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Affichage de 79 résultats

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Manuscripts in Printed Books
Manuscripts in Printed Books
Letter from William Clarke to [Andrew Coltée Ducarel]
Letter from William Clarke to [Andrew Coltée Ducarel]
Letter from Giacomo Casanova to Carlo Casanova
Letter from Giacomo Casanova to Carlo Casanova
Two letters from J. G. Lockhart to [William Whewell]
Two letters from J. G. Lockhart to [William Whewell]
Letter from E. S. Cayley to William Whewell
Letter from E. S. Cayley to William Whewell
Two letters from J. G. Lockhart to [William Whewell]
Two letters from J. G. Lockhart to [William Whewell]
Letter from W. H. Smyth to William Whewell
Letter from W. H. Smyth to William Whewell
Letter from Edward Tagart to William Whewell
Letter from Edward Tagart to William Whewell
Letter from R. Gwatkin to William Whewell
Letter from R. Gwatkin to William Whewell
Letter from George Boole to William Whewell
Letter from George Boole to William Whewell
Letter from C. H. Hartshorne to William Whewell
Letter from C. H. Hartshorne to William Whewell
Letter from H. Goodwin to [William Whewell]
Letter from H. Goodwin to [William Whewell]
Letter from H. S. [Henry Sykes?] Thornton to William Whewell
Letter from H. S. [Henry Sykes?] Thornton to William Whewell
Letter from W. Forsyth to William Whewell
Letter from W. Forsyth to William Whewell
Letter from Catharine Amelia Smith to [William Whewell]
Letter from Catharine Amelia Smith to [William Whewell]
Letter from G. Cornewall Lewis to William Whewell
Letter from G. Cornewall Lewis to William Whewell
Note from Cornelius Gulielmus Opzoomer to William Whewell
Note from Cornelius Gulielmus Opzoomer to William Whewell
Note from Eliot Warburton to Messrs Colburn & Co
Note from Eliot Warburton to Messrs Colburn & Co
Letter from E. C. Hawtrey to William Whewell
Letter from E. C. Hawtrey to William Whewell
Draft of a letter from William Whewell to a member of the Council of the Society of Arts
Draft of a letter from William Whewell to a member of the Council of the Society of Arts
Verse by Eliot Warburton, written out by his wife
Verse by Eliot Warburton, written out by his wife
Letter from J. F. Denham to William Whewell
Letter from J. F. Denham to William Whewell
Letter from George Drought Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from George Drought Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Thomas Acton Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Thomas Acton Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Ferdinand Gasc to William Whewell
Letter from Ferdinand Gasc to William Whewell
Letter from Matilda Jane Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Matilda Jane Warburton to Richard Monckton Milnes
William Whewell: translation of part of Voss' Luise
William Whewell: translation of part of Voss' Luise
Letter from C. Harbin to [William Whewell]
Letter from C. Harbin to [William Whewell]
Letter from Alexander Wilcocks to William Whewell
Letter from Alexander Wilcocks to William Whewell
Letter from H. L. Mansel to [William Whewell]
Letter from H. L. Mansel to [William Whewell]