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FRAZ/9/3 · Pièce · 3 May 1931
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Copy of a notebook containing bibliographies for subjects covered in all 3 volumes of 'The Fear of the Dead', beginning with 'Works to be consulted' followed by bibliographies for over 90 different subjects, such as 'Ghosts imparting fertility to crops', 'Oracles given by ghosts', and 'Dangerous ghosts of the murdered'.

Date from cover page.

FRAZ/9 · Série · 1931-1936
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

FRAZ/9 consists of 1 box of material relating to 'The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion' spanning the dates 1931-1936. It contains the manuscript draft of Vol. I, printed in 1932; the typescript of Volume III, and a typescript of a notebook containing bibliographies for subjects covered in all three volumes. There is more material housed in FRAZ/26, including some slight variants of the bibliographies; and material relating to the French translation, 'La crainte des morts'.

FRAZ/8/5/14 · Pièce · Mar. 1927
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Corrections are in Frazer's hand, with an extra preface laid in loose corrected by Charles Whibley. With date stamps and proof stamp on title page by 'Andrew Reid & Company Ltd., Newcastle-Upon-Tyne'.

Miscellaneous Printed Material
FRAZ/8/5 · Dossier · 1905-1940
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

16 printed items, including articles, offprints, and pamphlets by, about or mentioning Frazer. With two partial sets of unbound proof sheets of books translated by Lady Frazer: the abridged 'Rameau d'or' and Aulard's 'Christianity and the French Revolution.'