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TRER/28/1 · Item · c 1893-c 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Book contains: notes from the "Law Quarterly", 1885 [1v-4r]; verse play with characters including Godfrey of Bouillon [5v-17r]. It has also been used from back to front, turned 180 degrees, for: strophe, antistrophe and epode of a poem about Dionysus and the Tyrrhenian pirates [v of endpaper-88r]; poem about Tobit [85r-81r; 79r-77v; 1 loose f between 82 and 83].

Also 73 inserts (both single sheets and bifolia), mostly of handwritten drafts of poetry. These include:
page proofs of "Trojan Captives Grinding Corn In The Palace of Menelaus", which appeared in "Mallow and Aspohodel" as "Quern Songs" [28/1/11];
draft verse and sketch plan on headed notepaper from Hôtel & Pension Palumbo, Ravello [28/1/27]; draft verse using headed notepaper from Wallington [28/1/28, 28.1/35, 28/1/38, 28/1/42];
letter, 29 July 1898, from 'W. E.' [William Edward?], Macmillan & Co. Ltd, St. Martin's Street, London, W.C., to R. C. Trevelyan, Roundhurst, Haslemere, acknowledging receipt of Trevelyan's letter of the 19th, the proofs of his poems ["Mallow and Asphodel"], which will be sent to press today, and Trevelyan's second letter with corrections that will be attended to [28/1/31];
Latin text of "Sylvae. III. Ambra" by Agnolo [Ambrogini] Poliziano [or Politian]; this may not be in Trevelyan's hand, though the pencil translation on the back is. [28/1/44]
Page proof of "Prologue for Bacchus", with stamp 'R. & R. Clark. Printers', with annotations in pencil at bottom and on verso [28/1/45].
Letter, 4 Apr 1900, from G. E. Moore, Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall, to R. C. Trevelyan. - Hopes that Bob will come some time next week; Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] will arrive on the 13th or 14th; gives corrected instructions for Bob's journey. Verso of letter, along with another bifolium, with draft verses, "Roses opening on the morn..." [28/1/55-57].

TRER/46/107 · Item · 14 Sept 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - The Interludes [in Prose and Verse, by G O Trevelyan] arrived this morning, and they look forward to reading it; Bessie will write soon to his father to thank him for it. Robert has 'just read most of Horace [at the University of Athens], which seems just as good as it ever was', and he expects the whole work will be improved by 'the slight alterations and 'the unimaginable touch of Time" [a quote from Wordworth's Mutability]'.

They have had a 'pleasant visit at the [Augustus Moore?] Daniels, and found all well at home'. George Moore has been for a short visit; now [Donald] Tovey is here for a week and there is 'an immense deal of music'. Bessie likes Tovey's playing as much if not more as anyone's, and he is 'very interesting when he talks about music, in a way few musicians are'; he plays 'a great deal of Bach' on the Trevelyan's clavichord, and their piano 'has a beautiful tone'.

Aunt Meg [Price] will visit in October and they hope also [her son] Phil. The Grandmonts are coming for a few nights next Monday. Does not know whether they will like returning to Taormina 'while the earthquakes still continue'; supposes 'Taormina is untouched, as it usually escapes', but Messina suffered greatly. Hopes there will not be a bad earthquake near Vesuvius, which 'is in great activity just now'; everyone near Naples seems 'very much frightened'. Will not be sorry if 'Cook's railway gets demolished', as long as nothing worse happens.

Hopes his parents are well, as well as the 'Cambo household [Charles and Molly]'; G[eorge], J[anet] and M[ary] C[aroline] seemed well when they dined with them in London; Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] was there 'and seemed fairly cheerful, though looking rather tired and worn perhaps [after the death of his brother Theodore in July].

