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Add. MS a/248/157 · Pièce · 1931
Fait partie de Additional Manuscripts a

Booklet, Handbook for the Clerk Maxwell Centenary Celebration to accompany the celebrations at the University of Cambridge 1 and 2 October, 1931, with a photogravure of Maxwell by Emery Walker Ltd., and images of Glenlair House, a colour top, colour house, spinning coil, apparatus for experiments on the viscosity of gasses, and the outside of the Cavendish Laboratory. Accompanied by a memorial booklet of two photogravures, of Maxwell as a young man with a colour top, and as an older man.

Sans titre
Trinity Whist Club minute book
O./10a.34 · Pièce · 1860-1863
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class O

First 3 ff. headed 'Rules for the formation of a Club', including list of founding members: The Duke of St. Albans, Montagu Corry, J. J. Cowell,, G. O. Trevelyan, F. Storr, W. Everett, H. Y. Thompson, E. Willmot.' Signed E[dmund] Willmot, President, May 1960.

The rest of the minutes record dates of meetings and the members' rooms in which each took place; participants, including honorary members and visitors; elections of new members

With letter, written at Trinity 27 Mar. 1905, from Henry Jackson to Walter Morley Fletcher relating to Erastus Corning Pruyn. This is attached to notes by Jackson, comprising a list of members (1 folded sheet), each with a brief biography and date of their admission to Trinity, and a list of visitors (6 single sheets) with the same information. A note of the end of this states: '[W. E.] Currey tells me that the refreshments provided in the early days of the Club were sandwiches and gin sling. In its later days there was an elaborate supper, with two Trinity Hall cups, one Chesterfield, the other usually Madeira. Supper was usually at ten o' clock, after supper whist was resumed'. With envelope originally containing these notes, addressed to the Librarian, Trinity College, and with a label in the hand of A. F. Scholfield, Librarian.

TRER/12/50 · Pièce · 21 Apr 1902
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - He is recovering from his illness. There has been great anxiety about Meta [Smith]'s eldest boy [Cyril], who has been 'fearfully ill at Eton with pneumonia'; Meta has been ill too, and now her husband, who has 'very delicate health' has had a dangerous attack of the same illness.

Add. MS c/183-6 · Pièce · 1896-1922
Fait partie de Additional Manuscripts c

Trinity College stories gathered by McTaggart from Henry Jackson and others, numbered and arranged by date from 1896 to 1922. Following the main grouping of stories are light verses related to College matters by James Clerk Maxwell, J. P. Postgate, F. M. Cornford, Kennedy, and J. K. Stephen, and a cutting of a poem about William Whewell by [Tom Taylor?]; printed obituaries of William Hepworth Thompson, a letter from James Mayo dated 20 Jan. 1905, and two letters from Henry Jackson dated 8-9 Oct. 1879.

Sans titre
O./10a.33 · Pièce · c. 1660
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Note about James Duport pasted to the inside front cover. Notes headed 'G. E. H. Grigson Esq., Pelynt, Looe, Cornwall' tipped in at beginning of book: 'A commonplace book in a late 17th cent: hand or early 18th, by an undergrad: or fellow of Trinity College...', records extent and condition of book before listing contents. Note at the bottom [in the hand of A. F. Scholfield, Librarian?]: 'Bought for £1. ? Apr. 1927'.

