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Manuscripts in Wren Class O
O. · Archief · 10th-20th c.

Class O is the repository of the Gale collection of manuscripts, donated to the library in 1738 by Roger Gale, the son of Dr Thomas Gale. This collection was described in 1902 by M. R. James in the preface to volume III of his catalogue of Western manuscripts in Trinity College Library which may be viewed online at A searchable version of the James catalogue may be found online at

The manuscripts listed in this catalogue were placed in Class O in the Wren Library on shelves not otherwise occupied by the Gale collection. They consist of a mix of single items and small archival entities, with materials which form a part of larger collections housed elsewhere. It should be noted that there are gaps in the numbering scheme of items on the shelves, and that the cataloguing of these materials is a work in progress.

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Add. MS c/84 · Bestanddeel · [c13th-c17th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

36 fragments, eight of them carrying notes as to which volumes they had been removed from. The group include two English fragments of the versified life of St Catherine (items 1-2), a 13th century fragment from the end of the Joseph story of the Poème Anglo-Normand sur l'Ancien Testament, removed from shelfmark K.3.77 (item 3), two fragments from the Avignon Selichot (items 7-8), two fragments from a medical text in Latin (items 9-10), a fragment on civil and canon law (item 17), and a fragment removed from Dr Hooke's papers carrying the header "Regulae Cromocritica de [Urina?]" inscribed by W. Derham as "Turkish writings & other Rhapsodical Receipts" (item 23).

Additional Manuscripts c
Add. MS c · Archief · 13th-20th c.

The additional manuscript series are artificial groups containing manuscripts from various sources. Most of the contents are single items or small groups, but they include some fairly large personal archives, either arranged in sequence or scattered in various places. See the overview of the collections (

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Miscellaneous papers
R./1.1 · Stuk · 14th c.–19th c.
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

On the front is stamped ‘ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS & PAPERS.’ The documents are accompanied by folded sheets of blue paper bearing descriptions of the documents, in which they were evidently kept before they were bound.

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Manuscripts in Wren Class R
R. · Archief · 14th-20th c.

Class R is the Wren Library repository of manuscripts for all those works which could not be classed as theological. As a consequence, the class is a miscellaneous assortment representing many fields, particularly history, poetry, philosophy, law, natural science, medicine, and music. The contents of Class R were described in 1901 by M. R. James in the preface to volume II of his catalogue of Western manuscripts in Trinity College Library, which may be viewed online: A searchable version of the James catalogue may be found online:

The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are those modern manuscripts in R with strong connections to materials housed elsewhere in the library, particularly in Additional Manuscripts. Where James did not provide a description in his catalogue, a description has been provided. Where the James catalogue entry is detailed, a pointer record has been created in this catalogue to highlight the entry in the James catalogue. It should be noted that there are gaps in the numbering scheme of items on the shelves, and that the cataloguing of these materials is a work in progress.

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Cullum Collection
Cullum MS · Collectie · 15th-20th c.

George Gery Milner-Gibson-Cullum's collection of autographs. The correspondence of Cullum's parents with notable contemporaries provided the core of the collection, but he amassed autographs from far beyond this sphere. The collection includes many examples from the royal and noble houses of Europe, of European politicians and Presidents of the USA, of Popes and senior members of the Church and of actors, authors, writers and composers.

Zonder titel
R./1.1/f. 1r · Deel · 3 Feb. 1477
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Note of a fine between (A) John Hastynggis, son of Edward Hastynggis, knight, John Heydon, Richard Suthwell, Henry Spelman, and William Stather, clerk, plaintiffs, and (B) Roger Drury, esquire, and his wife Anne, deforciants, of the manors of Yaxham, ‘Cursones’, ‘Gerbrigges’, ‘Reppes’, and ‘Ilneys’, in Yaxham, East Dereham, Westfield, Whinburgh, Garveston, and Mattishall, and three tofts, 100a. of (arable) land, 10a. of meadow, 15a. of pasture, 5a. of wood, and 11s. of rent in Yaxham, all in Norfolk.

(The correct term for this document is uncertain, but Halliwell-Phillipps uses the term ‘note of a fine’ to describe two similar documents in Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, 10th ed. (1898), ii. 11, 25; and ‘The note of the fine, or, abstract of the original contract’ is the fourth of the five parts of a fine enumerated by Jacob in his New Law Dictionary (1772), sig. 5C3.)