TRER/12/117 · Item · 18 Oct 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Has sent Withers's letter to Robert on to George; sorry about the trouble Robert and Elizabeth are having [over Florence Trevelyan's will]; luckily Sir George and Caroline have plenty [of money] of their own, which will 'all be for [their] sons and daughters'. Discusses a letter he has had from Philipson; does not know the value of the land at Taormina and imagines Robert may incline towards not acting as executor, not paying the sixty thousand francs, and renouncing the property; Withers and Davies are 'wise advisers'. Glad that he himself refused to be a Trustee, which none of the family ought to be 'on any account'.

TRER/12/12 · Item · 11 Oct 1893
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Not surprised that the Apostles are considering whether they should 'take notice of JECW' [James Edward Cowell Weldon, who had cancelled the annual dinner with little warning], but expects there is 'something to be said on both sides'. Is interested in both [Crompton and Theodore Llewelyn] Davies, and hopes they will both get fellowships next year; supposes postponement is 'not as bad a thing' as it was in his time. Glad that George is doing so well. Is rather busy; has never seen less game around the lower estate, but does well without it.

TRER/9/121 · Item · 26 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcot, Dorking. - Discusses post times. The weather has been 'absolutely beastly' and he has a cold, which gave him a nose-bleed this morning. Took a day off yesterday and lunched with the Frys; [Roger] Fry is very busy, having had to give an extra lecture last week, so Bob conveys his advice on house decoration. Need good painters, as [George?] Moore had trouble when he was having his Cambridge rooms done, due to the 'stupidity of the workmen'. Gives his aunt Meg Price's address. Thinks he is becoming 'more romantic' about her; wishes he had been with her to 'caress... and explain away [his] last cruel letter' in which he thoughtlessly exaggerated his 'regret at [his] fading days of singleness' [9/119]. She will certainly not come between him and his friends, as she has 'quite enough of their own intellectual qualities to be their friend in the same way' he is. Has usually gone abroad alone and not allowed his 'sensations to be interfered with by those of others'; will probably enjoy going to Greece more with her than with 'people like Daniel and Mayor'. Attempts to explain his feelings in detail. Will be able to talk freely to his friends after his marriage, though 'it is true that men do talk more obscenely, and more blasphemously, than they ever quite dare to talk before women' and he thinks that this difference is right. Should not have written 'so carelessly' and caused her pain. Has written to her uncle saying he and she should fix the date. Crompton [Llewelyn] Davies came for tea last Sunday; he is probably going to the Lizard at Easter; he said his brother [Arthur?] and his wife went to Land's End for his honeymoon which was 'very satisfactory', but that Savernake near Salisbury plain was the 'best place conceivable', with 'every kind of scenery' only an hour from London. He says it has a good inn; Bob may look on his way to Cornwall. Seatoller [in Borrowdale] is very nice too, but much further away. Has not yet heard from Daniel how Sanger is; will tell Bessie [about Sanger's unhappy love affair] when he sees her; she guessed correctly that the woman was Dora. He and Fry still think it would have been best for them to marry, but that now seems unlikely; her treatment of him is 'not through heartlessness exactly... but owing to circumstances, and also to her rather unusual temperament'. Has done some work, and has been re-reading Flaubert's letters; feels more in sympathy with him than any other modern writer. His mother says Charles and George are thinking of giving Bessie a 'very pretty sort of box to keep music in'; wishes they would give them the flying trunk or carpet Bessie mentioned. They will have to content themselves with meeting in dreams, though it seems [Empedocle] Gaglio has a dream-carpet which will take him into Bessie's brain; still, he does not have a lock of her hair so Bob has a start.

