Death of Grace Helen Lee, illness of Frances Bickersteth, family dog
Congratulations to CM on his result in the Classical Tripos: Rugby.
Enquires whether Robert knows of the Hulsean scholarships for sons of Cheshire clergy, advice on expenditure
Death of Isabella Grote (forwarded to George Grote)
News of the birth of Robert J. G. Mayor: St Margaret’s.
Viability of sending missionaries to Cape Town.
Congratulations on election to Liverpool Infirmary, John Bickersteth’s continuing ill health, Edward Bickersteth needs to develop firmness before becoming a surgeon: Kirkby Lonsdale.
Anecdote concerning Adam Sedgwick forced to repeat to the Queen a story he had told to her children
Condolences on the death of Alexandrina Jessie Mayor. [45 Royal Court Crescent, Clifton]
Alexandrina’s disagreements with L.
Deaths of Mary Alicia Mayor and Miss Davies
Circumstances surrounding Robert B Mayor not being elected a Fellow of St John's
Acount of voyage to Capetown, visit of catholic priests to ship, visit to Groenekloof: Cape Town
Forced to move pew, held a party for missionary day: Wallington,
Working hard at college, invited to dinner by the governor on account of his intelligence
Requests Joseph apologise to his father for his forgetfulness: Richmond
Benefits of literacy
Poem on the birthday of Flora M and Alice M Mayor.