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Trinity College Library fragments from binding of Adv.d.1.23
Trinity College Library fragments from binding of Adv.d.1.23
Various works refuting the right of the Inquisition to rule in the Kingdom of Naples
Various works refuting the right of the Inquisition to rule in the Kingdom of Naples
"Historia de Alexandro el Magno"
"Historia de Alexandro el Magno"
The Post Boy, containing a notice of the publication by Bernard Lintot of A Collection of Poems by Shakespeare, in two volumes
The Post Boy, containing a notice of the publication by Bernard Lintot of A Collection of Poems by Shakespeare, in two volumes
"The Panegyric, an Epistle written upon Mr. Dodsleys republication of the Antiquities of Wheatfield, to the author by a Lady"
"The Panegyric, an Epistle written upon Mr. Dodsleys republication of the Antiquities of Wheatfield, to the author by a Lady"
Sir Alexander Schomberg's correspondence copy book
Sir Alexander Schomberg's correspondence copy book
William Mills: "The Georgics of Virgil, translated into English blank verse"
William Mills: "The Georgics of Virgil, translated into English blank verse"
Prize-winning poem by Richard Ramsden
Prize-winning poem by Richard Ramsden
Thomas Yeates: "Remarks on the Theory and Construction of Compass-Needles", "A Consise Lecture on the Orrery" and related material
Thomas Yeates: "Remarks on the Theory and Construction of Compass-Needles", "A Consise Lecture on the Orrery" and related material
Letter from Thomas Colpitts to James Lambert(?)
Letter from Thomas Colpitts to James Lambert(?)
Thomas Yeates: "Of the Life and Writings of Isaiah" and "A Plain and Literal Translation of St. Matthew's Gospel from the Syriac Text"
Thomas Yeates: "Of the Life and Writings of Isaiah" and "A Plain and Literal Translation of St. Matthew's Gospel from the Syriac Text"
Letter from Edward King to the Bishop of Rochester
Letter from Edward King to the Bishop of Rochester
Thomas Yeates: " A Proposal for Printing by Subscription a Translation of St Matthew's Gospel & the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Hebrew Language for the Use of the Jews"
Thomas Yeates: " A Proposal for Printing by Subscription a Translation of St Matthew's Gospel & the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Hebrew Language for the Use of the Jews"
"Batrachomuomachia, or Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice, done into verse"
"Batrachomuomachia, or Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice, done into verse"
Thomas Yeates: "A Grammar of the English Language"
Thomas Yeates: "A Grammar of the English Language"
Thomas Yeates: "The First [through Fifth] Age of the World" and "Astronomical Canon of Ptolemy"
Thomas Yeates: "The First [through Fifth] Age of the World" and "Astronomical Canon of Ptolemy"
Thomas Yeates: "The Sacred Chronology", and the Chinese, Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian Empire chronologies
Thomas Yeates: "The Sacred Chronology", and the Chinese, Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian Empire chronologies
Thomas Yeates: works on biblical chronology
Thomas Yeates: works on biblical chronology
Thomas Yeates: "Of the Magnetic Equator", "A Telescopic View of the Sun's Transit", "Digest of the Law of Bond Servants and Slaves according to the Mosaic Institute" and other miscellaneous items
Thomas Yeates: "Of the Magnetic Equator", "A Telescopic View of the Sun's Transit", "Digest of the Law of Bond Servants and Slaves according to the Mosaic Institute" and other miscellaneous items
Thomas Yeates: "The Life of Isaiah with A Commentary on his Celebrated Prophecy of the Messiah"
Thomas Yeates: "The Life of Isaiah with A Commentary on his Celebrated Prophecy of the Messiah"
Record of books sent to Rev. Blomfield by James Henry Monk
Record of books sent to Rev. Blomfield by James Henry Monk
Thomas Yeates: "Collation of the Hebrew and Samaritan Pentateuch. Genesis [to Numbers]"
Thomas Yeates: "Collation of the Hebrew and Samaritan Pentateuch. Genesis [to Numbers]"
Thomas Yeates: "A Critical Examination of the Hebrew Text of the book of Genesis"
Thomas Yeates: "A Critical Examination of the Hebrew Text of the book of Genesis"
Thomas Yeates: "Observations on Genesis"
Thomas Yeates: "Observations on Genesis"
Thomas Yeates: "Tables of Eclipses of the Sun and Moon" " An Essay on Magnetic Sailing"
Thomas Yeates: "Tables of Eclipses of the Sun and Moon" " An Essay on Magnetic Sailing"
Thomas Yeates: works on the Hindus, the Trinity of Elohim, the Jewish creed, etc.
Thomas Yeates: works on the Hindus, the Trinity of Elohim, the Jewish creed, etc.
Thomas Yeates: "Indian Church History ... with an Accurate Relation of the First Christian Missions in China"
Thomas Yeates: "Indian Church History ... with an Accurate Relation of the First Christian Missions in China"
Thomas Yeates: variants in the Vetus, Syriac and Greek versions of the Old Testament and concordance of certain words in the Bible
Thomas Yeates: variants in the Vetus, Syriac and Greek versions of the Old Testament and concordance of certain words in the Bible
Thomas Yeates: "A Plain and Certain Method of Proving Compasses on Shipboard"
Thomas Yeates: "A Plain and Certain Method of Proving Compasses on Shipboard"
Thomas Yeates: "The Laws and Institutions of the Ancient Hebrews, Civil and Ecclesiastical"
Thomas Yeates: "The Laws and Institutions of the Ancient Hebrews, Civil and Ecclesiastical"