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Crewe MS/11/f. 13 · Partie · 13 Apr. 1798
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(Dated at Paris. Signed by Roques as président en absence, Barrillon, Sévène, and Récamier.)



[In the margin:] Secrétariat | Dépenses

Paris le 24 Germinal au 6e de la République française une Et Indivisible

Les Commissaires particuliers des Preteurs de l’Emprunt Contre L’Angleterre

Au Ministre de finances

Nous avons Reçu, Citoyen Ministre, votre Lettre du 22 Courant, qui nous accuse la Réception de la nôtre du 15 dudit, Et de la Notte qui y etois Jointe des objets Necessaires pour L’usage de nos Bureaux, Elle nous prévient aussi que vous avez donné les ordres pour que ces objets nous les avons Reçus

Salut Et Fraternité
Roques | President En absence
Aug[us]te Sevene
J. Recamier


The letter was not written by any of the four signatories.

Crewe MS/11/f. 15 · Partie · 19 Jan. 1798
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts


Paris 20 Nivose an 6e

Le C. Perregaux Banquier
au Ministre des finances

Citoyen Ministre,

Le C. Gobin Notaire qui se presentera à Vous avec cette Lettre est Chargé de souscrire en Son Nom pour les Cinquante actions que je vous ai annoncé par ma lettre due 21 Nivose que je pre-nois pour ma maison dans le Nouvel Emprunt et qu’elle aura Soin de payer aux termes Indiqués par la loi.

Veuillez Citoyen Ministre me mander que Cet arrangement vous a Convenu.

Je vous presente lhomage demon respect

J F Perregaux


Only the valediction and the signature are in Perregaux’s hand.

Crewe MS/11/ff. 2–3 · Partie · 28 Jan. 1798
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(A marginal note by Paul Barras indicates that this letter was forwarded to the Minister of Finance (Ramel-Nogaret) on 30 Jan.)



Paris le 9e Pluviose an 6.e

P[ier]re Jubié Membre du Conseil des 500.
Au Directoire Exécutif—.

Le Ministre des finances {1} vous a sans doute rendu compte d’un plan que j’avais cru propre à assurer le succès de L’emprunt contre L’Angleterre et à en garantir le rentrée au Gouvernement. Quoi qu’il m’ait fait espérer qu’il prendrait incessament vos ordres sur cette affaire, je vois avec regret que le temps s’écoule, que les esprits se refroidissent de plus en plus, et que bientôt peut être il ne me sera plus possible de conserver des volontés que j’avais cherché à réunir pour une opération aussi délicate et aussi importante. Je ne me permettrai pas, Citoyens Directeurs, de vous présenter les inconvénients qui me paraissent résulter pour la chose publique de cette hésitation. Je n’ai rien à suggérer à une sagesse supérieure, qui voit avec raison dans la réussite de L’expédition contre L’Angleterre, le bonheur de la france & la paix de L’Europe, et qui scait par conséquence combien il importe de prendre des mesures qui maitrisent† les résultats de L’emprunt. Tout ami de son pays doit se reposer {2} sur votre sollicitude du soin d’examiner, s’il convient de laisser plus longtems L’opinion divaguer sur ces mêmes résultats et la malveillance tarir peut être cette Source précieuse: mais si vous êtes dans L’intention de donner quelques suites aux idées qui j’ai présentées au Ministre des finances, et donc je joins ici une copie, je ne dois pas vous laisser ignorer que L’inquiétude s’allarme de tout, même en silence. et elle est naturelle, celle qui comparee cette longue hésitation, aux promesses formelles, aux encouragements flatteurs que Le Ministre m’avait dabord chargé de transmettre aux personnes que j’espérai faire consentir à unir dans cette occasion leurs efforts aux miens. D’ailleurs elles ont besoin elles mêmes de la confiance publique, et L’interêt de L’Etat encore plus que le leur, ne doit il pas leur faire redouter, que cette indécision n’acheve de L’éteindre? Je vous supplie, donc, Citoyens Directeurs, de vouloir bien prendre une détermination préuse {3} sur les projets d’arretté cy joints, tant sur L’emprunt, que sur le bail des postes. dans ce dernier, tout cequi différe du plan présenté par le Ministre est souligné, & vous saisirés facilement, sans doute, la justice des motifs qui ont dicté les changements. Celui d’Art. 9 est surtout essentiel, Le projet du Ministre Ne porte qu’à un sol par quart d’once, c’est à dire, ne voudrait considérer qui comme objet de librairie, toutes les Lettres adréssées au Directoire, aux Ministres & à la Trésorerie nationale par les autorités con-stituées: mais en partant de cette fixation, la ferme n’obtiendrait qu’un produit, envons de 600,000li, qui ajoutés aux six millions du produit net actual, & aux deux millions quatre cent mille Livres, à espérer, tant pour la diverses améliorations dans le service, que pour le 10e des Messageries, ne donnerait qu’un total de 9,000,000li. dont le prix de ferme suivant la loi du 9e Vend[émiai]re d[erni]er ne peut être audessous de 14,000,000. il faut donc nécéssairement adopter un autre fixation et celle de huit sols proposée etant audessous du terme moyen, il y a lieu de présumer que vous la trouverés convenable, attendû qu’elle donne la possibilité d’atteindre le minimum {4} fixé par la Loi. Il est encore un changement important à L’art. 12. Le Ministre d’après les soumissions de Xavier Bardel avait cru devoir porter à 15,000,000li. le produit annuel de la ferme, et cependant il en réduit par cet article à 14,000,000. La raison est que présumant qu’on ne peut éviter de payer le droit de part, L’art 29 en fait une condition au fermier, comme L’art. 28 le sommes à payer le droit d’enregistrement, & ces deux objets formeront bien un article de dépense d’un million, qui ne peut manquer de diminuer d’autant le prix du Bail, vû qu’il n’ y a ni économie, ni abbornement à espérer.

