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Copy letter from Rendel Harris to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/10 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, Nr. Birmingham. Dated Oct. 22/03 - There is no convenient text book for the Calendar: he uses [Nicolaus] Nilles, 'Kalendarium Manuale', the printed Synaxaristes and the Acta Sanctorum; has some material on rain-charms and other things from Armenia, and asks if Frazer wants notes or something more formal.

Copy letter from Rendel Harris to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/12 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, Nr. Birmingham. Dated Nov. 12/03 - Sends a few corrections to the GB vol. I, and encloses a story of a friend, Joseph Hoyland Fox, made the victim of sympathetic magic [not transcribed]; sends a cutting from the 'Daily News' [not transcribed] relating to twins, one human, one divine.

Copy letter from Rendel [Harris] to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/18 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, nr. Birmingham. Dated Feb 4/06 - Has read the 'Fortnightly' articles ['The Beginnings of Religion and Totemism among the Australian Aborigines'] and remarks on the ignorance of conception noted there and mentions a similar ignorance in a village near Cambridge.

Copy letter from Rendel Harris to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/19 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, nr. Birmingham. Dated May 25/06 - Responds to a letter of Frazer's, about his theories about twins: twins and the Saints, twin-sanctuaries, twins in the Bible, twins and fertility.

Copy letter from Rendel Harris to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/22 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, nr. Birmingham. Dated April 14/15 - Responds to Frazer, who has complained of insoluble problems, finds [stories relating to] Abraham difficult to parse; will soon send a paper on the Origin of the Cult of Apollo.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/36 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 27 March, 1901 - Returns the [Henry Ling] Roth letter and asks him to encourage the Queensland Government to publish it, notes his theory of taboo and totemism is identical to Henry Jackson's; thanks him for the review of GB in 'Man' and discusses it at length, and cites [Franz] Cumont in regards to the question about the Acts of Saint Dasius.

Copy letter from E. Sidney Hartland to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/38 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Highgarth, Gloucester. Dated 31 March, 1901 - Received his letter [raising points in his review of GB], and admits that he was working from faulty memory as well; discusses religion vs magic in Australia, quoting [Alfred] Howitt who quotes [Samuel] Gason; has no wish for controversy with Frazer; 'mildly protests' that he did not question the authenticity of the Acts of St Dasius gratuitously, if it is established then the Abruzzian custom mentioned by Canon Pullen to Grant Allen, for which [Edward] Clodd got into hot water for repeating would be corroborated; doesn't think it would be wise to memorialize the Queensland Government to publish [Henry] Roth's collections, suggest [Alfred] Haddon phrase it in the most general terms.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/39 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 2 April, 1901 - Agrees with his view of avoiding controversy; thanks him for the reminder of the cases of prayer among the Dieri [reported by Alfred Howitt], and for his distinction between religion and worship; does not think, and neither does [Franz] Cumont that there is reason to doubt the Acts of St Dasius; admits he has not read Grant Allen's 'The Evolution of the Idea of God'; obtained information on the survivals of paganism from Miss Roma Lister, who helped [Charles] Leland collect folklore; offers notes to counter [Andrew] Lang's 'last tirade against me in the "Fortnightly"', including an exaggeration of a disagreement with [Theodor] Nöldeke, but is inclined to think Lang right in saying that the Crucifixion even on Frazer's theory would not have contributed to the deification of Christ and will strike that out in a new edition, and asks his opinion.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/40 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 19 April, 1901 - [Franz] Cumont sent a copy of a defense of the Acts of St Dasius; regrets that [Andrew] Lang is publishing a book and has not been in contact since writing the 'Fortnightly' articles; he had not heard of [F. B.] Jevons' article, and notes that [E. B.] Tylor hasn't written to acknowledge the book Frazer sent; could not vouch for Miss Lister's information; there is no need to say anything in print about his review.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/46-47 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 23 October, 1903 - Encloses a letter and postcard from Salomon Reinach [transcribed] about a story bearing a similiarity to the legend of Perseus, which is cited inadequately in Hartland's 'Perseus'; asks if he has heard any more from [Charles] Hill-Tout as to totemism.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/51 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 14 October 1906 - Thanks him for his review of 'Adonis', and responds to points made in his letter of 1 October on Herodotus' tale of prostitution of a maiden at the temple of Mylitta, on Egyptian brother and sister marriage, whether the 'baloi' are simply witches, and on the 'awful secret'.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/53 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 18 October 1907 - Encloses six copies of his [anthropological] questions; in the new edition of 'Adonis' he has considered the question of sacred prostitution in Western Asia much more fully in answer to [L. R.] Farnell.

