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Affichage de 12 résultats

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Miscellaneous group photographs
DAVT/A/136 · Pièce · c1938-c1967
Fait partie de Papers of Harold Davenport

Miscellaneous group photographs, all including Davenport.

Includes one print of Davenport, P. Erdös and L.J. Mordell (n.d.), one of `Professor Mordell's Seminar' (1938) and one of Davenport, Besicovitch and Littlewood (1967).

Popova, H.
DAVT/G/252 · Pièce · 1952
Fait partie de Papers of Harold Davenport

Includes draft research papers by Popova and correspondence from A.S. Besicovitch.

Add. MS b/190 · Pièce · 1925-1926
Fait partie de Additional Manuscripts b

One of twelve notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made while at Oxford 1924-1928, under G. H. Hardy and Abram Besicovitch, and catalogued as Add.Ms.b.179-190. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

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