Il est bien à desirer, Citoyens Directeurs, que le Gouvernement puisse traitter sur ces nouvelles bases, et ne préffére pas de passer une adjudication particuliere de la ferme des postes à d’autres individus que ceux qui doivent composer L’association. Ce n’est qu’avec répugnance qu’en ad-mettant cette condition comme nécessaire, j’ai rédigé en marge de L’art. 10e du projet d’arretté pour la formation de la Comp[agn]ie, des dispositions concues dans ce sens. S’il devenait indispensa-ble pour L’avantage national de séparer la ferme des postes, de maniere qu’elle est fut plus qu’une affaire distincte & isolée {4} de L’opération sur L’emprunt, L’ensemble qu’il en si essentiel d’établir cesserait, & les préteurs n’ayant plus dans leurs mains leur gage n’auraient plus La même sécurité sur le capital et les interêts de leur mise.

Lorsque vous daignates, Citoyens Directeurs, acueillir {5} par des témoignages de bienveillance le zêle des négociants de Paris je partageai vivement la satisfaction qu’ils en recueilliront. Le même esprit m’anime aujourdhui et ma démarche n’a d’autre but que de vous prouver, que me considérant comme particulierement Lié par mon amour pour mon pays & par mes devoirs au succès de L’emprunt, j’ambitionne même de soulager Le Gouvernement du poids, & j’ose dire du danger de L’incertitude.

Salut & fraternité
P. Jubié

[The following note is written sideways at the head of the letter:]

Renvoye au ministre des finances pour faire un prompt rapport paris le 11 pluviose an 6



{1} Ramel-Nogaret.

{2} Probable reading. The first two letters have been blotted, perhaps deliberately.

{3} Probable reading. Or possibly ‘pieuse’.

{4} Altered from ‘maximum’.

{5} Probable reading. Altered from another word.

{6} Spelling uncertain.

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 28r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

Ten six-line stanzas. First line: ‘Come follow, follow me’. At the top is written in a different hand: ‘Some slight variations from Percy’s text. Stanzas 9 and 10 added.’

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 26r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘I am a Saucy Scribler lately Come from france’.



I am a Sauc’y Scribler lately Come from france
for Laurall or for Pilory Ile write and Take my Chance
And a Scribleing I will go &c’

In hopes of Some Preferment a way to Court I flew
And Laughed to hear the Q— Taulk of things She Never Knew
And a Taulkeing &c’

The Next Unto the Q— Stood grave Sr {1} P K—g
More Sable than the Black jock the Maids of Honour Sing
when a jocking they do go &c’

Then Stood the P—ce and P—ces and D–ke that Merry Blade
who wishes all his Sisters wedd, and all their fortunes payed
for he cares Not were they go &c’

I should have Named the K— first but why the Reason’s plaine
The women ware the Breeches In England, france, and Spaine,
And to Cou–cel they do go &c’

Sr Ro—ts gone to Norfolk with Many Nobles More
The Nation’s Left in Mourning whilst he Keeps Open Door
And a Begging whe do go &c’


{1} Reading uncertain.

