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O./10a.35 · Pièce · 1859
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Written in pencil on inside front cover: 'To be ret'd to (Rev.) C. W. King, Trin. Coll'. Below that, 'Revd W. J. Edlin, Trinity College, Cambridge'. Note on provenance below in the hand of A. F. Scholfield, Librarian.

In ink on front endpaper: 'Uffenbach's Vist to Cambridge 1710 - '; then, in different ink, 'C. W. King, Trin: Coll. Translated 1856.' 'Trimalchio's Feast: 1859' written below but crossed out [and not present in book].

Letter from G. H. Rendall, 29 Dec 1930, tipped in between inside front cover and front endpaper. Dedham House, Dedham, Essex, offering book to the library; sent a copy of his own *Shakespeare Sonnets and Edward de Vere when it came out last March.

Text on page 1 headed 'Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach's Travels Vol. III - Cambridge'.

Sans titre
O./11.12/1 · Partie · 11 Sept. 1876
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class O

19 Birchin Lane, London, E. C. - Everyone was pleased to see him when he came home 'which made it a little better coming back'; has just written to his sister sending the £1 so now everything is settled. The pictures of the 'Scandal' [FitzGerald and Joseph 'Posh' Fletcher's schooner] and FitzGerald's house 'have been very much admired'. Mr Wylie though he was looking much better. Thinks it would 'please Uncle Edward [Byles Cowell]' to hear how he has spent his holiday; will write and tell him.

Notes on German vocabulary in Edward FitzGerald's hand on the outside pages of the letter.

O./11.12 · Pièce · c 1860
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Labelled 'E. FitzGerald | 'Commonplace Book' in pencil on the front cover, but the book is predominantly used to record words and notes on etymology. Letters of the alphabet are written at the head of the rectos of ff. 1-116 ('V' on the same page as 'U', f. 113 blank, perhaps left for 'X', no 'Z'); words are written in the margin with notes, quotations etc alongside them; occasionally the facing verso is also used for notes.

In a letter from FitzGerald to E. B. Cowell, 3 Sept. 1858, he states that 'I amuse myself with jotting down materials (out of vocabularies, etc) for a Vocabulary of rural English, or rustic English: that is, only the best country words selected from the very many Glossaries, etc., relating chiefly to country matters, but also to things in general: words that carry their own story with them, without needing Derivation or Authority, though both are often to be found...'

Some French words and phrases are recorded at the end of the book (f 116v and the following, unnumbered f.) The flyleaves are used for notes, including some taken from 'Mr Muller's Lectures'.

Several references date the book to c 1860, for example, a note on f. 36v: 'August 19/60. I this morning read the word "dade" so aptly employ'd, & relating to so good an Anecdote of Bewick, that I must quote it...'

Sans titre
O./11a.5/12 · Pièce · [10th cent. ?]
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Leaf from a copy of Aristotle, Categoriae in Latin translation by Boethius with fragment of Themistius, De decem categoriis. Label on what was once spine of cover, 'Epis[tol]a Sacra'; 'N29' in what appears to be the same ink; '85' in another ink. 8 small slits made around former spine for the purpose of fastening.

Add. MS b/17 · Sous-série · 1861-1926
Fait partie de Additional Manuscripts b

Letters concerning classical studies and Trinity College business and social life, with a small group of printed material and testimonials. Some letters have explicatory notes by Florence Image, and almost 40 letters are from Henry Jackson. Other correspondents with several letters each are from or relating to: H. M. Butler (some to Florence Image), A. V. Verrall, W. Aldis Wright, W. H. Thompson, Duncan Crookes Tovey and other members of his family, J. G. Frazer, J. N. Dalton, and J. W. L. Glaisher; for other correspondents see names below. Some of the letters are by Image himself to various correspondents.

The printed items are: an unsigned printed letter opposing the education of choristers (a parody) dated 1877; a Greek text with an English translation, Fragmentum incerti ex Hēthikophysikolērois mocking the new Triposes, with a date of 20 Oct. 1848 written at the top of the first page ; comedic verses about Thomas Huxley in English and Greek; two notices about the non-placeting of the Grace for the Duke of York's degree in 1894; and a Latin poem about Como, a toy belonging to the Butler children James, Gordon, and Nevile, by Montagu Butler, dated April 1897. A small group of testimonials at the end of the collection were written in support of Image's candidacy to become Undermaster of the Upper School of Dulwich College in 1869.

Letter from [?] Munck to Joseph Grote
MAYR/C/2/41 · Pièce · 17 Apr 1772
Fait partie de Mayor Papers

Worries about the [commercially] dangerous advantages given to Neuland by Smith Co and Spitta, list of porcelain table service

HOUG/221/3-24 · Pièce · 1834-1840 and undated
Fait partie de Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

23: Salutation 'Tramontane' and signed 'Litherwit', characters from his Olympian Revels. Note perhaps written on scrap paper: geometrical diagram, equations, and doodled face also present.
24: Addressed to 'Sig[nor]' and Sig[nor]a Milnes, Via Tritone [Rome]', salutation 'Dear Trochee and Spondee' and signed 'Yours Anti-Hexameter'.