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Letter from Peter Alexander to W. W. Greg
Letter from Peter Alexander to W. W. Greg
Transcript by Cyprian Blagden of an entry in Court Book E (a record of the Stationers’ Company), 23 Apr. 1679, c. 1955, written on part of a circular letter issued by Longmans, Green, & Co., Mar. 1955
Transcript by Cyprian Blagden of an entry in Court Book E (a record of the Stationers’ Company), 23 Apr. 1679, c. 1955, written on part of a circular letter issued by Longmans, Green, & Co., Mar. 1955
Letter from Sydney C. Cockerell to W. W. Greg
Letter from Sydney C. Cockerell to W. W. Greg
Photograph of a view of the Cam through a gate in the cloisters of Trinity College
Photograph of a view of the Cam through a gate in the cloisters of Trinity College
Letter from A. W. Pollard to W. W. Greg
Letter from A. W. Pollard to W. W. Greg
Letter from G. F. Barwick to W. W. Greg
Letter from G. F. Barwick to W. W. Greg
Part of a letter from Allan H. Stevenson to W. W. Greg
Part of a letter from Allan H. Stevenson to W. W. Greg
Cutting from The Athenaeum, containing a review of the December issue of The Library, including the conclusion of W. W. Greg’s bibliographical notes on John Phillip
Cutting from The Athenaeum, containing a review of the December issue of The Library, including the conclusion of W. W. Greg’s bibliographical notes on John Phillip
Letter from Henry R. Plomer to W. W. Greg
Letter from Henry R. Plomer to W. W. Greg
Letter from — Cheney(?) to W. W. Greg
Letter from — Cheney(?) to W. W. Greg
Photograph of the title-page of the Second Quarto of Hamlet, from a copy in the Folger Shakespeare Library, by Horydczak, 4820 W. Street, Washington, D.C.; with a note on the back by W. W. Greg
Photograph of the title-page of the Second Quarto of Hamlet, from a copy in the Folger Shakespeare Library, by Horydczak, 4820 W. Street, Washington, D.C.; with a note on the back by W. W. Greg
Letter from W. A. Raleigh to W. W. Greg
Letter from W. A. Raleigh to W. W. Greg
Photograph of Alfred W. Pollard on the beach
Photograph of Alfred W. Pollard on the beach
Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing a review of The Text of ‘King Lear’, by Madeleine Doran (1931)
Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing a review of The Text of ‘King Lear’, by Madeleine Doran (1931)
Cutting from The Times, containing an article headed, ‘Unique Copy of Andrew Marvell. Acquisition by the Nation.’
Cutting from The Times, containing an article headed, ‘Unique Copy of Andrew Marvell. Acquisition by the Nation.’
Letter from E. Gordon Duff to W. W. Greg
Letter from E. Gordon Duff to W. W. Greg
Letter from E. Gordon Duff to W. W. Greg
Letter from E. Gordon Duff to W. W. Greg
Cutting from a catalogue of books issued by Tregaskis, containing a description of a copy of Thomas Paynel’s translation of The Assaute and Conquest of Heven, printed by Thomas Berthelet (1529)
Cutting from a catalogue of books issued by Tregaskis, containing a description of a copy of Thomas Paynel’s translation of The Assaute and Conquest of Heven, printed by Thomas Berthelet (1529)
Letter from Edward McClure to W. W. Greg
Letter from Edward McClure to W. W. Greg
Letter from H. Goodwin to [William Whewell]
Letter from H. Goodwin to [William Whewell]
Letter from Ferdinand Gasc to William Whewell
Letter from Ferdinand Gasc to William Whewell
Letter from Eugénie Strong to W. W. Greg
Letter from Eugénie Strong to W. W. Greg
Letter from J. F. Denham to William Whewell
Letter from J. F. Denham to William Whewell
Letter from G. Alan Lowndes to William Whewell
Letter from G. Alan Lowndes to William Whewell
Letter from Chas. B. Scott to William Whewell
Letter from Chas. B. Scott to William Whewell
Letter from W. Forsyth to William Whewell
Letter from W. Forsyth to William Whewell
Letter from R. C. Neville to William Whewell
Letter from R. C. Neville to William Whewell
Letter from H. F. Talbot to William Whewell
Letter from H. F. Talbot to William Whewell
Letter from C. H. Hartshorne to William Whewell
Letter from C. H. Hartshorne to William Whewell