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 25r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘We of Oxford the Chancellour, and his Vice-Can:’. The lines are probably addressed to King George I or II.



We of Oxford the Chancellour, and his Vice-Can: {1}
With the Doctours and Masters, Send a poor Servingman
With orders to give you, Sir, to understand,
That a letter Sign’d George is Safe come to hand;
Which having been over and over perus’d,
Your Present was near upon being refus’d.
But after a grave and maturer debate
Came at length to agree (one and all had been better)
To take it, and Seeme thus to thank you by letter.
This done, Sir, we hope you are herewith content;
Since farther then this by us nothing is meant.
Our mind we Speake plain without flattering Preamble
Not Skill’d like our Sister Cambridge to dissemble.
We Scorn to professe the least loyal affection
To one who against our Will gives us protection.
Neither wish we, nor pray we for Princes at home,
Having Sent all our prayers & wishes to Rome.
Assure yourself therefore you always Shall find,
We ever Shall hate you, be you ever So kind.
In token whereof our names we conceal:
But Send you these presents under our Seal.


A few abbreviations have been expanded.

{1} i.e. vice-cancellarius, vice-chancellor.

Four pieces on one sheet
Crewe MS/10/f. 24r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(i) Untitled verses (author unknown).
Three eight-line stanzas. First line: ‘To daunten me to daunten me’.

(ii) Untitled verses, by Henry Birkhead (adapted by another writer?).
In Latin. First line: ‘Dum Capitolinæ reservassem Nubila Turres’. The variations from the printed version are probably later alterations.

(iii) ‘Epitaph upon Moliere’ (author unknown.
In French. First line: ‘’Cy git Celuy qui parut dans la Scene’.

(iv) Untitled verses, by Archibald Pitcairne (adapted by another writer?).
In Latin. First line: ‘Tellurem statuere Dii, sua littora Belgæ’. The variations from the printed version are probably later adaptations.



To daunten me to daunten me
I thought nothing cou’d daunten me
When I was wanton young and free
I thought nothing cou’d daunten me
But Eighty eight and Eighty nine
And all the weary years since syne
With sicknes age and poverty
Alace have o’r sair daunten’d me.

Seck was the drink in fortie nyne
When Presbitry had right Divine
And now again the time is come
When all our drink is Seck and Mum
And so into the chair we see
Is mounted Mr. John Presbitry
And banish’d is all Christian Liquor
With Bishop, Curate, Dean, & Vicar.

Claret’s the only liquor can
Be said to chear the Heart of Man
And when a better sett of Starrs
Shall put a right end to our Wars
Then banish’d shall be Seck and Mum
And every thing that breeds humdrum
And with good claret we shall see
Restor’d our Prince and Prelacy.


Dum Capitolinæ reservassem Nubila Turres,
Ausæ prærupta pandere Jura Polo;
Paruit Oceanus Tibri, subservijt Urbi
Orbis: Cultricem Dij coluere suam.
Ab Dijs condi vulgare; Hæc gloria major,
Ponere Jura Dijs, quam posuisse Deos.


Epitaph upon Moliere

’Cy git Celuy qui parut dans la Scene
Le Sienge de la Vie Humain
Qui n’aura jamais son egale.
Mais se jouant de la Mort, ainsi que de la Vie
Elle trouva si belle sa copie
Q’elle en fit un originall.


Tellurem statuere Dij, sua littera Belgæ,
Immensæque fuit molis uterque labos:
Dij vacuo sparsas glomerarunt æthere terras,
Nil ubi, quod ceptis posset obesse, fuit.
At Belgis maria, et cæli, naturaque rerum
Obsidit; Obstentos sic domuere Deos.

Crewe MS/10/f. 4r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(i) ‘Introduction to all the Toasts.’
First line: ‘Such is the List of Our Heroick Fair’.

(ii) ‘On the Dutchess of Queensberry.’
First line: ‘Fair Patroness of Wit and Liberty’.

(iii) ‘On the dowager Dutchess of Marlborough.’
First line: ‘Tell me no more of Youth, this Glass shall Boast’.

(iv) ‘On the Countess of Denbigh.’
First line: ‘Walpole this Charge to Noble Denbigh Gave’.

(v) ‘On the Countess of Burlington.’
First line: ‘Walpole may Give himself strange Airs’.

(vi) ‘On Miss Barnard.’
First line: ‘O! Sprung from Barnard London’s proudest Boast’.

(vii) ‘On the Lady Wallace.’
First line: ‘Thou Patriot Dame, whose Generous Bosom Shares’.

