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R./2.40A/9 · Pièce · 26 July 1813
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class R

(The date is that of the superscription, the direction being ‘Hon[ora]ble | Mrs Byron | Pelham Street | Nottingham’. The note ‘In same case as 1st letter’ has been written on the back in pencil. For the significance of this note see the Archival History of this collection.)

Bill of lading
R./2.40A/14 · Pièce · 26 Jan. 1820
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Venice.—Certifies that R. B. Hoppner, the British Consul, has embarked, on Lord Byron’s account, certain goods aboard the Divina Providenza, bound for Ravenna.

Two papers on gradients
R./6.14/32 · Pièce · [19th cent.]
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Draft, "On the Valuation of the mechanical effect of Gradients on a line of Rail Road" by Peter Barlow and a report, "Experiments made with the Salamander in the lesser inclined Plane" by an unidentified author, May 1836.

Moral philosophy notebooks
R./6.15/13-15 · Pièce · 1840-1842, [18--]
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Notebooks A-C with covers listing contents, headed "Morals - Extracts", "Analysis of Books on Morals", "History", and from the back "Philosophy of Art", "Syllabus of Lectures 1842", and "System of Morality".

Notes for sermons
R./6.17/22-24 · Pièce · 1825-1827, [18--]
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Notes marked "A. Memoranda , Sunday", "B. Memoranda, Sunday 4 Feb. 1827", and "New Testament".

R./6.17/29-47 · Pièce · 1860-1865
Fait partie de Manuscripts in Wren Class R

Sermons dated 29 Jan. 1860 - 22 Oct. 1865, arranged in chronological order. Sermons on Genesis 1:27, Matthew 22:37, Luke 18:8, Luke 15:18-19, Luke 15:19-20, Luke 19:8, John 1:47, John 1:1-13, John 3:10, John 6:12, John 20:17, Acts 22:3, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Galatians 3:20-21, Galatians 6:9, Philippians 3:13-14 (2), Colossians 3:2, and Hebrews 13:14-15.