Affichage de 160 résultats

Description archivistique
BROD/C/1 · Class · 1910-69
Fait partie de Papers of C. D. Broad, Part I

Items C1/15-37 were kept in a file marked "Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy" with the word 'Mathematics' struck through Notwithstanding the deletion, it does contain some mathematical material. The use of St Andrews examination stationery suggests that at least some of this material dates from Broad's period at that University or shortly afterward.

Items C1/54- 62 were kept together by CDB under the title "Notes on Kant"

PETH/1 · Class · 1918-61
Fait partie de Pethick-Lawrence Papers

The contents of the present class relate to the following:

Viscount Alexander of Hillsborough (1-4)
Allen & Unwin Ltd (5-12)
The American War Memorial Chapel (13-17)
L. S. Amery (18-21)
Lord Ammon (22-9)
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur (30-9)
Louisa Garrett Anderson (40-56)
Earl Attlee (57-81)
A. K. Azad (82-7, 88a-c, 89-90)
Lord Balfour of Burleigh (91)
George Benson (92-4)
Phyllis Bentley (95-100)
The British-Asian and Overseas Socialist Fellowship (101-2, 103a-b)
R. A. Butler (104)
Lord Casey (105-15, 115a, 116-18)
Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (119-46)
Viscount Chandos (147-51)
Tara Cherian (152-7)
G. D. H. and M. I. Cole (158-69)
Lord Coleraine (170-1)
Hugh and Ruth Dalton (172-87, 188a-b, 189-203)
Eamon De Valera (204-5)
The Duke of Devonshire (206-7)
The Earl of Dundee (208-9)
Lady Durning-Lawrence (210)
The East and West Friendship Council (211-30)
The East India Association (231a-b, 232-43)
Anthony Eden (244-6)
Walter Elliot and Lady Elliot of Harwood (247-50)
Lady Elphinstone (251-2)
Eton College (253-6, 257a-e, 258-60)
The Fabian Society (261-76)
The Field Security Police (277a-b, 278-80)
E. M. Forster (281-97)
Margery Fry (298-303, 304a-b, 305-21)
Hugh Gaitskell (322-3)
Indira Gandhi (324)
The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Fund (325-6)
R. C. Ghose (327-34, 335a-b, 336-7, 338a-b, 339a-c, 340)
Thomas Gold (341-56)
Victor Gollancz Ltd (357-79)
Sir Ernest and Lady Graham-Little (380, 381a-b, 382-9, 390a-b, 391-5)

SRAF/D/1 · Class · 1923–63
Fait partie de Papers of Piero Sraffa

Items D1/2-D1/51 were bundled together and marked "Notes up to 1927" by Sraffa. In most cases this date is our only evident terminus ante quem. Sraffa's own file titles are given in inverted commas

Items D1/54-90 were bundled together and marked "Notes 1928-31" by Sraffa although some items predate this. Items D1/54-68 formed a sub-bundle

Items D1/70-89 relate principally to the "circus" of economists who discussed Keynes' Treatise on Money

For notes used for the research for Production of Commodities by means of commodities see D3/12

SRAF/D/3/11 · Class · 1930-1974
Fait partie de Papers of Piero Sraffa

Items D3/11/1-85 relate to the Ricardo edition in general. Within this items D3/11/1 - D3/11/35 were preserved together and are files of notes for the Ricardo edition, items D3/11/37-D3/11/55 were preserved together and are files of notes for the Ricardo edition marked "Obsolete"and items D3/11/56- D3/11/76 are files of correspondence relating to the Ricardo edition, many being replies to requests for information on Ricardo letters.
Items D3/11/85a-D3/11/99 relate to Volume I of the edition.
Items D3/11/100-D3/11/106 relate to Volume II.
Items D3/11/107-D3/11/126 relate to Volumes III and IV.
Items D3/11/127- D3/11/137 relate to Volume V.
Items D3/11/138-D3/11/155 relate to Volumes VI to IX.
Items D3/11/156-D3/11/192 relate to Volume X.
Items D3/11/193-D3/11/233 relate to Volume XI.
Items D3/11/234-D3/11/240 relate to the 1973 reprint.

SRAF/D/3/12 · Class · 1926-1969
Fait partie de Papers of Piero Sraffa

Sraffa drew on notes from as early as 1926 when preparing this work. Annotations dating from the 1950s made on the files in which these notes were kept indicate the items that Sraffa felt were most important, and which were often removed to other files as he was preparing for publication, they also show his dissatisfaction with areas of his earlier work. Notes and formulae by Abram Besicovitch and others are evident in a number of these files

Lectures and publications
BROD/C/2 · Class · post 1910-1971
Fait partie de Papers of C. D. Broad, Part I

Much of Broad's later publications stemmed from lectures, Broad himself ascribed his lecture style to the fact that he spoke verbatim from texts, claiming that this made it easier to produce publications from them. While university lectures given by Broad are quite easily discernible, and are catalogued at the head of this series, they do form the basis of much of his published material. Later items in the series are individual lectures and publications