(viii) ‘On Young Lady Walpole.’
First line: ‘Go Spritely Rolles, Go traverse Earth and Sea’.

(ix) ‘On Mrs Cantillion.’
First line: ‘Illustrious Sons of Liberty and Will’.

(x) ‘On Miss Jenny Johnson Niece to Sir John Barnard.’
First line: ‘Since in this Circle of the Brave and Great’.

(xi) ‘On Lady Harvey.’
First line: ‘While Witt or Beauty boast a Charm’.

(xii) ‘On Miss Peggy Hays.’
First line: ‘Unequal’d say what Matchless Dame’.

(xiii) ‘On Miss Fowler.’
First line: ‘Bacchus Crown the Swelling Bowl’.

(xiv) ‘On Miss Delmé.’
First line: ‘Let Some let Virtue and discerning Taste’.

Two poems on one sheet
Crewe MS/10/f. 13r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(i) ‘Jamaica in Miniature; or, a Collection of Impossibilities’, by Teresia Constantia Phillips.
First line: ‘When Beauty, Wit, and soft good nature’. For the attribution see Kathleen Wilson, The Island Race (2014), p. 157.

(ii) ‘Sequel’ (a continuation of the above), by Teresia Constantia Phillips?
First line: ‘When Study, Friendship and rewarded Merit’.



Jamaica in Miniature; or, a Collection of Impossibilities.

When Beauty, Wit, and soft good nature,
Or Tongue unting’d with meanest Satire,
To Creole Women once belong,
Muse I’ll admit you’re in the wrong.
When John in sweet Behaviour is outdone,
Or G–bs–n by the Hope of Interest won.
When H–rr–s is to Black Dianna cold,
Or Speaker N–dh–m scorns the Love of Gold.
When Thoughts of Glory or his Country’s prize,
One Man-like Thought in H–mps–n’s {1} Soul can raise.
When aught that’s good in Ballard’s Story’s told,
Or Bessy to the Joys of Love grows cold.
When M–rk H–ll’s Wife’s unruly Members tired,
Or the poor Wretch with Wisdom is inspired.
When Archb–ld shall cease his Wife to prize,
Or Samms for Virtue you see cannonized.
When good Trel–wny all their Hearts can win.
Or James the third you see old England’s King.
When P–nny is no more his Friends delight,
Or Dr–per ceases to turn day to night.
When not one Scotchman in the Island’s found,
But modest Females in their room abound.
When Mother Ellis th’ Bawdry Trade gives o’er
Or in her House Intrigues are held no more.
When Master D–cky’s once with Wisdom tax’d
When B–ckf–rd {2} is afraid of Scandal’s Tongue,
Or cares who thinks him right or wrong.
When Patient Andrew once has learn’d to Spell,
Or D–ky B–th–rst {3} a true Story tell.
When Barnet’s Voice sweet Harmony Shall lose,
Or dirty B–ks a briming† Glass refuse.
When Kate the happy way to please has lost,
Or Bella one good Quality can boast.
When Andrew justly calls a man his Friend,
Or Sam for Hospitality commend.
When W–nter has no Scheme in view but one,
Or poor old Jacob is by play undone.
When Ch–rlt–n strives to please and striving fails.
Or H–rry D–wk–ns {4} against Whoring rails.
When Bl–r his Belly or a Rump forgets,
To ’s Friend is staunch or ever out of debt.
When Jack without his darling Pipe can rise,
Or Tom can aught above a Lac’d Coat prize.
When Pr–ce’s Fortune shall no Envy cause,
Or his best Action gain the least applause.
On Greenland Ice when you see Roses spring,
Or D–nn–s Kelly say a silly Thing.
When ill got gain can Mother Sharp affright,
Or H–rry N–dham can be unpolite.
When Mother Halsted’s Dancing days are done,
Or Wr–ght can be in Price’s praises dumb.
When Wh–t–h–am’s Jests are void of Ribaldry,
On Archer’s Ridge {5} shall Bees in Clusters fly.
In W–dst–ck’s lines when you no charm can see,
Or F–ll–r without low Brutality.
When Matt can please his Friends a second Hour,
Without repeating what he said before.
When Gr–g–ry to profit aught prefer,
Or fills with Approbation Justice Chair.
When M–rphy can his darling Play forbear,
Or Br–dy’s lookt upon a good Surveyor.
When Hay and Dick are in Marriage join’d,
Or St–w–rd’s Wife to Continence inclin’d.
When A–k–nh–d can live without Design,
Or aught to Gratitude his Heart incline.
Whene’er he moves but for the vilest ends,
Or to delude or to betray his Friends.
When P–le nor Avarice nor Eating Loves,
And by his Living his pure Morals proves.
Then we may hope to see the World amend,
And Men of Sense shall at his Lectures tend.



