ 6. The β-coefficients.
§ 7. The constant e/mec [beginning].

(This item comprises various superseded parts of B3/19. The sheets have been numbered in the order in which they were found, but it is possible that some jumbling has taken place. At least six different states of this paper may be distinguished, as follows:
(i) B3/18, ff. 1–9.
(ii) B3/19, ff. 1–6; B3/18, ff. 12–21
(iii) B3/19, ff. 1–12; B3/18, f. 10.
(iv) B3/19, ff. 1–15; B3/18, ff. 22–25;
(v) B3/19, ff. 1–16; B3/18, f. 11; B3/19, ff. 18–?.
(vi) B3/19, ff. 1–17, 17a, 18–23.)

EDDN/B/3/14 · Item · [Aug.–Sept. 1942]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington


Part I: The Uncertainty of the Reference Frame.
§ 1. The uncertainty of the origin.
§ 2. The Bernoulli fluctuation.
§ 3. The standard of length.
§ 4. Range of nuclear forces and the recession of the nebulae.
§ 5. Uranoids.
§ 6. The extraneous standard and scale-free physics.
§ 7. Stabilised characteristics.
§ 8. Pseudo-discrete states.

Part II: Multiplicity Factors.
§ 9. The rigid field treatment.
§ 10. Rigid fields in scale-free physics.
§ 11. Standard carriers.
§ 12. Mass-ratio of the proton and electron.
§ 13. The inversion of quantum energy.
§ 14. Rigid coordinates.
§ 15. Mutual and self energy.

Part III: Electrical Theory.
§ 16. Interchange of comparison particles.
§ 17. Electric energy.
§ 18. The β-factors.
§ 19. The fine structure constant.
§ 20. Comparison with observation.

Part IV: Gravitation, Exclusion and Interchange.
§ 21. Physical and geometrical momenta.
§ 22. The creation of proper mass.
§ 23. Determination of m0 and m.
§ 24. The constant of gravitation.
§ 25. Exclusion.
§ 26. The negative energy levels
§ 27. Interchange of external particles.
§ 28. Non-Coulombian energy.

(For the date, see Slater, p. 12. The titles of §§ 11 and 22 were altered respectively from ‘Initial and transition energy’ and ‘The origin of proper mass’.)

EDDN/B/1/15 · Item · [Sept. 1944 and 1946]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington

Chapter XII [continued].
§ 125. Symbolic occupation.
§ 126. Einstein-Bose particles.
§ 127. Photons.
§ 128. Life-time of the mesotron.

Chapter XIII: Epistemological Theory.
[§§ 129–136.] As in Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. xl (1944), p. 37, expanded.

Chapter XIV. Summary.
§ 137. The principles of fundamental theory.

EDDN/B/2/25 · Item · [before July 1942]
Part of Papers of Sir Arthur Eddington

[Summary of Chapter IV.]

Chapter IV: Exclusion and Interchange.
§29. The phase coordinate.
§30. Mutual and self energy.
§31. Elision of comparison particles.
§32. Exclusion.
§33. The negative energy levels.
§35. The factor 3/5.
§36[a]. Interaction of V10 particles.
§38. Interchange.
§37[a]. The Newtonian potential.
§37[b]. The Newtonian potential.
§36[b]. The Newtonian potential.

EDDN · Fonds · 1897-1982
Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley (1882-1944), knight, theoretical physicist and astrophysicist