Copies and typescripts of printed and manuscript works

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
3 Photocopy of the title page of Tomasso Campanella's 'De sensu rerum et magia' Item [1620]
9 Microfilm of 'The Interest of England considered in an essay on wool...' Item [1694]
10 Photocopy of 'An answer to a paper entitled Reasons against reducing interest to four per cent' Item n.d.
13 Photocopies of correspondence between Adam Smith, John Home Tooke, William Strahan, Joseph Black and Pat Clason with a "scrapbook" of printed and typescript copies of Smith's letters File [18th cent]
25 Copy of letters of Vilfredo Pareto File [1890–1903]
27 Photocopy of 'Notice Historique du village d'Etripigny' by Jean Meslier File [1902]
1 Photocopies of part of a work by Giovanni Antonio Tagliente File [1525]
4 Photocopies of estimates by Lionel Cranfield and Sir John Wolstenholme of imports and exports with notes by Piero Sraffa File [1613–14], post 1963
5 Photocopies of notes on customs Item [17th cent]
8 Photocopy of 'A Particular of the new buildings with bills of mortality' with notes by Sraffa File n.d.
15 Photocopy of notes by [ ] on ['Traité d'economie politique' by J B Say] File [1803]
18 Photocopy of a political work by [Saint Simon] (1 doc) Item [19th cent]
21 Two transcripts of letters by Lord Radnor File [1839–52]
22 Photographic copy of a letter from Karl Spenger to Karl Marx with notes on Marx and the Arbeiterbildungsverein File [1867], post 1935
23 Photocopies of letters from Maffeo Pantaleoni and Francis Edgeworth to Achille Loria File [1881–1911]
26 Photocopy of 'Iskra' volume 1 Item [Dec 1900]
29 Microfilm of the autobiography of William Hammond Item 1969
31 Photocopy of 'Some account of the transactions of Mr William Paterson...' Item [1695]
2 Photocopies of the introduction to the 'Libro delle Agricultura' by Pietro Crescentio File [16th cent]
11 Photocopy of a document relating to Bazin and others Item 18th cent
17 Photocopies of articles from La Nef and Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Geschichte on Saint Simon's Project d'Encyclopedie and copies of manuscript and printed copies of Saint Simon's letters to Redern File [19th cent, 1925,46]
24 Transcripts of correspondence between Alfred Marshall and John Neville Keynes Item [1889–92]
28 Photocopy of the constitution and rules of the International Club, London Item [1929]
30 Photocopy of Barbon's 'An Apology for the Builder' with notes on Roger North File [1685], n.d.
6 Two copies of a table of causes of death, 1629-59 File [1659]
7 Photocopies of 'A Discourse shewing the great advantages that new buildings and the enlarging of towns and cities do bring to a nation' File [1678]
12 Photocopies of documents relating to David Hume, with notes by Piero Sraffa File n.d.
14 Typescript copy of 'Paper Mischief Exposed 'by Jeremy Bentham Item [1801]
16 Photocopy of printed correspondence between Saint Simon and Redern Item [19th cent]
19 Microfilm of Saint Simon manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Nationale Item [19th cent]