When Study, Friendship and rewarded Merit,
Polite Behaviour or a Publick Spirit,
When this you see be sure our grateful Muse,
In noblest Flights shall Commendation use.
When Chill {6} unsteady to his purpose proves,
Or quits the Interest of the Man he Loves.
When Honour, Truth or Courage can be found,
In little Provost’s Selfish, mean Compound.
When empty Words can strengthen a Debate,
The Fees of Gordon’s sure to meet their Fate.
When Briscoe shall no more his Swearers vex,
With Words obscure, or a Discourse perplex’d.
When ought moves Andrew but his Country’s good,
Or Jeaks’s Puns for Wit are understood.
When Knowles is Bullied into mean Submission
Or bends for Favour to the Coallition†.
Whenere the Hero, Signs of Fear shall show,
Hibbert & Bayly shall turn Kingston’s Foe.
When Manning shall disown the People’s Cause,
Or hope for a Reward but their applause.
When gentle Cargil gives Mankind Offence,
Or Hicks grows Famous as {7} a Man of Sense.
When no more Parties in this Isle you see,
Or Beech ill-natured or ill-bred can be.
When prating Webley talks of Law or Sense,
Tom Edwardes shall Philosopher commence.
When Artful Fearon ought shall enterprize,
But what shall tend himself to aggrandize.
When Hay begins to lead an Holy Life,
Or Woodcock lives to kill another Wife.
When Tom forgets the Beau and once turns Sage,
Rogers dull Life may fill up half a Page.
When out of Character brave Cotes is seen,
Or losing Game is played by Dan Mc.Queen.
When John is Summoned to account with Heaven,
For the fair Talents by his Maker given,
Can heaps of Gold attone† for the misuse,
Or Heaven be bribed to pardon the abuse.
When humble Reason fills poor Bessy’s Head,
Then Hymen’s Torch shall light her to her Bed.
When Dowell speaks but by the Grammar’s Rule,
We may forget he has gone to School.
When Foster March an Hippocrite shall turn,
Edwardes no more shall be the People’s scorn
When Charles & Jane in Marriage Bonds are bound,
Or one just Action in Venn’s whole Life is found.
When little Wallin for his Wit is prized {8}
Old Jones and Whiting shall be Cannonized
Who the poor Puppies would have sacrifised
When Gordon’s Soul Humanity shall learn,
Fanny’s good sense shall lose the power to Charm
When Ned Morant {9} gives ore the Love of Change,
Or the Uncurious Pinnock likes to range.
When artful Taylor a bad Bargain make,
Or poor old Hume {10} his Bottle shall forsake.
When Morse turns Candidate for Singing Clerk,
Or the Sky falls then we may catch a Lark,
When White does ought that Merits just Applause,
Nelly’s fair Form shall no more Envy cause.
In am’rous Flames when you see Gregory burn
Then Prin to some significance shall turn
When Fuller’s Coat will no more bear a turning
For Dead Hypocricy we’ll put on Mourning.
When Clarke’s no more the Favourite of the Fair,
Or makes the Vulgar World his smallest Care.
When Taafe from Pride of Folly shall be free,
Whole Troops of Female Converts you shall see.
When Dawkins shall his soft good nature lose,
When Stott’s Chaste Wife with evil Fame is tainted
Or Harry Lord’s for Virtue shall be Sainted
When Guy’s Amours are in oblivion laid,
Or Miss shall lose the fire of her Head.
When this you see chaste fair ones have a Care,
You may be sure that Doomsday’s drawing near
The Sun shall back on its own Axis turn,
And all beneath the No[r]thern Pole shall burn.


{1} Probably Sir George Hampson, 5th Baronet (d. 1754), or his son Sir George Francis Hampson, 6th Baronet (1731–1774). See Debrett’s Baronetage.

{2} Underlined in pencil, with a dash in the margin.

{3} Underlined in pencil. Richard Bathurst (1722/3–1762), physician and writer.

{4} Henry Dawkins (1728–1814), plantation and slave owner and politician. He was resident in Jamaica from about 1751 to 1759. See History of Parliament and ODNB.

{5} A ridge of hills between Sixteen Mile Walk (now in the parish of St Catherine) and St Mary’s. See Sir Hans Sloane, A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christopher’s, and Jamaica (1707), vol. i, pp. lxx, 74, 84, 86, 97, 99.