TRER/9/124 · Item · 13 [?] Apr - 14 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall. - Likes the sketch of Bessie's wedding costume; quite Watteau-esque as she says. He is 'no judge of silks' but the piece she sends looks good; encloses samples of cloth for his trousers and for a tweed suit and asks her opinion. Will probably stay in Cornwall till next Wednesday; [George] Moore and MacCarthy are the only others there at the moment; [G.H.?] Hardy left yesterday, and he hopes both 'Llewelyn Davieses' [Crompton and Theodore?] are coming tomorrow. Describes the place; Moore 'played a lot and sang yesterday after tea', then they played cards and talked. Is reading James's "Daisy Miller", which is 'charming'. Discussion of the music box; has written to his mother to suggest having the partitions taken out; it is from both George and Charles. Expects it would be best to invite the consul [Henry Turing, at Rotterdam, to the wedding celebration]; he may not come. Did not mean that Sir Henry [Howard] would arrange all the legal marriage business, but he offered to arrange the ceremony and invitation of the consul; expects he could do this most easily but it would not matter if they or her uncle should arrange it. Will write to Sir Henry or Turing when he hears from her uncle, though is not sure what to say. Would prefer to invite Sir Henry to the wedding, especially as Bob's father and mother are coming, feels he should ask his parents what they think. Sir Henry is a relation, and has 'shown great good-will and readiness'.

Does not see why Bessie should cut herself off completely from her Dutch musical friends; she will 'often be in Holland', and will 'surely stay at Mein's [sic: Mien Rontgen's] in Amsterdam'; in England, she will of course have 'complete freedom to make her own friends' and must keep up and develop her own talents as much as she can; he will enjoy hearing her play, but also going to hear others and getting to know her friends, but that does not mean she should not have independence of interests and friendships. Thinks that women 'have not enough respect for their own intellectual lives' and give it up too easily on marriage, through their husband's fault or their own; she should 'quite seriously consider going to settle in Berlin for 5 or 6 months' for her music. Mrs [Helen] Fry's marriage has made her more of a painter. Her pleurisy is better now; thinks Bessie exaggerates the importance of her cigarette smoking, and that any ill effects it does have are balanced by the help it gives her to create art. Has never 'been in danger of being in love' with Helen Fry, but always found her 'more interesting and amusing than any woman [he] ever met... with a completely original personality', and would not think of criticising such a person's habits but would assume they are 'best suited to their temperament'; in the same way, Moore probably 'drinks more whisky than is good for his health, and smokes too much too', but he would not criticise him. Bessie is also 'an original person' with a 'personal genius of [her] own', but in addition he loves her; has never felt the same about any other woman.

Continues the letter next day. Has finished "Daisy Miller"; and is doing some German, getting on better than he thought he would. Part of the reason for saying he would 'never learn German' was an 'exaggerated idea of the difficulty', but more because he thought, and still thinks, it will be less of a 'literary education' than other languages; is chiefly learning it for Goethe, though being able to read German scholarship will be useful. Has read Coleridge's translation of "Wallenstein", which Schiller himself claimed was as good as the original; thinks English and [Ancient] Greek lyric poetry is better than the German he has read. Very sorry about Lula [Julius Röntgen]; asks if it [his illness] will do more than postpone him going to Berlin. Has heard from Daniel that Sanger is 'getting on quite well'; hopes he will return from Greece 'quite himself again'. Will be nice for Bessie to see the Joneses [Herbert and Alice] again; he has 'become a little parsonic perhaps' but very nice; has seen little of him for the last few years. Bessie should certainly get [Stevenson's] "Suicide Club" for Jan [Hubrecht]; will pay half towards it. Will certainly come before Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht] returns. Has grown 'such a beard, finer than Moore's and McCarthy's, though they have grown their's for weeks'. Describes their daily routine. Is encouraged that Moore likes several recent poems he himself was doubtful about; is copying out the play and will show him today or tomorrow. The Davieses are coming this afternoon. Signs off with a doggerel verse.

