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FRAZ/32/145 · Unidad documental simple · 19 Aug. 1937
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio (Corse) - Doesn't know why she is complaining of heat when the papers show London flooded, while in Corsica they are pining for water for their gardens and vines; writes of Martine [Giamarchi, a great niece] who is staying with him; reacts to the change from Baba to Pascha [for 'Pasha the Pom'].

FRAZ/32/187 · Unidad documental simple · 3 July 1939
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse – Enjoyed the pages of the 'Times' and the coverage of the royal trip to Canada; saves such things for Martine [Giamarchi, a great niece] in 20 years; his old friend Albert Rivaud, whose father he knew, is elected to Lévy-Bruhl's chair at l'Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, and in congratulating him mentioned that he knew her, and thanked him for being one of the first to admire 'Le Rameau d'or'; he was visited by two young English women, Miss Joan Quartley and Miss Gwenyth Wilkins, who saw the Frazers' portraits and were proud of the honoured position their countrymen had in his house.

Letter from Henry Hudson
Add. MS a/206/140 · Unidad documental simple · [19th cent.]
Parte de Additional Manuscripts a

24 Stephen's Green, Dublin - Thanks WW for his letter referring him to William Simms the instrument maker of WW's anemometer [see HH to WW, 1 Oct. 1836]. Further to WW's description of the instrument, what velocity of the wind is necessary to produce any descent of the pencil [the movement of a pencil is used to measure the force and direction of the wind]? HH has a number of related questions. Further, as 'uniformity in the method of keeping the Registry would be desirable I should be glad to learn if any system has been agreed on'.