{6} The reading of the initial is uncertain.

{7} Interlined above a caret, after ‘for’, struck through.

{8} This line and the next two are braced on the right to ‘7:7’. The significance of these numbers is unclear.

{9} Edward Morant (1730–1791), the proprietor of substantial estates in Jamaica. He left the island for England in 1759. See History of Parliament, 1754–1790.

{10} Or ‘Hearne’?

† Sic.

Three pieces on one sheet
Crewe MS/10/f. 14r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(i) Verses addressed to George Cheyne, by John Wynter.
Headed ‘Dr Winter to Dr Cheney.’ First line: ‘Tell me from whom fat headed Scot’.

(ii) A reply to the above, by George Cheyne.
Headed ‘Dr Cheney’s answer.’ First line: ‘My System Doctor’s all my own’.

(iii) ‘A List of the Right Honourable The Earl of Kinneul’s Retinue received on board his Majesty’s Ship the Torrington | October the 30th 1729’ (author unknown).
In prose.

Two pieces on one sheet
Crewe MS/10/f. 21r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

(i) Untitled verses (author unknown).
First line: ‘But O! litle George thou struttest in vain’. A satire on King George II and Queen Caroline.

(ii) Untitled verses (author unknown).
First line: ‘Since England was England, sure never was seen’. A satire on King George II and Queen Caroline.



But O! litle George thou Struttest in vain,
For this is not thine, but Q— Carolines Reign:
And thou govern’st England, as Phillip do’s Spain.
Then Strike a bold Stroke, as thy Dad did before thee,
Shut up thy fat Spouse, and we all shall adore thee.


Since England was England, Sure never was Seen,
So Strutting a K— and So prating a Q—.
But I cou’d o’erlook George’s green Velvet coat,
His feather, tho yellow, and dangling Sword knot;
Nay I cou’d forgive his masking with Polly,
His tawdry Reviews, and the rest of his Folly:
But his army and Fleets, and his Senators vile,
That disgrace and oppress this once happy Isle:
He’s So fond of his Knight, and his Knight of our Coyn,
And to ruin us all his Courtiers combine
That {1} We cant keep our pence and the Hanover Line.


{1} Omitted by mistake, and added in the margin.

‘The Complaint …’ (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 22r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘No joy I in these peaceful Shades can find’.



The Complaint …

No joy I in these peaceful Shades can find,
Their Gloom adds Sorrow to my tortur’d Mind;
There† flow’ry Borders Seem no longer Sweet,
And the Gay Birds in vain their Songs repeat;
That Brook which o’er the Pebbles murmurs by,
I with my Tears continually Supply;
And when the Sparkling Stars I chance to see,
Ask, if there is not one a Friend to me?
But cruel as they are, they all conspire
To curse my Being with a hopeless Fire,
And doom me thus in Absence to deplore
The Loss of every Joy I knew before:
For thus Secluded from the Sight of Thee,
The Universe is all a Blank to me;
Yet I with Patience will my Lot endure,
Till Death to all my Grief Shall bring a Cure;
For in a Region far above the Skies
A Realm of Joy and endless Pleasure lies,
Those happy Climes my drooping Soul will chear,
And yield that Peace which is deny’d me hear†.


† Sic.

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 19r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘The Wrath of a desperate Monarch I sing’. A satire on King George II.



The Wrath of a desperate Monarch I sing
And the Wrath of a Monarch’s a desperate thing
Whole Nations it throws into Sorrow and Tears
And make even Kings outride Monsieur Bannieres {1}

’Twas this made the Prussian so saucy to think
He could swallow great George as easy as drink
His Troop of Golia’s he sends down in a Rage
But George was no David such Troops to engage

For George rousing up not his Courage but cunning
Thought in fight he might loose but cou’d beat ’em at running
To Horse then he sounds and from H—r {2} steals
When he cant shew his Head shews a fair pair of Heels

When arrived where he safely his Passion might Vent
In famed London City his Fury he Spent
Where now with more justice his mighty name rings
For nicking of Sashes than bullying of Kings

Poor Prince you much better had spared the poor City
Which was once the Worlds Envy but now is their Pity
But George when for Plunder he found ’em too poor
Broke window when owner had long broke before

Some Hundreds of pounds will not mend ’em its known
Now G— thow lov’st Money lay down but a Crown
The publick shall mend all the Windows you broke
Thus you’ll please the whole Nation & pay for your joke


{1} Courrier du cabinet of the Court of France. See e.g. The Political State of Great Britain, xxxvi. 465 (Nov. 1728).