Inter Iohannem Hastynggis filium et heredem Edwardi Hastynggis Militis Iohannem Heydon’ Ricardum Suthwell’ Henricum Spelman’ et Willelmum Stather Clericum querentes et Rogerum Drury Armigerum et Annam vxorem eius deforciantes de Maneriis de Yaxham Cursones Gerbrigges Reppes et Ilneys cum pertinencijs in Yaxham Estderham Westfeld’ Whynbergh’ Gerston’ et Mateshale ac de tribus toftis Centum acris terre decem acris prati quindecim acris pasture quinque acris bosci et vndecim solidatis redditus cum pertinencijs in Yaxham vnde placitum conuencionis summonitus fuit inter eos et cetera Scilicet quod predicti Rogerus et Anna recognouerunt predicta Maneria et tenementa cum pertinencijs esse jus ipsius Willelmi vt illa que ijdem Willelmus Iohannes Iohannes Ricardus et Henricus habent de dono predictorum Rogeri et Anne Et illa remiserunt et quietumclamauerunt de ipsis Rogero et Anna et heredibus ipsius Anne predictis Iohanni Iohanni Ricardo Henrico et Willelmo et heredibus ipsius Willelmi imperpetuum Et preterea ijdem Rogerus et Anna concesserunt pro se et heredes ipsius Anne quod ipsi warantizabunt predictis Iohanni Iohanni Ricardo Henrico et Willelmo et heredibus ipsius Willelmi predicta Maneria et tenementa cum pertinencijs contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recognitione remissione quietaclamancia warantia fine et concordia ijdem Iohannes Iohannes Ricardus Henricus et Willelmus dederunt predictis Rogero et Anne ducentas marcas Argenti

[In the margin:] Norff’
De Crastino purificationis beate Marie Anno regnorum Edwardi Regis Anglie et Francie quarti A conquestu sextodecimo {1} [braced to] Ingr’

Dies datus est eis de Capiendo cyrographo suo A die pasche in xv dies Anno xvijmo {2}


The original capitalisation has been retained. Most abbreviations have been expanded.

{1} 3 Feb. 1477.
{2} 20 Apr. 1477.

Rothschild MS · Collectie · 16th cent.-19th cent.

The collection consists of the manuscript collection of the third Baron Rothschild, much of which was purchased at auction. The majority of items are 18th-century literary works with a particular emphasis on Swift.

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Crewe Manuscripts
Crewe MS · Collectie · 16th-20th c.

The collection includes manuscripts in various European languages, dating from the sixteenth century to the twentieth. Most of them are, broadly speaking, of a literary, historical, or religious nature, but it is not easy to summarise the range of subjects they cover. They include, for instance, from the seventeenth century, notarial instruments in French relating to Charlotte de Beaune, an English translation of Den Spegel der Gherechticheit by Hendrik Niclaes of the so-called ‘Family of Love’, and a collection of English court poetry; from the eighteenth, papers on British trade, literary copyright, notorious criminals, and the French revolution; and from the nineteenth, a collection of papers and prints relating to the history of ballooning, items collected by Richard Burton on his travels, and a series of volumes recording the transactions of the Philobiblon Society.

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Papers of William Whewell
WHWL* · Archief · 16th-19th c.

The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, subject files, writings, other Whewell papers, family papers, and later papers of others. The family papers include those originally gathered by Whewell's first wife Cordelia (née Marshall) and his second wife Lady Affleck (née Ellis). The papers of Lady Affleck's brother and Whewell's friend Robert Leslie Ellis now form a subset of this collection.

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Additional Manuscripts a
Add. MS a · Archief · 16th-21st c.

The additional manuscript series are artificial groupings, mostly of single items or very small archival entities, but in some cases large archives have been inserted in these series.

Zonder titel
Add. MS c/65 · Bestanddeel · [16th-19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

The first of two boxes of an autograph collection begun by Cordelia Whewell, and continued after her death, possibly by Lady Affleck, and William Whewell's executors.

Most of the autographs date from the 18th and 19th century, but there is one 16th century letter from William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley to Sir Robert Petre (item 18) and four other 17th century letters and documents, including a letter from William Cecil, Viscount Cranborne to his father the Earl of Salisbury in 1607 (Add.MS.c.66/38). A group of eight letters from French statesmen dating from the 1660s and 1670s (items 2, 29, 33, 98, 104, 110 and Add.MS.c.66/39-40) are accompanied by an undated letter from Louis XIV (item 108).

There is some evidence of the different stages of the collection, with what may have formed the nucleus of the original collection, letters written to Cordelia's parents Mr and Mrs John Marshall, many of them replies to invitations. More concerted collecting efforts are evidenced in letters from E. M. James (Items 84-85) and R. V. Swaine (Add.MS.c.66/59) to Cordelia, which originally enclosed autographs for the collection; these are linked to the letters listed therein. The collection was added to after Cordelia's death: letters postdate her death in 1855, and there are a number of Ellis family letters and documents, which may have been added by Lady Affleck (née Ellis). These include a copy of the codicil to the will of Henry Ellis, dated 10 June 1774 (Item 44). A letter written eight years after William Whewell's death by his executor J. L. Hammond (Item 68) encloses autographs for the 'College Collection' but they are neither enclosed with the letter nor elsewhere in this collection.

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