TRER/12/125 · Item · 18 Feb 1908
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Marked 'Private and Confidential'. Interested to hear about Paul, and 'about the reading room and clericalism'. Wants to write 'a few lines, between which' Robert and Elizabeth may read; has seen Crompton Davies who was 'much alive' to his suggestions, and will communicate them to Withers, that [Florence Trevelyan's] will should be proved and amount and whereabouts of the personal property ascertained. Asks Robert to find out whether Withers is working on this, and who the Trustees now are. Does not understand about the twenty thousand lire; perhaps however information has by now been given to Withers about the property in which Robert and George have an interest. Notes in a postscript that he has had three letters from the Poet Laureate [Alfred Austin], who 'sounds a jolly old chap'; also asks whether Robert knew that the Callias whose 'fine fragments' appear in Bergk ["Poetae Lyrici Graeci"] was the 'coryphoeus of the thirty tyrants [of Athens in the last days of the Peloponnesian War]'; there is an 'evident allusion' to his lines on the cottabus in the story of the death of Theramenes, but Sir George has never seen this mentioned.

TRER/11/128 · Item · 31 July 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - [The death of Theodore Llewelyn Davies] is 'indeed the most tragic event', and his family, friends and country will all miss him; he was 'one of the ablest & most useful of men'. Can tell her nothing more than the 'scraps' appearing in the newspapers: that he 'went out on Tuesday & was found drowned in the stream on Friday'. [Ralph?] Wedgwood wrote to Janet saying that the funeral was on Friday; none of his friends could have been there as it was so soon. George feels it 'most terribly'; Caroline is sure Bob will also miss him, and he is a 'great loss to Charles, as he was of the greatest help to him'. Everyone is thinking of [his brother] Crompton. She and Sir George feel it very much: Theodore 'seemed in a way to belong to the family' and he had great hopes of what he would do when the Liberals came to government. Hoping Charles and Mary will come for a couple of nights while their servants settle at Cambo; Charles may see Crompton before he comes and hear more, but 'there is evidently nothing to be found out'. Janet and the baby leave today. Is trying to discover whether the Carr Bosanquets are in the north, and will invite them if possible.

TRER/17/137 · Item · 30 Nov 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

14, Barton Street, Westminster. - Thanks Bob for his letter; replies by quoting four lines of poetry [the last lines of Browning's "By the Fire-Side"]; his 'heart is still very full' with thoughts of Bob. Bob knows the 'wretched mood' in which Crompton 'could have said vile things about the Dutch', and will 'understand and forgive'. Crompton is 'ashamed to think' how much he has 'trespassed' on Bob's goodness and put his 'sympathy to the strain', but this is because 'the heart opens & the "true self" often reveals itself in all its beastliness & baseness' to Bob more than to most people, as he is 'kind & patient & αἰσθητός [perceptive]'. Therefore knows that 'she in whom your hope has found its gracious soul... [refers to Elizabeth by quoting from Rossetti's "Love-Lily"]... is worthy' and 'blest' in knowing Bob. Says that Bob makes 'the world a better place' by letting them share in his happiness.

TRER/46/141 · Item · 5 Feb 1908
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking. - Sends thanks for his parents' letters. Bessie is on a two night visit to the Fletchers [Dorothy and Mary, her fellow students at St Andrews, and family?] near Petworth so he is alone except for Paul, who is well. Has not heard anything new 'about Sicilian matters' [the will of Florence Cacciola Trevelyan], and has not seen Withers or Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] for 'some time'.

Went to the English language performance of Wagner's Ring last week [conducted by Hans Richter]; the 'English singers came through the ordeal very creditably, considering that few of them had any operatic experience'. Hopes this will be a 'good omen' for the performance of Ariadne [The Bride of Dionysus], for which Tovey 'seems to be getting on with the music', though it will take some time. Gives dates of Tovey's concerts at the Chelsea Town Hall in Feb-Apr, in case his mother can go to any. Went to Charles and Molly's 'at home' last week, which 'was very pleasant'; saw George there, who seems well.

Paul is well, except for a little trouble with his teeth which are taking a long time to come through. He 'can stand up alone now, at least when he does not think of it, though the moment he does, he falls down'. Hopes his parents are well.

