Showing 2223 results
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25 letters from Charles Badham to W. H. Thompson
25 letters from Charles Badham to W. H. Thompson
A. E. Housman's comments on F. A. Simpson's Louis Napoleon and the Recovery of France, headed "Cavils"
A. E. Housman's comments on F. A. Simpson's Louis Napoleon and the Recovery of France, headed "Cavils"
Account [by the Master of Trinity, Henry Montagu Butler] of the royal visit to Trinity
Account [by the Master of Trinity, Henry Montagu Butler] of the royal visit to Trinity
Account of the rediscovery of Trinity College Junior Bursar's Account Book of 1688-92
Account of the rediscovery of Trinity College Junior Bursar's Account Book of 1688-92
Additional Manuscripts b
Additional Manuscripts b
Address card for Hermann Diels
Address card for Hermann Diels
'Alterations proposed... by William Dodd B.D. in his Beauties of Shakespeare'
'Alterations proposed... by William Dodd B.D. in his Beauties of Shakespeare'
"An explanation of the Idioms or Peculiarities of the Hebrew and Greek Languages which most frequently appear in the Scriptures"
"An explanation of the Idioms or Peculiarities of the Hebrew and Greek Languages which most frequently appear in the Scriptures"
Answer by James Spedding to paper on two texts of Richard II by Edward H. PIckersgill
Answer by James Spedding to paper on two texts of Richard II by Edward H. PIckersgill
Appeal for new Archaeology & Ethnology Museum by Cambridge University Association
Appeal for new Archaeology & Ethnology Museum by Cambridge University Association
Arthur C. Benson to Nora Sidgwick
Arthur C. Benson to Nora Sidgwick
August correspondence relating to the forthcoming royal visit
August correspondence relating to the forthcoming royal visit
Autograph score of ‘What are these that glow from afar’, by Alan Gray
Autograph score of ‘What are these that glow from afar’, by Alan Gray
Autograph score of Eleuloro, by Alan Gray
Autograph score of Eleuloro, by Alan Gray
B. M. Wilson's account of S. Ramanujan and his work
B. M. Wilson's account of S. Ramanujan and his work
B. M. Wilson's investigations on chapters II-VII of Ramanujan's notebook 2
B. M. Wilson's investigations on chapters II-VII of Ramanujan's notebook 2
"Batrachomuomachia, or Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice, done into verse"
"Batrachomuomachia, or Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice, done into verse"
Bibliography of editions of Shakespeare's poems, by Justin Winson
Bibliography of editions of Shakespeare's poems, by Justin Winson
Bill of a laundress of Settle, Yorks., in which the word ‘singlet’ has been underlined
Bill of a laundress of Settle, Yorks., in which the word ‘singlet’ has been underlined
Bound Ph.D. thesis by A. G. Rigg entitled "An Edition of a Fifteenth Century Commonplace Book (Trinity College, Cambridge MS O.9.38)"
Bound Ph.D. thesis by A. G. Rigg entitled "An Edition of a Fifteenth Century Commonplace Book (Trinity College, Cambridge MS O.9.38)"
Bound volume entitled "True Copy of note-book of S. Ramanujan B.A., F.R.S., copied by T. A. Satagopan
Bound volume entitled "True Copy of note-book of S. Ramanujan B.A., F.R.S., copied by T. A. Satagopan
Bound volume interleaved with pages from Platonis Gorgias Item Incerti Auctoris Io Turici, 1851 with MS. notes
Bound volume interleaved with pages from Platonis Gorgias Item Incerti Auctoris Io Turici, 1851 with MS. notes
Bound volume interleaved with printed pages headed A. S. Voegelini Epistolae Criticae ad I. G. Baiterum Pars Altera
Bound volume interleaved with printed pages headed A. S. Voegelini Epistolae Criticae ad I. G. Baiterum Pars Altera
British & Foreign Bible Society. For information to all members of Hebrew Sub-Committee
British & Foreign Bible Society. For information to all members of Hebrew Sub-Committee
C. D. Ginsburg's printed work in Hebrew
C. D. Ginsburg's printed work in Hebrew
C. E. Stuart: collation of Juvenal manuscripts
C. E. Stuart: collation of Juvenal manuscripts
C. E. Stuart: notes of variant readings in Seneca manuscripts
C. E. Stuart: notes of variant readings in Seneca manuscripts
C. E. Stuart: notes on and collation of the manuscripts of Seneca's Tragedies, with typescript of his dissertation on the subject
C. E. Stuart: notes on and collation of the manuscripts of Seneca's Tragedies, with typescript of his dissertation on the subject
Card from [?] George Parker to William Aldis Wright
Card from [?] George Parker to William Aldis Wright
Card from A. N. L. Munby
Card from A. N. L. Munby