pp. 1-15 (pp. 5-6 excised): 'Rules to be observed by young Pupils & Schollers in the University', concluding 'The End of Mr Duports Rules. Ann. dom. 1660'
pp. 16-18: 'Animadversions upon the Election of Fellowes in Trin: Coll. Ann dom: 1656.' English verses.
pp. 18-22: 'In electionem Socioru[m] Trin: Coll.Anno 1658.' Latin verses on the election of fellows to Trinity.
pp. 22[-23 or 24]: 'A Relation of a Quaker, that to the shame of his profession attempted to bugger a mare neere Colchester Anno 1658.' English verses. Most of the tile, from 'to the shame' to 'Anno', crossed out in later hand. Four verses only; the leaf containing the rest has been excised.
pp. 25-28: 'Verses made upon the election of Fellows T.C. 1659.' English verses.
pp. 31-33: 'The hunting of the Hare.' English verses.
pp. 33-49: 'Oratio M[agist]ri Linnet, habita in Collegio SStae & Individuae Trinit: cu[m] Primarij lectoris officiu[m] exorsus est.' Latin prose. Text of oration delivered by William Lynnet at Trinity at the beginning of his term as Head Lecturer, Oct. 1656.
pp. 50-73: 'Oratio habita in Collegio SStae Trin Cantab: circa annum 1654 die quinto Novembris in conspirationem Anglicanam. Authore M[agist]ro Ramsy ejusde[m] Collegii quonda[m] Socio.' Latin prose. Oration delivered by John Ramsey c 1654, ' about the Anglican [English] conspiracy of the fifth day of November [the Gunpowder Plot].
p. 74: Transcription of lines from Isaac Watt's 'How does the little busy bee...', published 1715, in childish hand.

'Walter Godfrey's' written in pencil on last page; there is a discussion in Preston & Oswald (2011) as to whether the original owner may have been Walter Godfrey, matriculated 1661 but did not graduate.

Papers of Frank Adams
ADAM · Fonds · 1946-1989

The collection is particularly noteworthy for its coverage of Adams's lectures, research and incoming correspondence.
Section A, Biographical, is not substantial. It includes a little material of Adams's relating to his own career including three Bedford School notebooks and his PhD thesis, and material assembled by I M James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir.
Section B, Research, provides extensive documentation of Adams's research from the 1950s until his death. It is presented in an alphabetical sequence arranged by subject title.
Section C, Lectures, is the largest in the collection. Two subsections comprise Adams's lecture notes and other teaching material for courses given at Manchester and Cambridge, and material from conferences and seminars attended by Adams throughout the world including drafts of Adams's contributions and notes of contributions by others. A third subsection consists of Adams's ms notes found in filing cabinet drawers labelled 'Other people's lectures'. It includes notes taken by Adams as an undergraduate at Cambridge in 1949.
Section D, Publications, is very slight. It includes drafts of a few of Adams's scientific papers.
Section E, Correspondence, contains virtually no extended exchanges of correspondence as very few copies of Adams's own letters survive. There is, however, significant correspondence from colleagues such as M F (later Sir Michael) Atiyah, M G Barratt, P J Hilton, I M James and S MacLane, sometimes extending over a period of twenty or thirty years.

Sans titre
Letters to Rose Elizabeth Thomson
THMJ III/B/66-73 · Dossier · 1930-1932
Fait partie de Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part III

Included are letters from Stanley Baldwin (B/67), Lady Betty Balfour (B/70), Harley Granville Barker (B/69), Sir J. M. Barrie (B/68), Edmund Charles Blunden (B/71), Evelyn Boscawen, 8th Viscount Falmouth (B/71), Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh (B/67), Max Planck (B/67, B/70), Sir J. H. Jeans (B/71), Sir W. H. Bragg, (B/73), Godfrey Benson, 1st Baron Charnwood (B/67), Prince Chula of Siam (B/72), W. Martin Conway, 1st Baron Conway of Allington (B/71, B/73), Sir G. H. Duckworth (B/68), Frederich Homes Dudden (B/66), Lilly Frazer (B/72), Violet Grimston, Countess of Verulam (B/73), Graeme Haldane (B/72), Roy Harrod (B/72), A. E. Housman (B/73) and A.O. Rankine (B/73).

Letters to Rose Elizabeth Thomson
THMJ III/B/62-65 · Dossier · 1927-1929
Fait partie de Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part III

Included are letters from: Lady Betty Balfour (B/64) Louis de Broglie (B/63), Dorothea, Lady Charnwood (B/62), Lawrence Dundas, Earl of Ronaldshay (B/63), George Stuart Gordon (B/64), Graeme Haldane (B/65), Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst (B/64).

Letters to J. J. Thomson
THMJ III/C/7-12 · Dossier · 1921-1929
Fait partie de Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part III

Included are letters from R. B. Haldane (C/7, C/10), Sir T. E. Thorpe (C/7), A. J. Balfour (C/8, C/10), Stanley Baldwin (C/8), Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron Stamfordham (C/11), Louis de Broglie (C/11), George, 1st Viscount Cave (C/10), Sir Stephen Gaselee (C/12), Gustav VI Adolf, King of Sweden (C/12), Elizabeth Haldane (C/11), Sir Henry Newbolt (C/8) and S.A. Arrhenius (C/9).