TRER/3/161 · Item · 11 Jan 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Is to see Mr Williams [a surgeon, about his prostate trouble] tomorrow; asks if Bessie can find out about him. Is sceptical about operations; his mother even more so. George Thomson writes that Crompton [Llewelyn Davies?] has just escaped an unnecessary one. Thanks Bessie for her care. The book [his biography of Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson] is with the publisher, who seems to be enthusiastic.

TRER/16/169 · Item · [July or August 1905]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rounton Grange, Northallerton. - Apologises for writing in such haste; must 'share grief' with Bob [on the death of Theodore Llewelyn Davies]. He and Charles went to K[irkby] Lonsdale yesterday, 'uninvited but welcome'. The funeral, to which no one but the family were invited, was over. The grave is next to his mother's, 'opposite the Rectory, in full sight of the windows'. Desmond MacCarthy was there 'looking after Crompton who is very broken, his physical weakness becoming apparent, not any mental or spiritual'. He himself is not finding Theodore's loss any easier, and it seems greater 'the more one thinks... both to us all and to the world. He was so much the best of us all', as well as one of the ablest, certainly easily the ablest in the 'political world'. He and Jan are coming South tomorrow; they will stay at Stocks until 6 [August], then London for the rest of the month. Must see Bob, and will come down if Bob can put him up, or is not coming to London. Sends love to Bessie, who he knows 'shares our love and grief for him'; Theodore often used to talk to him about her, and was very fond of her, 'as he was of much more unworthy people like me your brother'.

TRER/46/17 · Item · 9 Nov 1892
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity, Cambridge:- As he said [46/16] he is going to Oxford next Saturday, and will return to Cambridge early on Monday; does not think he will be able to stop in London, but will see her when she comes on the 21st [to stay with the Verralls]. Saw George last Saturday [at Harrow] and thought him 'flourishing'. Supposes she will be going to Harrow soon. Hears there has been 'a great attack on Welldon in the National Observer', which he has not yet read; expects it is 'probably very unfair, though [Welldon] has no doubt partly laid himself open to such attacks'. Bowen seems well.

Hopes that things are going their [ie the Liberal Party's] way everywhere: expects the Tories will 'talk a great deal about the Evicted Tenants' Commission, but that it will not much matter'. Has not heard from Charlie since he started North; hopes he has had a 'pleasant and instructive journey'. The elections in America seem to be going well, though Robert does 'not understand much about things American'. Asks if his father is well. Is glad that all are well at Welcombe; it is 'quite right that Snitterfield should become an asylum for the oppressed'. Has just been to a chamber concert with Crompton Ll[ewelyn] Davies. Is going to a Wagner concert next week; there are 'some quite first rate concerts here this term'.

TRER/16/170 · Item · [August 1905]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

1, Garden Court, Temple, E. C. - Originally enclosing [Warre?] Cornish's article; asks Bob to acknowledge receipt if he does not send it back at once; if Bob could give his opinion this might help them [the editors of the "Independent Review?"] to form their judgment. Sends love to Bessie. Postscript on back of the letter informs Bob that Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] has gone to France with [Bertrand] Russell; he seemed 'much better [emphasized] before he left' [referring to Crompton having recently lost his brother Theodore]. The Sangers are expecting the birth of a baby in around October.

TRER/13/179 · Item · 8 Nov 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

2, Cheyne Gardens, S.W. - Bessie's note was the first they had heard of the 'great event' [Crompton Llewelyn Davies' engagement]; have now had many details from Evelyn Whitehead: the fiancé is an Irish girl, Moya O'Connor, age not yet known; Crompton first met her on 7 October and was engaged by a week ago. Evelyn has not met her yet, but saw Crompton earlier today, then lunched with Janet 'simply dancing with delight'; she thinks they will be married quite soon. Good to think of him being so happy, as he has 'had an awful year with poor Sylvia Davies's death'. Moya is 'a fine speaker' and has addressed meetings for Crompton's 'Land League thing [English League for the Taxation of Land Values]!'

