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Letter from Frederick Daye, Hon. Secretary, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Frederick Daye, Hon. Secretary, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Alexander Baillie-Cochrane to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Alexander Baillie-Cochrane to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Martin Farquhar Tupper to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Martin Farquhar Tupper to Richard Monckton Milnes
Notice of Royal Society of Literature council meeting, Wed. 22 []
Notice of Royal Society of Literature council meeting, Wed. 22 []
Letter from William Angus Wright to Lord Houghton
Letter from William Angus Wright to Lord Houghton
Royal Literary Fund
Royal Literary Fund
Letter from Harriet, Duchess of Sutherland, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Harriet, Duchess of Sutherland, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Charles Lamb Kenney to Anne Emma Symons
Letter from Charles Lamb Kenney to Anne Emma Symons
Leaf from Punch, including article on Artemus Ward [Charles Farrar Browne]
Leaf from Punch, including article on Artemus Ward [Charles Farrar Browne]
Letter from [W?] Bone and John Gray, Burns Festival Secretaries, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from [W?] Bone and John Gray, Burns Festival Secretaries, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Manuel Rancés y Villanueva, Marquis de Casa Laiglesia, to Lord Houghton
Letter from Manuel Rancés y Villanueva, Marquis de Casa Laiglesia, to Lord Houghton
Letter from Thomas Paradise of the Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury to Lord Houghton
Letter from Thomas Paradise of the Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury to Lord Houghton
Letter from Emma Lingen to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Emma Lingen to Richard Monckton Milnes
Press cutting, 'Mr and Mrs Charles Dickens
Press cutting, 'Mr and Mrs Charles Dickens
Press cutting of review by Edmond Schérer of Disraeli's Endymion
Press cutting of review by Edmond Schérer of Disraeli's Endymion
Letters from Savile Morton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letters from Savile Morton to Richard Monckton Milnes
Translations of letters from Friedrich Windischmann to Richard Monckton Milnes
Translations of letters from Friedrich Windischmann to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Frederick Oldfield Ward to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Frederick Oldfield Ward to Richard Monckton Milnes
Press cutting with review of Owen Howell's Myrilla and other poems
Press cutting with review of Owen Howell's Myrilla and other poems
Letter from E. Hughes to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from E. Hughes to Richard Monckton Milnes
'Longfellow': laudatory sonnet by [H.A.] B[right]
'Longfellow': laudatory sonnet by [H.A.] B[right]
La Gazzetta del Popolo no. 147, with article 'Una Poesia del Manzoni' on Manzoni's verse 'Marzo 1821'
La Gazzetta del Popolo no. 147, with article 'Una Poesia del Manzoni' on Manzoni's verse 'Marzo 1821'
Letter from Henry Montagu Butler to Richard Monckton MIlnes
Letter from Henry Montagu Butler to Richard Monckton MIlnes
Letter from Eneas Sweetland Dallas to Lord Houghton
Letter from Eneas Sweetland Dallas to Lord Houghton
One Tract More, by Richard Monckton Milnes, with related material on Anglo-Catholic toleration
One Tract More, by Richard Monckton Milnes, with related material on Anglo-Catholic toleration
Proposed beneficiaries: general and unnamed
Proposed beneficiaries: general and unnamed
General constituency correspondence etc
General constituency correspondence etc
Letter from Sir Henry Selwin-Ibbetson, 1st Baronet, to Lord Houghton
Letter from Sir Henry Selwin-Ibbetson, 1st Baronet, to Lord Houghton
Letter from Jean-Gilbert Victor Fialin, duc de Persigny, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Jean-Gilbert Victor Fialin, duc de Persigny, to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Kenelm Henry Digby to Richard Monckton Milnes
Letter from Kenelm Henry Digby to Richard Monckton Milnes