Copy letter from E. Sidney Hartland to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/54 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Highgarth, Gloucester. Dated 12 January 1913 - Sends him a MS by Andrew Lang of the book on totemism and exogamy that he never published [not transcribed], is proposing to publish one chapter of it, but wants Frazer's approval. A typescript note at bottom states 'Frazer's reply to this letter has not been preserved.'

Copy letter from E. Sidney Hartland to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/57 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Highgarth, Gloucester. Dated 15 February 1915 - Is trying to arrive at some principles of criticism of historical traditions, and thought that [John] Roscoe and [Emil] Torday attached exaggerated value to the Baganda and Bushongo traditions; discusses naming of mothers by the names of their children, the eating of domestic fowls; describes Australia, the southern half a monotonous landscape and the canyons of the Blue Mountains beautiful; discusses stopping his subscription to the 'Athenaeum' and that there is nothing to take its place.

Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to E. S. Hartland
Add. MS b/36/60 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

No. 1 Brick Court, Temple, London E.C.4. Dated 3 March 1922 - Gives the reference in 'Man' where [John] Roscoe's account of the temporary annual king of Bunyoro appears; will be most pleased to go to Oxford to hear his lecture; has just finished reading proofs of Malinowski's new book on the 'Kula' of the Trobriand Islanders ['Argonauts of the Western Pacific'?]; and [Charles] Hobley's new 'Bantu Beliefs and Magic', both interesting and valuable.

Copy letter from C. W. Hobley to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/69 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Nairobi, B.E. Africa. Dated July 27/10 - Showed his letters to Col. [Theodore] Roosevelt and wonders if he visited Frazer; has come across two Kikuyu customs relating to 'thahu', a kind of curse, and the use of fig trees as a cure for barrenness; is displeased with the slowness of the University Press.

Copy letter from A. W. Howitt to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/85 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Finch Street, East Malvern, Melbourne. Dated 25 February, 1901 - Thanks him for the GB, which arrived in the mail, and for the mention of his daughter [Mary]'s work on Australian folklore and legends which they still hope to see printed; will see [Baldwin] Spencer before he heads to Central Australia, and [Lorimer] Fison as well; hopes to be able to devote a year to the completion of his work on the organization of native tribes.

Copy letter from A. W. Howitt to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/99 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

c/o Dr Howitt, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham. Dated 20 July, 1904 - Adds a bit more to the all father discussion, mentions Billy Wombat, who lived at the Mission Station, and Julaba, who lived with Howitt for a long time; contrasts their situation with that of [Baldwin] Spencer's Arunta.

Copy letter from Henry Jackson to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/102 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Maura, Dean Park Road, Bournemouth. Dated 21 March, 1896 - Congratulates him on his engagement; assures him there has been no coldness this term or ever, he has been busy: his brother Arthur died in December and he has been caught up in matters of his estate, and that of his father-in-law [Francis Vansittart Thornton], who died nearly a year ago.

Copy letter from Henry Jackson to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/103 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 18th February 1898 - Thanks him for the Pausanias, notes that it is twenty-four years since he took part in Frazer's election to a minor scholarship, and it is 'pleasant to think how completely you have justified the choice'.

Copy letter from Henry Jackson to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/106 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 30 October, 1919 - Thanks him for dedicating his book to him, congratulates himself for being on Council when they made Frazer a Student-Fellow 'one of our very best deeds'; his daughter Edith is writing to his dictation owing to eye troubles.

Copy letter from A. Lang to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/108 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

1 Marloes Road, Kensington, W. Dated April 21 - Thanks him for reading the draft of an unidentified text ['Modern Mythology'?]; mentions the mouse and Apollo, thinks exogamy is only part of the general totem taboo.

Copy letter from A. Lang to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/113 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

1 Marloes Road, Kensington, W. Dated April 20 - Refers to revisions in an unidentified work: the Pest is interesting and must be hitched in as it is the most 'totemy' thing in Greece.

Copy letter from E. Ray Lankester to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/114 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Chinehead, Westcliff Road, Bournemouth. Dated March 20th, 1919 - Has been reading his 'Folk-Lore in the Old Testament' and asks if he has notes about tests of maternal impressions; discusses sour milk superstitions, and menstrous women and milk; the clanging noises to drive away evil spirits; classical parallels to Jonah and the whale; 'jus primae noctis' and African tribal custom, and the 19th century French courtesan who connected sexual desire and ear piercing.

Copy letter from Edward W. Lewis to J. G. Frazer
Add. MS b/36/124 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Woodthorpe, Atkins Road, Clapham Park, S.W. Dated July 2nd, 1902 - Has been reading the 'Golden Bough' and has a story related to the Apalai Indians who asked to be stung by ants, he tells the story of his mother from Cheshire using bee stings to ease rheumatism.