{2} Probably Hanover.

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 15r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘Lord: what indouments are inherent’. The lines refer satirically to King George II.



Lord: what indouments {1} are inherent
In King and Queen and Heir apparent
The second George like Magpye walks
And like that bird great C—e talks
Farr greater is the prince’s merritt
Who both these Virtues doos inheritt
Ancient and Modern Witts extoll
The Goose that saved the Capittole
But Magpyes are reservd by Fate
To Save Brittanias Sinking State
which no body can deney


{1} endowments.

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 12r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘I’ll tell you a Story, a Story that true is’. A ballad, relating an imaginary dialogue between King George I and Bishop Atterbury, recently banished as a Jacobite conspirator.



I’ll tell you a Story, a Story that true is,
Concerning a Monarch whose name is George Lewis, {1}
And he is a Prince, & a Prince of great might,
Tho’ he cares not a half penny how be came by ’t.

More over good People a Story you’ll hear,
Concerning the Abbott of Westminster, {2}
And he is a Priest & a Priest of renown,
Tho’ now he is banish’d from fair London town. {3}

The King then to this Abbot he sent
And tax’d him with Treason against his Government,
And told him it was a most dangerous thing,
For a Priest to pretend to more sense than his King.

To the King then the Abbot would faine† have reply’d
Fore† surely the fact he would not have denyed
But the King bid him answer him questions three
Or his head should be Sever’d from his Body.

When I am seated on my royall Throne,
Surrounded by Kendal, {4} my Turks {5} & my Son, {6}
Trust up in my Robes, my Crown, & so forth
You must tell me directly how much I am worth

The Next without hesitation or doubt
How soon I may ride my Dominions throughout
The third Question you must not Shrink
But tell me truly on what I do think.

I need not set any Price on your Throne
The Abbot replyed, for it is none of your own,
But pay for the Stock, that your Whores & you bought.
And by just computation you’re not worth a groat.

The Next without hesitation or Doubt
How soon you may ride your Dominions throughout
Set out when Don Phœbus begins to Shine
And you’ll be out of Hanover eer you need dine.

Two questions resolved at the third I’ll not Shrink
But tell you directly on what you do think
Why now see his Highness coming in at the door
You think he’s not yours but the Son of a Whore


{1} King George I.

{2} Francis Atterbury, Dean of Westminster and Bishop of Rochester.

{3} Atterbury was exiled by Parliament as a Jacobite conspirator in 1723. He left the country on 18 June.

{4} Melusine von der Schulenberg, one of the king’s mistresses. She was created Duchess of Kendal in her own right in 1719.

{5} Mustapha and Mahomet, the king's two favourite valets, taken captive during one of his Turkish campaigns (Dictionary of National Biography).

{6} The Prince of Wales, the future George II.

Crewe MS/10/f. 11r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

Motto: ‘Intermissæ Venus diu | Rursus Bella Moves. | Hor: ad Venerem | Od: 1ma. Lib: 4’. First line: ‘My little Lodge! tease me no more’. The anonymous author describes himself as being fifty-five years of age. References to Lord and Lady Hervey and to Fanny Feilding suggest that the lines were composed between 1723 and 1729.



Intermissæ Venus diu
Rursus {1} Bella moves.—

Hor: ad Venerem
Od: 1ma. Lib: 4

Edgecombe | to Mother Lodge {2}

My little Lodge! tease me no more
With promise of the finest Whore
That Condom e’re was stuck in:
Give Younger Men the Beauteous dame
Alas I’m past the amourous Flame
And must have done with F—ing

I’m not that Hero once you knew
When I the Tygress did Subdue
By Noble Feats of Vigor;
Why shou’d I now pretend to swive {3}
Mother, you know at fifty five
A Man can only Fr–g Her

Go to Sr. Paul that vigorous Knight
Equal in F—ing or in Fight;
Ready for each Encounter;
He can a Lady’s Cause defend
In Senates, when she needs a Friend,
Or he in Bed can mount her

He says an hundred tender things,
Is Generous, & gives Ruby Rings,
In Prowess never wanting:
To Opera’s He’ll take the Jades,
And F–ck them too—at Masquerades
Three times without disc–nting.

