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Add. MS c/101/178 · Stuk · 11 Mar 1868
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

States that she will be very glad to see any friend that he may bring to Rugby in Passion Week, and that she would very much like to see [J. R.] Seeley. Suggests that they stay a few days into Easter week, so that they could have a party on Easter Tuesday. Announces that his Uncle Robert will be there. States that she leaves Hillary Place [home of her brother John Crofts] the following Tuesday and goes for one night to Ryddlesden [John Benson Sidgwick], then to Stone Gappe [Francis John Lace], then the Raikes [Robert Hodgson Sidgwick] 'ending with poor Lucy Brown at Lytham', and will come home via Crewe.

Claims that she has heard nothing from William, and fears that he is still very unwell. Thanks Henry for his 'full explanation of Miss Tostal's difficulty', and undertakes to call upon her to tell her what he says before she leaves Leeds. Reports that Etty Crofts is reading all the material recommended by Mr Hales 'for the better understanding of his lectures....' Reports also that she has just heard from 'poor Mr. Horton who is suffering from congestion of one lung' and that he is to send his paper on Insanity so that Henry may judge whether it would be received by Macmillan. States that Henry's uncle [John?]'s health is better, and sometimes brave in his resolution to be cheerful, but that he often breaks down.

GASK/B · Reeks · 1970s
Part of Papers of J. P. W. Gaskell

Material for Gaskell's book published in Oxford by the Clarendon Press, 1978, organised by Gaskell into folders mirroring the chapters in the book: introduction and theory, Harington, Milton, Richardson, Swift, Scott, Tennyson, Dickens, Thackeray, Hawthorne, Hardy, Joyce, Stoppard, and photographs.

GASK/C · Reeks · 1959-1990
Part of Papers of J. P. W. Gaskell

Correspondence and papers relating to John Baskerville: a Bibliography, papers relating to his article 'Lay of the Case' in Studies in Bibliography, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia vol. 22, 1969; papers relating to a checklist of early stereotype books; papers relating to frisket fragments for red printing; a photograph album for 'A Census of Wooden Presses'; a typescript and offprint of 'The Principles and Problems of Cataloguing Early Books in Research Libraries' with a French translation and offprint from the Association de l'Ecole Nationale Superieure de Bibliothecaires, 1976; photomechanical copies of early printers proofs; and a bound typescript of 'Secret Lives', dated 1990.

Personal Library
GASK/E · Reeks · 1986, 1997
Part of Papers of J. P. W. Gaskell

Catalogue of Gaskell's personal library sold to Keio University, Tokyo dated 1986 with photographs of the Gaskell Collection in Keio University dated 1997 and a list of books by William Mason given to King's College Library in 1957.

ONSL/3/9/15 · Stuk · [May 1913]
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

V. du Rond Point, Biarritz, Basse Pyrenees, France. - Does not think Mr Onslow will mind her writing direct to Miss Moodie about the prolongation of his stay in Banchory. Discussion of Riverston. Thinks her sister would be 'very pleased' if Lady Onslow thought it would suit her son.

ONSL/3/15/1 · Stuk · 6 Jul 1914
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Windsmill, Enfield, Middlesex: - Is late in acknowledging Onslow's letter of 30 Jun due to absence from home; 'much obliged' for the particulars Onslow has given of his work, and as Fletcher is 'specially interested in any researches bearing on the cancer problem' will be 'very glad' if he can assist in furthering Onslow's work. Asks if he may write to Professor Hopkins for further information, and for information about the apparatus Onslow requires and its likely cost.

ONSL/3/15/5 · Stuk · 30 Jul 1914
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Thanks Onslow for explaining the limitations on direct research into cancer. Would like to discuss the matter with Sampson Handley, whom he knows well and is a leading authority on cancer. If Onslow is in London during August, asks if he may have 'the pleasure of calling' on him.

ONSL/3/15/6 · Stuk · [11 Jun 1915]
Part of Papers of Huia Onslow

Has not written since the war broke out as it felt 'impossible to ask for help during this time'. For last nine months has been in London, doing 'what little clerical war work was in my power' but 'owing to the kindness of a relation' has now returned to Cambridge. Has been asked by Professor Hopkins and Mr Cole to look into some questions 'directly concerning the conduct of the campaign', especially into a 'rapid means of diagnosing typhoid and para-typhoid'. Has the same trouble as before in obtaining apparatus, which is now more expensive; now has a room assured and for a hundred pounds could convert it into a 'very practicable laboratory'.

BROD II · Archief · 20th c.

Papers relating to psychical research and other occult subjects, the Perrott Fellowship, the Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lecture, and the Swedish language, with group photographs relating to Dulwich College.

Zonder titel
Papers of R. A. Herman
HERM · Archief · [c 1884]-1928

The papers primarily consist of mathematical notes on differential geometry, and are accompanied by a small group of printed pamphlets and correspondence.

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