Mostrando 647 resultados
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Short notes of a tour Antwerp to Frankfurt, and Hawkshurst, St Johns Vale, Rydale, etc. architecture
Short notes of a tour Antwerp to Frankfurt, and Hawkshurst, St Johns Vale, Rydale, etc. architecture
Sketches of details of churches and a crowd of men
Sketches of details of churches and a crowd of men
Sketches of architectural elements
Sketches of architectural elements
Letter from Edward Everett
Letter from Edward Everett
Letter from Henry John Hodgson with notes on the proof sheets
Letter from Henry John Hodgson with notes on the proof sheets
Notes in William Whewell's hand
Notes in William Whewell's hand
Letter from three members of the Moral Philosophy Class
Letter from three members of the Moral Philosophy Class
Two drafts, "Cases of Conscience"
Two drafts, "Cases of Conscience"
Drafts of writings related to The elements of morality
Drafts of writings related to The elements of morality
Draft concerning the Edinburgh Review article on Swift
Draft concerning the Edinburgh Review article on Swift
Notes on Schiller
Notes on Schiller
Notes on Schlegel's Dramatic literature
Notes on Schlegel's Dramatic literature
Two papers on gradients
Two papers on gradients
Miscellaneous draft pages of Lectures on the history of moral philosophy
Miscellaneous draft pages of Lectures on the history of moral philosophy
Draft, part of lecture VIII of Lectures on the history of moral philosophy
Draft, part of lecture VIII of Lectures on the history of moral philosophy
Notes headed "Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis" and "T. Aquinas. Summa"
Notes headed "Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis" and "T. Aquinas. Summa"
Moral philosophy notebooks
Moral philosophy notebooks
Notes for sermons
Notes for sermons
Drafts of nineteen sermons mainly preached at Trinity College
Drafts of nineteen sermons mainly preached at Trinity College
Draft, "On the philosophy of discovery"
Draft, "On the philosophy of discovery"
Draft, "The philosophy of the inductive sciences, founded upon their history, [volume the second]"
Draft, "The philosophy of the inductive sciences, founded upon their history, [volume the second]"
Draft, "Of a liberal education in general, and with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge"
Draft, "Of a liberal education in general, and with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge"
Draft, "On the fundamental antithesis of philosophy"
Draft, "On the fundamental antithesis of philosophy"
Draft of Whewell's translation of Berthold Auerbach's The professor's wife
Draft of Whewell's translation of Berthold Auerbach's The professor's wife
Directions for observing with Whewell's anenometer
Directions for observing with Whewell's anenometer
Cutting, a report of Whewell's lecture at the Bristol Institution
Cutting, a report of Whewell's lecture at the Bristol Institution
Bombay, 1846 [and 1847] Tidal Observations
Bombay, 1846 [and 1847] Tidal Observations
Map of Northern Europe, with inset of The White Sea
Map of Northern Europe, with inset of The White Sea
Miscellaneous tide tables
Miscellaneous tide tables
Liverpool tide tables and calculations
Liverpool tide tables and calculations