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TRER/24/23 · Item · 30 Nov 1948
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

A. A. Tanner & Son, Printers and Commercial Stationers, 80 South Street, Dorking. - Originally enclosing a revised proof of Trevelyan's 'Christmas Poems' ["From the Shiffolds"]; they have in the same colour cover card as last year if Trevelyan prefers it. They have managed to include all the new versions, though they needed to rearrange them a little and the 'last page is a trifle full'.

TRER/24/26 · Item · 27 Oct 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

A. A. Tanner & Son, Printers and Commercial Stationers, 80 South Street, Dorking. - Has looked over Trevelyan's copy for his "Translations from Greek Poetry"; guesses it will make about sixty two pages of print, plus around eight prefatory pages. Trevelyan's previous book "Translations from Latin Poetry" made fifty six pages. Originally enclosing the receipt [see 24/27] for a cheque from Trevelyan, for which Tanner thanks him.

TRER/24/33 · Item · 6 Feb 1951
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

For binding a hundred copies of "Translations from Latin Essays [sic: actually Poetry]" and carriage to Allen & Unwin; printing a hundred and fifty 'Christmas Booklets' ["From the Shiffolds"]; printing five hundred copies of "Translations from Greek Poetry" and the jackets, binding them and delivering them to Allen & Unwin, as well as several batches of envelopes.

TRER/24/41 · Item · 23 Nov 1948
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Has received Trevelyan's letter of 9 November; as Trevelyan knows, the firm are 'most reluctant to undertake publications on commission', but Unwin thinks they 'must make an exception' for him; encloses an agreement along the lines of that they had for "Windfalls". Is returning the proofs under separate cover; Trevelyan will see they think the 'typographical arrangement' can be improved in places. Suggests an edition of six hundred copies, to enable 'generous distribution of review copies'; does not think it important whether the binding is in cloth or paper as long as it is 'attractive' and there are 'suitable jackets' if done in cloth. Would be good if Mr Tanner could do the binding, but Unwin thinks a specimen should be approved first; the whole edition probably need not be bound at once.

Handwritten note on back [in R. C. Trevelyan's hand?] seemingly a draft response to this letter, and questioning the implication in 'Clauses 11 & 12' that Trevelyan has assigned his rights to Allen & Unwin. Crossed through in pencil.

TRER/24/42 · Item · 3 Dec 1948
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter of November 25 with cheque and signed agreement for "Translations from Latin Poetry"; encloses a duplicate of the agreement [24/34]. Asks what price Trevelyan was planning for the book; Allen & Unwin do not object to 'paper cases' if this means a bound book with paper substituted for cloth. Has passed on Trevelyan's paragraphs to the publicity department, who will be in touch.

TRER/24/43 · Item · 11 Apr 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

GA & Unwin Ltd, 40 Museum Street. - Some book-jackets have come from the printers [A. A. Tanner & Son]; assume these are the proofs which were requested. Originally enclosing one with some corrections to the advertisements; would have liked this to have been 'a little more neatly displayed and to have had a few more quotations from newspaper criticisms'; however, do not wish to add to the 'corrections bill' so are prepared to say that they approve the jacket.

TRER/24/44 · Item · 9 Aug 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Asks if Trevelyan has considered offering his last two books to an American publisher; if not, suggests sending copies to the Macmillan Company in New York with the hope that they might import a small quantity. They would pay only about a third of the published price, but this would 'ensure some distribution in the States' and review copies going to the press. Currently have only sixty copies of "Translations from Latin Poetry"; asks if there are any more at the binders [A. A. Tanner & Son]. There are four hundred and eighty copies of the second impression of "Windfalls".

TRER/24/45 · Item · 6 Oct 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Trevelyan's two manuscripts have been looked through: the firm does not think there is a 'strong case' for publishing his book of essays, but would be willing to publish his translations from Greek verse if they are printed by Mr Tanner in the same way as the 'Latin volume' ["Translations from Latin Poetry"]. It is a much bigger collection than the Latin one, and the reader finds it 'unequal': it would be 'rather an expensive job' if all the submitted material is included, and the reader suggests omitting the Homer if cuts are desired. Asks if Trevelyan will collect the manuscripts or wishes them to be sent by registered post. Adds in a postscript that he gathers from Lady Allen that Trevelyan thinks Bertrand Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" is not available in this country; this is not true, as Allen & Unwin have sold around seventy thousand copies and have 'plenty in stock'.

TRER/24/46 · Item · 11 Oct 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter of 8 October. His typescripts are being returned by registered post; a formal agreement for "[Translations from] Greek Poetry will be drafted when Trevelyan has seen Mr Tanner and can give them more information about the size of the book and so on.

TRER/24/47 · Item · 3 Nov 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter giving details of "Translations from Greek Poetry": encloses an agreement for its publication, on the understanding that publication will 'follow the precise style of "Translations from Latin Poetry". Agrees to Mr Tanner doing the binding, since 'only a small edition is called for'. Has informed Mr Beard that more copies of the Latin book are available from Mr Tanner if needed.

TRER/24/51 · Item · 25 July 1950
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Thanks Trevelyan for letting them look through his proofs for "Translations from Greek Poetry", which 'seem all right'. Gives directions for modifying the style used in the "Latin Poetry" volume for the title page and for a preface (if desired). Proofs originally enclosed. Is glad that Trevelyan is 'feeling better these days'.