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Research notes
Add. MS a/227/1 · File · 1897-1908
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

The research notes consist of Boughey's notes, letters, and publications from others relating to various aspects of the College's history, as well as the publication of the history. The papers appear disordered from their original state but because there are some runs of like material they have been left as found. Boughey’s note passing them on to R. V. Laurence may be found as item 399, with a covering note and instruction at items 410-411.

The letters are from W. Emery Barnes (items 220-221), W. H. D. Bird (item 415), F. C. Burkitt (item 330), J. W. Clark (items 400-401), C. M. Neale (item 308), John Peile (items 325, 327), Alexander Pulling (item 427), and Alfred E. Stamp (item 372). Letters from Robert Bowes (item 386), J. W. Clark (items 63, 250, 390), F. E. Robinson (items 231, 233, 235, 242-244, 247, 252-253, 383-385, 387, 394) and Hutchinson & Co. (items 224-226, 230, 248-249, 251) concern the publication of the history. These are accompanied by a draft of Boughey’s letter to Hutchinson & Co. (item 245) and Boughey’s original memorandum of agreement with F. E. Robinson dated 4 Nov. 1897 (item 246).

Printed material consists of a card advertising Rouse Ball's History of the First Trinity Boat Club (item 207), five of J. W. Capstick’s halftone photographs of the 1st Eastern General Hospital in Nevile's Court and on the Backs (item 209), G. F. Cobb’s A Brief History of the Organ in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge (item 356), three printed catalogues from F. E. Robinson & Co. dated 1898-1901 and notices by F. E. Robinson from the same period (items 227-230, 232,237, 240-241), The Roof-Climber’s Guide to Trinity (item 366), the first paper of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Undergraduates, February 1838 (item 170), an offprint of Robert Sinker’s The Statue of Byron in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (item 414), and Vincent Henry Stanton’s Some Makers of Trinity College. A Sermon Preached in the Chapel of Trinity College Cambridge, on December 9, 1898 (item 442).

Notes were written on verso of letters, including one from Herbert P. S. Devitt asking for leave (item 19), a letter from W. H. D. Rouse to Mr Stewart dated 3 Oct. 1902 (item 39), a book recommendation ticket for the library (item 38), and a Trinity gate bill sent to the Senior Dean for Monday night Aug. 25, n.y. (item 41). Two unusual items are clipped pieces of an early manuscript (item 406).

Press cuttings with reviews of Trevelyan's translation of Theocritus' idylls, most sent to Trevelyan by Durrant's Press Cuttings agency, from: "Poetry Review"; "John O' London's Weekly" ("What's the Use of Latin" by W. H. D. Rouse, also reviewing "Roman Panorama" by Grose-Hodge); the "Guardian"; "Church Times"; "Oxford Magazine"; "Times Literary Supplement"; "New Statesman and Nation" (by Louis MacNeice, comparing Trevelyan's translation to C. Day Lewis's earlier version of the "Georgics"); "Cambridge Review" (by N. C. Joliffe).

Journal of a Stay in Rome
FRAZ/34/12 · Item · 1900-1928
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

20 pp. diary kept from 10 Dec. 1900 to 28 Feb. 1901 listing J. G. and Lilly Frazer's movements in Rome: places visited, and people seen, including [Giacomo] Boni, Wickham Steed and Madame [Clémence] Rose, Professor and Mrs [William] James, R. A. Neil, and A. E. Shipley. J. G. Frazer makes notes from a meeting on 16 Jan. with Miss Roma Lister, who gathered Italian folklore from peasants, and mentions her colleague C. G. Leland. On 19 Jan. he makes notes from a meeting with Dr [F. H.?] Burton-Brown, who lived amongst the Naga tribes in Assam. On 31 Jan. he describes an expedition to Nemi. On 27 Feb. he leaves Rome for Perugia. At the back of the volume are 2 1/2 pages of a bibliography of anthropological works, and two page list of 'Books Lent' from 1894-1905, to F. M Cornford, W. Ridgeway, A. B. Cook, W. H. D. Rouse, Miss [Aelfrida?] Tillyard, S. A. Cook, A. A. Bevan, and Prof. C. Bendall. This is followed by a short list of 'Ovid. Books to be Kept, Sept. 1928'.

Add. MS b/37/137 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 23 July 1920 - Has had some MSS and instructs him to indicate how many packets he is sending, etc.; asks what his plans are; have had workmen in the house; [W. H. D.] Rouse's school [The Perse] has bought 20 acres of land on Hills Road [in Cambridge].

FRAZ/25/14 · Item · 22 Oct. 1929
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woodcote, Godalming - Has no authority in the financial matter she alludes to; it is up to Dr Loeb to decide on any further payment; as to any 'apparent negligence' he notes that he is 80, and has to deal with an invalid wife and daughter, the Loeb Library, the County Council, the Chairmanship of a Company, The Chairmanship of a Local Election Authority, and feels on the edge of a breakdown; as to not acknowledging a copy of the 'Fasti' [sent him], he thought it was sent from Macmillan to the Loeb Classical Library and not himself, and he had only just discovered the slip of paper with Frazer's most kind words; as to anything that could be done to mark the event [of publication?] he could not organise anything but will ask Rouse.