TRER/5/212 · Item · 17 May 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Deudraeth Castle Hotel, Portmeirion Peninsula, Penrhyndeudraeth, North Wales. - Dora is claiming all custody of John and Kate in her divorce petition and presenting herself 'as a conventionally innocent wife'. Russell is very anxious to be able to marry Peter [Spence], but they would both sacrifice this in order not to lose the children. Encloses a typed statement explaining the situation: Dora has concealed the existence of her two children by Griffin Barry in her divorce petition, and does not ask the discretion of the court for her adulteries, which she also conceals; a Chancery suit is being brought to determine the question of custody, and it is important that the Judge should have evidence of Russell's fitness as a parent and of the mutual affection of the children and Peter Spence; the Russells have so far 'had equal rights in the children', who spend term time with their mother and holidays with their father; he wishes this arrangement to continue. Asks if she and Bob could make a statement that Russell 'is not an exceptionally bad father' and Peter 'not an abandoned hussy, but good with the children and loved by them'; this should be sent to Crompton Ll[ewelyn] Davies. A postscript: 'I have also written to [John Edensor?] Littlewood' has been crossed through and replaced with instructions to use Russell's title in the statement. Over the page there is a request that the Trevelyans should visit any time in June, signed P.S. [Peter Spence].

TRER/2/22 · Item · 17 Nov 1896
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

London; addressed to Trevelyan at Copse Cottage, Fernhurst, near Haslemere. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter and for sending the Browning volumes: he had 'rather hankered' after "Paracelsus". Had less luck with the 'Cambridge Pictures', but feels his way of taking them might have spoiled Trevelyan's fun. He did meet and befriend Edward Carpenter at Cambridge, however.

TRER/46/222 · Item · 6 Nov 1916
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o Mrs Wilson, Myers Farm, Silverdale, near Carnforth. - Was very glad to hear, from Bessie and his mother herself, that his mother is 'much better' and will probably be able to travel to Welcombe early next week. Also very glad that Julian will be going there with his grandparents for a while, and that he 'makes himself sociable' so that his grandparents like having him. Bessie seems to have had a 'very busy time at Cambo, while Mrs Clarke was away and Mary ill'.

Robert's friend George Moore has announced that he is to marry 'a young lady who recently went to his philosophical lectures at Cambridge. The difference of age is considerable, but such marriages seem often to be very happy'. There is a similar age gap between Crompton [Llewelyn] Davies and his wife, and that 'has been a singularly happy marriage in every way'. Almost all of Robert's 'contemporary friends are now married'.

Has never known 'such continuously bad weather' as there has been since he came here; it is very bad for Robert's 'invalid friend [Gordon Bottomley]', though he is 'better than might be expected'. Will send his father a copy of the new Annual [of New Poetry] when it is published; has ended up having 'practically to do all the business with the publishers, and a good deal of editing too', but it is 'quite interesting work, and Constables so far have been remarkably pleasant to deal with'.

TRER/2/27 · Item · 6 Apr 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Fron Isallt, Treaddur Bay, Holyhead, North Wales. - Wishes he could have welcomed Trevelyan at the Bridges, but the house is let to Maurice [Llewelyn Davies], his sister-in-law and daughters; he himself will return to England next week and would like to see Trevelyan to discuss 'the rival attractions of clink, hard labour & work of national importance, including the building of the lofty rhyme' [subsequent to them becoming liable to conscription]. Considers that having married an Irishwoman he himself has become a neutral: Trevelyan might do the same. Has not seen Bertie [Russell] but is very concerned about his situation [Russell's conviction for pacifist activities]. Feels the legal appeal will be of no use, that Russell should make a written statement, and that his friends should concern themselves with the mitigation of the punishment and do what they can to save him from imprisonment. Has been taking steps along these lines with Buckler; from what he hears from Morel, Russell should not suffer six months of ordinary imprisonment. Is enjoying a family holiday by the sea; Richard can walk miles and climb any rocks. Version of the Arethusa legend by Llewelyn Davies originally enclosed.