Affichage de 13 résultats

Description archivistique
Manuscripts in Wren Class R
Manuscripts in Wren Class R
Manuscripts in Wren Class O
Manuscripts in Wren Class O
Manuscripts in Printed Books
Manuscripts in Printed Books
Manuscripts in Wren Class B
Manuscripts in Wren Class B
Additional Manuscripts d
Additional Manuscripts d
Additional Manuscripts c
Additional Manuscripts c
Additional Manuscripts b
Additional Manuscripts b
Additional Manuscripts a
Additional Manuscripts a
Letters removed from books in Trinity College Library
Letters removed from books in Trinity College Library
Letters and papers relating to the acquisition of the Newton Library
Letters and papers relating to the acquisition of the Newton Library
Correspondence relating to the identity of John Davies
Correspondence relating to the identity of John Davies
Letters of Lord Byron, and related papers
Letters of Lord Byron, and related papers
Letter from Edward King to the Bishop of Rochester
Letter from Edward King to the Bishop of Rochester