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Add. MS b/165 · Stuk · [17th cent?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Possibly a translation from Quintus Curtius Rufus, by an unidentified author. Note on the front free endpaper states that it contains a part of the 6th book, with the 7th through 10th books complete.

Add. MS b/52 · Stuk · 1772-1878
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

A small group of papers which were passed to Maxwell's cousin Elizabeth Dunn's daughters Margaret and Lucy Dunn. This includes two pieces of James Clerk Maxwell juvenilia: a pen-and-ink drawing dated 1845 of two small figures in a boat on a pond signed JCM 1845, which carries a note on the verso that it was bequeathed by his cousin William Dyce Cay to his niece Isabel Dunn. A home made card reads "James Clerk Maxwell at home Saturday evening Seven o'clock" in a childish hand with a watercolour of the front door of 31 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. This card had been mounted on a stiff album card alongside a photograph of Maxwell as a young man holding a colour top, both now separated from the album card.

There are 18 sheets and cards of geometrical multicoloured designs, described by the donors as "Designs for his tops &c when a boy." These are watercolours and pen-and-ink or pencil, and are accompanied by one round colour top with designs on both sides of a stiff card and a string through the centre. There are two cut out round cards, and two sheets featuring rounds, and one of these has "Miss Cay" written at the top. The other sheets are of various geometrical designs of multiple colours and have pin pricks in them in various places; of these 7 have designs on two sides, and one of these has a drawing of light refracted in a glass and two doodles of a man and a woman on the verso. One of the designs is a cut out paper lattice.

A letter from James Clerk Maxwell to Lizzie [Elizabeth Cay, later Dunn] dated 27-28 May 1858 contains details of preparations of his wedding to Katherine Dewar on 2 June.

There are two printed items: a newspaper cutting referring briefly to Maxwell's Rede Lecture, "On the Telephone" at the Senate House in 1878, and a print of the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton in Woolsthorpe, drawn by Samuel Sparrow, and engraved by T. Tinkler dated 1772.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/132 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/137 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/151 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/135 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/148 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/155 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/139 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/146 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/130 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/145 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/152 · Stuk · [18th or 19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/147 · Stuk · 1787
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/133 · Stuk · [c 1787-c 1810]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/74/6/2 · Stuk · 30 Apr. 1793
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Streatlam Castle, (Co. Durham).—Sends a payment for rent, and asks how they should go about recovering the debt owed by McLellan.

(The word ‘apurpose’ has been underlined.)



Rev[eren]d Sir

Agreeable to your acco[un]t sent me p[er] Mr Farrer I now inclose you a Dr[a]ft on Smith and Co for the last half year rent due to Trinity College at Lady day last £108:11:2. which you will please to acknowledge the Rece[ip]t of as soon as convenient. which will oblige

R[everen]d Sir
Your very ob[edien]t hum[b]l[e] Serv[an]t
Thomas Colpitts

Streatlam Castle.
Apr: 30. 1793.

PS. I sent your L[ette]r {1} to Mr Maclellan by apurpose {2} Messenger, who deliver’d it into his own hands. He return’d no answer to me, and I am afraid none to your self; as you w[oul]d have acquainted me with it. Shall be obliged to you for your advice, respecting our proceedings, to recover the money according to Law.

[Docketed:] Colpitts—desires Instructions how to proceed on Pensions | Ap. 30. 1793 | Ansd M.L. May 2.


This letter, which was evidently removed by Aldis Wright from the College archives, was probably directed to James Lambert, senior bursar of Trinity from 1789 to 1801. The missing letters of words abbreviated by superscript letters or special marks have been supplied in square brackets.

{1} MS ‘Lre’ with a tittle above.

{2} Underlined in red pencil, probably by Aldis Wright. Cf. Trinity Muniments, Box 39, Gainford, Nos. 59-60.

Add. MS b/150 · Stuk · [post 1794]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel
Add. MS b/125 · Stuk · [c 1796]-1797
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of thirty-five volumes of Thomas Yeates's MS writings on a variety of subjects, including biblical and church history, translations of books of the Old and New Testaments, astronomy, and aids to navigation at sea. The papers comprise a series within the Additional Manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.Ms.b.123-157.

Zonder titel