Add. MS b/37/172 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Printemps, Via Vereto (Rome). Dated 29 January 1901 - Thanks him for a reference, the Greek erotic writers are an unknown field to him; makes him aware he is married and gave up his college rooms two years before, is wintering in Rome.

Add. MS b/37/174 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

St. Keyne's, Cambridge. Dated 31 May, 1913 - Cannot write a review of the Loeb Library, they are publishing volumes too fast, and besides, he is not known in America, says not to worry about American criticism, they are 'a fearful and wonderful people', is always tempted to check to see if they have tails, and advises him to 'throw the whole crew of them overboard and sail the ship without them.'

Add. MS b/37/175 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

(Address for the present) St. Bernard's, Caldie Road, West Kirby, Cheshire. Dated 17th October, 1918 - Explains the meaning of his previous letter, did not mean to offer to translate any or all of the authors, but was curious if any were spoken for, but cannot 'work in harness', likes to choose his own projects; knows he must be busy with the Tercentenary [for the Perse School].

Add. MS b/37/176 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 8 January, 1920 - Discusses editorial decisions relating to the Apollodorus, abridging book titles, following traditional English spelling of Greek words; Lilly has been seriously ill and is still weak, but appreciated his letter about Speech Day at the [Perse] School; admires the Loeb Library, but criticises the Theocritus translation [by J. M. Edmonds]; sends their regards to [Léon] Chouville and [Louis] von Glehn.

Add. MS b/37/178 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Albemarle Club, 37 Dover Street, London, W.1. Dated 15th and 16th April 1931 - Thanks him for the selections from his Commentary; sent the proofs containing corrections to the Critical Notes; looks forward to visiting him in Histon in summer.

Add. MS c/59/18 · Item · 27 Nov. 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Westend-Berlin, Eichenallée 12 - Thanks him for his letter, discusses Osiris, remains sceptical with respect to the conclusion that the same activities should have the same content; has written [W. H. D.] Rouse to say he cannot take on any more responsibilities; is sorry Frazer has been in Berlin and he has not been able to extend hospitality, hopes to see him at the Historical Congress of 1908.

Add. MS b/37/19 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Drumore, Blairgowrie, N.B. Dated July 19, 1912 - Comments on Frazer's statement about the difference between Latin and Greek prose; thinks it absurd that Greek should be getting the upper hand, thinks Latin proper for a logical education and Greek's ease and casualness recommends it to this more 'slip-shod' age; wrote to Dr Perse [W. H. D. Rouse, headmaster of the Perse School?] about the Loeb series, has a great deal of translation matter when Tacitus is done; thanks him for [additional volumes of 'The Golden Bough'].

FRAZ/19/20 · Item · 28 Jan. 1932
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Loeb Classical Library - Is sorry to hear of Sir James' continuing eye trouble; reassures her that there is no possibility that the Loeb Classical Library "Ovid" could be confused with the large [Macmillan] edition and cites reviews as evidence.

FRAZ/19/21 · Item · 3 May 1939
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Histon Manor, Cambs. - Thanks her for her kind letter [after his sister Alice's death]; asks her to let him know when they come, is busy and can't come to see them; remembers her gatherings 'with such brilliant talk and generous hospitality'.

FRAZ/33/325 · Item · 25 Feb. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Warns her not to work too hard, sends greetings to Dr Rouse, [Louis] de Glehn, [Léon] Chouville, [William McCausland] Stewart; he reports on progress made visiting publishing houses to see where they are with different publications: received nothing from [Libraire Armand] Colin, so he tried to visit [Max] Leclerc, who wouldn't see him; visited [Librairie] Hatier, and is enclosing a copy of the title [not present]; there is no one left at Malye and the printing isn't going ahead, he says he will print if she agrees to share the cost of the printing.

FRAZ/33/332 · Item · 13 Nov. 1930
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Loeb Classical Library - He has J.G.'s letter, and will do what he wants, doesn't think there will be a need for revision, but with her cooperation they will get the job done. Signed, 'Your affectionate scapegoat'.

FRAZ/3/38 · Item · 13 Jan. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woodcote, Godalming - Has found a letter from Rouse relating his interview with her; is happy to allow two volumes for the notes [for the Loeb edition of the 'Fasti'?], and discusses different formats of incorporating the notes.

FRAZ/14/54-55 · Item · 14 Jan. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Macmillan & Co., Ltd. - Is pleased Dr Rouse takes a favourable view of the arrangement with the Loeb Library; encloses in duplicate a memorandum summarising the position with the Loeb Library; explains the compensation he had mentioned was only if the Loeb Library had material that had to be abandoned, but as it is all in type, he is not inclined to compensate, as a smaller fee from Frazer would cover the cost of keeping the type standing. Accompanied by a typed memorandum and a carbon copy (FRAZ/14/55), with the envelope.

Add. MS c/60/55 · Item · 26 Nov. 1914
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Perse School House, Glebe Road, Cambridge - Thanks him for getting him the job at the Loeb Library, which has been vital to him; 'if my school weathers the storm and does anything for the common good it is down to you'.