But Lodge, Cold Customers like me
Entirely lost to Gallantry,
I fear wou’d quickly Starve You;
I value not who’ere I toast,
Nor care a Rush which pleases most
Or Lord or Ly. Her—y

And yet what means my faultring Tongue,
Again I sigh, again am Young,
In dreams I found her yeilding:
Oh! were she so, in day time too,
Still cou’d I dangle still pursue,
My Charming Fanny Feilding {4}.


{1} MS ‘Russus’, with ‘r’ added above the first ‘s’.

{2} Sally Lodge, a brothel-keeper, known as Mother Lodge. See A Genuine Epistle … to the late famous Mother Lodge (1735).

{3} MS ‘swire’, with ‘r’ underlined and ‘? v.’ in the margin.

{4} Probably Lady Fanny Feilding, daughter of the 4th Earl of Denbigh, who was said to have been ‘distinguished for her beauty and amiable manners’. She married Daniel, 8th Earl of Winchilsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham, in 1729 and died in 1734. See The Works of the English Poets, ed. A. Chalmers (1810), xvii. 589.

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 9r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘Says Sir John to his Spouse as together they Sat’.



Says S[i]r John to his Spouse as together they Sat
Shall we first go to Supper, or else you know what
With an Innocent smile, reply’d the good Lady
My D[ea]r what you please, but Supper’s not ready

Untitled verses (author unknown)
Crewe MS/10/f. 8r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘I said to my heart betwixt sleeping and waking’.



I said to my heart betwixt sleeping & waking
Thou wild thing that art always leaping & aking
For the black, for the fair, in what Clime or nation
Hast thou not felt a pit-a-pat-tation?

Thus Accused the Wild thing gave this sober reply,
See the heart without motion, tho’ Celia {1} pass by,
Nor the beauty she has, nor the wit that she borrows
Gives the eyes any Joy, or the heart any sorrow

When our Sapho {2} appears, whose wit’s so refin’d,
I am forc’d to applaud with the rest of mankind,
Her charms are confess’d her Spirits & fire,
Every word I attend; but I only admire.

Prudentia {3} as vainly doth put in her claim,
Ever gazing at Heaven, yet man is her aim.
’Tis love not Devotion, that turns up her eyes,
Those Starrs of this world are too good for the skies.

But my Cloe’s so easy so lively so fair,
Her wit so genteel, without art without Care,
When she comes in my way, Oh! the motion & pain
The leaping and aking, they return all again.

Thou Wonderful Creature, a woman of reason,
Never grave out of pride, never gay out of season,
When so easy to Guess who this Angel should be,
Would one think Mrs Howard ne’re thought, it was she


{1} In the margin: 'Mrs Harvey'.

{2} In the margin: 'Lady Mary Wortley'.

{3} In the margin: 'Mrs Meadows'.

Crewe MS/10/f. 7r · Partie
Fait partie de Crewe Manuscripts

First line: ‘Savez vous pouquoy Ovide’.



Savez vous pouquoy Ovide
Ecrivoit si galament
il avoit lamour pour guide.
et sa plume estoit Souvent
dans un Mirliton mirliton mirlitaine
dans un Mirliton ton ton

Paris fit au trois Deesses
depouiller leur cottillons
il vit trois paires de fesses
et trois mirliton—&c:

Junon lui promet Richesse
force honneur et grand pouvoir
Pallas le don de Sagesse
Venus le Charmant espoir
d’un beau Mirliton—&c.

A cette douce parolle
On vit le Combat cesser
Car Paris estoit un drole
qui se seroit fait fesser
pour un Mirliton &c.

Ils’en fut en Diligence
faire Menelas Cocu
Les Grécs en prirent Vengence
ah! que de Sang repandu
pour un Mirliton &c.

Si Caligula dans Rome
a fait Consul son cheval
Le Regent tout ainsi comme
a fait du Bois Cardinal.
pour un Mirliton &c:

Sans tambours et Sans trompette
le Regent s’en est allé
il a laissé sa lorgnette
au Parlement pour chercher
tous les Mirliton &c

Scavez vous ce qui decide
des honneurs et des Emplois
qui au parlement precide
mesme au Conseil de nos Rois
Sont des Mirliton &c:

Je n’ay point de Compte en banque
ny de Liquidation
Si l’argent comptant me manque
Jay recours aux actions
de mon Mirliton &c

Un Perruquier sans pratique
pour dissipier Son ennui
ecrivoit sur sa boutique
on raze et l’on frize ici
tous les Mirliton &c

Mirliton est une Chose
que tous le Monde Connoit
Cependant personne N’oze
le Nommer en bon francois
on dit Mirliton Mirliton Mirlitaine
on dit Mirliton ton ton.