Eliza informs Elsie that she has been too ill to write a reply to her letter. She updates her on the state of her health and describes the doctor's orders to stay in bed and take 'milk and invalid slops'. Tells her she felt well enough to give an address for 80 mothers. Informs her that Percy, Charlotte, and Edith Shelley are coming to visit for a dinner event. Tells her she has enclosed the book making a few additions at the end for Alice's benefit [Elsie's daughter]. Sends her love to Elsie, Alice and Rowland [Elsie's husband]. Signs name as 'Aunt Lizzie'.
Percy Shelley, mentioned in the letter, was the son of Hannah Brightwen and her husband John Wilton Shelley. Hannah was the sister of George Brightwen, who was Eliza Brightwen's husband. Percy married Charlotte Solly and they had a daughter, Edith Mary Brightwen Shelley, who are also both mentioned in the letter.