Letters to Rose Elizabeth Thomson
THMJ III/B/74-81 · Dossier · 1933-1934
Fait partie de Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part III

Included are letters from Sir B. H. Liddell Hart (B/74), A. E. Housman (B/76, B/81), Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (B/77), 3rd Earl of Leicester (B/81), Ernest de Selincourt (B/81), Charles I. C. Bosanquet (B/79), John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (B/77), Hilda Margaret Pickard-Cambridge (B/81), Lionel E. L. Charlton (B/81), W. Martin Conway, 1st Baron Conway of Allington (B/80), George Stuart Gordon (B/78).

Letters to Rose Elizabeth Thomson
THMJ III/B/57-61 · Dossier · 1924-1926
Fait partie de Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part III

Included are letters by F. A. Lindemann (B/58), A.J. Balfour (B/58, B/59), A.E. Housman (B/58, B/59), Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh (B/58, B/61), Stanley Baldwin (B/59, B/60), Robert Chalmers, 1st Baron Chalmers of Northiam (B/59), Charles John Darling, 1st Baron Darling (B/59), Henry Edward Duke, 1st Baron Merivale (B/60), Hermann Glauert (B/57).

Letters to J. J. Thomson
THMJ III/C/1 · Dossier · 1886-1910
Fait partie de Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part III

Included are letters from 3rd Baron Rayleigh, J.H. Poynting, Baron Kelvin of Largs, Sir Archibald Geikie, Sir William Crookes, Robert Cary Gilson, J. W L. Glaisher; and a manuscript poem entitled ’Sir Joseph Thomson and the lons’, dedicated to Thomson and signed 'H.D.E. [M.R.I.]’.

Add. MS a/551/59 · Pièce · early 20th c.
Fait partie de Additional Manuscripts a

(With a note by G. C. A. Jackson, dated 25 July 1950.)



Aids | towards answering the first question in the | Catechism.

When G. C. J. Arden
Goes out in the garden
To play with the slugs and the snails
Their lives are imperilled
By C. A. J. Gerald
Who treads on their backs and their tails.
Their tails and their backs on
Treads G. C. A. Jackson,
And each of them squirms and exclaims,
“Oh G. A. J. Christopher,
See how I twist over
Under your numerous names.”

[The accompanying note is as follows:]

Dr G. C. A. Jackson
85 North Avenue, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia


“Aids towards answering the first question in the Catechism”

Written some time after my christening {1} by | A. E. Ho[u]sman | my Godfather.


The indentation of the verses has not been reproduced.

{1} Moses Jackson asked A. E. Housman to stand as Gerald’s godfather in 1900, the year of Gerald’s birth (Letters of Housman, ed. Burnett, vol. i, p. xxxviii), but it is unclear when the verses were written.

Add. MS a/551/58 · Pièce · 31 Jan. 1936
Fait partie de Additional Manuscripts a

(With an envelope.)



Trinity College | Cambridge
31 Jan. 1936

My dear Gerald,

I ought to have thanked you before, and this letter will hardly catch you before you start on your holiday; but, next to walking, nothing tires me so much as writing, and I tend to fight shy of it. The nurses went into ecstasies over the sweets, and over admiration of your taste, for I told them that I had left the choice to you. Harrod’s provender was also good. The doctor told me to-day that he is not coming again for a week.

I had a letter the other day from Rupert, who seems to be profiting by the retirement of some competitors. I hope that you will enjoy your holiday and that it will freshen you up for the examination as desired.

Your affectionate godfather
A. E. Housman.

[Direction on envelope:] Gerald Jackson Esq. | St Thomas’s Hospital | London S.E.1 [Redirected to:] Hotel Trantheim | Engleberg | Switzerland [At the top:] Please forward


The envelope, which bears a 2½d. stamp, was postmarked at Cambridge at 9 p.m. on 31 January, and has been marked in pencil, ‘Written 3 months before his death on April 30th ’35’.