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Cutting from 'Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé' containing an article headed 'J.-G. Frazer et Le Rameau d'or' by Paul-Louis Couchoud
Cutting from 'Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé' containing an article headed 'J.-G. Frazer et Le Rameau d'or' by Paul-Louis Couchoud
Manuscript music score, 'Dreams'
Manuscript music score, 'Dreams'
Letter from Warren R. Dawson to Sir James Frazer
Letter from Warren R. Dawson to Sir James Frazer
Typescript of 'The Latin Fabulists'
Typescript of 'The Latin Fabulists'
Manuscript draft of 'Les Femmes Savantes'
Manuscript draft of 'Les Femmes Savantes'
Letter from P. Alphandéry to 'Maitre' [Sir James Frazer]
Letter from P. Alphandéry to 'Maitre' [Sir James Frazer]
Letter from Herbert Mayow Adams to Lady Frazer
Letter from Herbert Mayow Adams to Lady Frazer
'An Anthology of English Prose'
'An Anthology of English Prose'
Letter from R. R. Marett to J. G. Frazer
Letter from R. R. Marett to J. G. Frazer
Petitions for a Civil Pension for Lorimer Fison and after his death, his family
Petitions for a Civil Pension for Lorimer Fison and after his death, his family
Partial early draft of the Preface
Partial early draft of the Preface
Letter from A. M. Adam to Lady Frazer
Letter from A. M. Adam to Lady Frazer
Typescript catalogue, 'Dr. J. G. Frazer's Library'
Typescript catalogue, 'Dr. J. G. Frazer's Library'
Proof of 'More Spectator Papers' for 'The Nineteenth Century'
Proof of 'More Spectator Papers' for 'The Nineteenth Century'
Diary of a Tour in Spain
Diary of a Tour in Spain
Letter from G. M. Trevelyan to J. G. Frazer
Letter from G. M. Trevelyan to J. G. Frazer
Letter from St Clair Baddeley to Lady Frazer
Letter from St Clair Baddeley to Lady Frazer
Album of newspaper cuttings
Album of newspaper cuttings
Typed letter from Rodney G. Dakin to Sir James Frazer
Typed letter from Rodney G. Dakin to Sir James Frazer
Cuttings and whole periodicals containing book reviews and news items
Cuttings and whole periodicals containing book reviews and news items
Partial first galley proof of Book I
Partial first galley proof of Book I
Typescript 'Letter from Sir James Frazer to be read at the presentation to Dr Haddon on the occasion of his eightieth birthday'
Typescript 'Letter from Sir James Frazer to be read at the presentation to Dr Haddon on the occasion of his eightieth birthday'
Letter from H. Virchow and P. Traeger of the Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte to Sir James Frazer
Letter from H. Virchow and P. Traeger of the Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte to Sir James Frazer
Letter from Ishbel Aberdeen & Temair to Lady Frazer
Letter from Ishbel Aberdeen & Temair to Lady Frazer
Album of cuttings
Album of cuttings
Marked galley proofs of 'Creation and Evolution in Primitive Cosmogonies'
Marked galley proofs of 'Creation and Evolution in Primitive Cosmogonies'
Manuscript Music Scores and Related Printed Material
Manuscript Music Scores and Related Printed Material
Manuscript draft, corrected of Lectures I-VI [Vol. I]
Manuscript draft, corrected of Lectures I-VI [Vol. I]
Letter from Harold D. Bateson to Lady Frazer
Letter from Harold D. Bateson to Lady Frazer
Letter from Ch. Adam to Sir James Frazer
Letter from Ch. Adam to Sir James Frazer