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Other writings and research notes
Other writings and research notes
'Letters from Edward FitzGerald to Bernard Quaritch, 1853-1883, Vol I'
'Letters from Edward FitzGerald to Bernard Quaritch, 1853-1883, Vol I'
Letters from Richard Brinsley Sheridan to Lord Houghton
Letters from Richard Brinsley Sheridan to Lord Houghton
Hofreiter, N.
Hofreiter, N.
Letter from 'M.' [W. H. 'Michael' Haslam'] to A. S. F. Gow
Letter from 'M.' [W. H. 'Michael' Haslam'] to A. S. F. Gow
'The vaccination program to prevent Epstein-Barr virus-associated cancers in man'
'The vaccination program to prevent Epstein-Barr virus-associated cancers in man'
Video clips of HTV News and BBC News West covering Bristol Medical School's announcement of the EPV vaccine
Video clips of HTV News and BBC News West covering Bristol Medical School's announcement of the EPV vaccine
Three letters from 'Jack' [François Ceccaldi] to 'Flaminica' [Lady Frazer]
Three letters from 'Jack' [François Ceccaldi] to 'Flaminica' [Lady Frazer]
Four letters from 'Jack' [François Ceccaldi] to 'Flaminica' [Lady Frazer]
Four letters from 'Jack' [François Ceccaldi] to 'Flaminica' [Lady Frazer]
Three letters from 'Jack' [François Ceccaldi] to 'Flaminica' [Lady Frazer]
Three letters from 'Jack' [François Ceccaldi] to 'Flaminica' [Lady Frazer]
Letter from Thomas Gillespy to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Thomas Gillespy to Sir Francis Palgrave
Unfinished Tchaikovsky play, 'Bezique'
Unfinished Tchaikovsky play, 'Bezique'
Letter from Frederick Spalding to Bernard Quaritch
Letter from Frederick Spalding to Bernard Quaritch
Draft of a letter by C. P. —
Draft of a letter by C. P. —
Letter from Robert — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Robert — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Copy of a letter from — Maughan to Simon Cock
Copy of a letter from — Maughan to Simon Cock
Letter from John — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from John — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from — Curtis to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from — Curtis to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from — Walker to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from — Walker to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Henry — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Henry — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Charles — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Charles — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from John — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from John — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from John — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from John — to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from W. Irving Way and Co., Publishers, to Bernard Quaritch
Letter from W. Irving Way and Co., Publishers, to Bernard Quaritch
Letters from Dona Torr
Letters from Dona Torr
Letters from John Saville
Letters from John Saville
Transcript of a legal document, 8 June 1697, in connection with a dispute between the Company of Wax Chandlers and one of its members
Transcript of a legal document, 8 June 1697, in connection with a dispute between the Company of Wax Chandlers and one of its members
Letter from Charles Bridges to Sir Francis Palgrave
Letter from Charles Bridges to Sir Francis Palgrave
Draft letter by Sir Francis Palgrave
Draft letter by Sir Francis Palgrave
Draft letter by Sir Francis Palgrave
Draft letter by Sir Francis Palgrave