Highgarth, Gloucester - The letter he has is from Dr [Henry] Roth, who writes that he has found a tribe of aboriginal people who believe in parthenogenesis, and has a theory of the origin of taboo as the will of the strongest; was interested to read the… read more
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Thanks him for offering to send the book written in Frazer's honour; has been reading Hartland's Ritual and Belief that he thinks Frazer would agree with; will retire, doesn't see much fruit from his 54 1/2 years of teaching;… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Received his letter [raising points in his review of GB], and admits that he was working from faulty memory as well; discusses religion vs magic in Australia, quoting [Alfred] Howitt who quotes [Samuel] Gason; has no wish for… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Sends [Frank] Jevons' article [not present]; says not to worry about [E. B.] Tylor, who is immersed in his Gifford Lectures; is glad [Franz] Cumont sent the note [about the Acts of St Dasius], is amused [Andrew] Lang… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Has been away and asks what Frazer knows about [George McCall] Theal's 'Records of South-Eastern Africa' quoted in his article for 'Man'; hears from [Alfred] Haddon that Frazer had gone to Germany to see a doctor about his eyes;… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Doesn't feel they have enough evidence to say what the origin of totemism is; doesn't see a clear line between magic and religion; mentions Baldwin Spencer's letter which points in favour of Frazer's theory; asks if he has read [… read more
Lanfine, Hills Road, Cambridge. Dated 7 March 1924 - Is sorry the expense of publishing his [Frazer] lecture is his, hopes to remedy this in future; has not heard from [William] Ridgeway; saw Bishop [Thomas Wortley] Drury at St. Catharine's; is sorry… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Shares information from a report from [Charles] Hill-Tout on totemism among the Siciatl of British Columbia.
Highgarth, Gloucester - Has been serving as Mayor of Gloucester, which nothing but the Education Act would have induced him to go through such an experience; thanks him for Salomon Reinach's letter about the story relating to the Perseus legend, and… read more
Thanks him for 'The Gorgon's Head', notes that [Edwin Sidney] Hartland's death was a release from three years of paralysis.
Highgarth, Gloucester - In reading and reviewing 'Adonis' he has some suggestions on Herodotus' tale of prostitution of a maiden at the temple of Mylitta, on brother and sister marriage, whether the baloi are simply witches, on moonlight on children (… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Continues to discuss 'Adonis': the ritual deflowering of an Arunta girl, the Egyptian sister-marriage (for which he offers the loan of [Alexander] Merensky's 'Beiträge zur Kenntriss [recte Kenntnis] Süd-Afrikas'), and the 'awful… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Sends him a MS by Andrew Lang of the book on totemism and exogamy that he never published [not transcribed], is proposing to publish one chapter of it, but wants Frazer's approval. A typescript note at bottom states 'Frazer's… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester - Thanks him for his letter, is sending [Andrew Lang's] MS to [F. A.] Milne; had no idea that Frazer felt Lang had made an open insinuation of his honesty in an article in 'Fortnightly' and deplores their misunderstanding.
13 Alexandra Road, Gloucester - Thinks Miss [Jessie] Weston 'at least talks sense' about the puzzle of the Holy Grail; is looking forward to seeing [John] Roscoe's new book; gives a reference for the priest king of Elele; jokes that [Robert] Macalister… read more
Folk-Lore Society, 11 Old Square, Lincolns Inn. Dated January 13th, 1913 - E. S. Hartland will be forwarding an MS on totemism by the late Andrew Lang; it is not to be published; Mrs Lang has been persuaded that the chapter on Totemic Exogamy could be… read more
13 Alexandra Road, Gloucester - Thanks him for the opportunity [to give the first Frazer lecture at Oxford].
13 Alexandra Road, Gloucester - Thanks him for his kind words about Walter Map's 'De nugis curialium' which he edited for the Cymmrodorion Society; is happy to hear how Lady Frazer has been employing her time ['Leaves from the Golden Bough'?]; delighted… read more
Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 7 June, 1895 - It is a rule of his never to review any book, and is sorry that a book by 'such a notoriously incompetent schoar as Thomas Taylor' should be reprinted; will not stir up Cambridge to appoint a professor of… read more
Gloucester. Dated 23 February, 1901 - The letter he has is from Dr [Henry] Roth, who writes that he has found a tribe of aboriginal people who believe in parthenogenesis, and has a theory of the origin of taboo as the will of the strongest; was… read more
Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 18 March, 1901 - Thanks him for his letter; have returned from Italy; Baldwin Spencer says the expedition with [Francis] Gillen has been delayed due to drought and Frazer asks [Andrew] Lang to pray for rain; has a paper… read more
Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 27 March, 1901 - Returns the [Henry Ling] Roth letter and asks him to encourage the Queensland Government to publish it, notes his theory of taboo and totemism is identical to Henry Jackson's; thanks him for the review of… read more
Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 30 March, 1901 - Was relying on his memory when he questioned Hartland's reaction to his story of the custom of Roman nail-knocking in GB, and finds that Hartland was justfied in his criticism; doesn't trust his memory and… read more
Highgarth, Gloucester. Dated 31 March, 1901 - Received his letter [raising points in his review of GB], and admits that he was working from faulty memory as well; discusses religion vs magic in Australia, quoting [Alfred] Howitt who quotes [Samuel] Gason;… read more
Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 2 April, 1901 - Agrees with his view of avoiding controversy; thanks him for the reminder of the cases of prayer among the Dieri [reported by Alfred Howitt], and for his distinction between religion and worship; does not… read more
Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 19 April, 1901 - [Franz] Cumont sent a copy of a defense of the Acts of St Dasius; regrets that [Andrew] Lang is publishing a book and has not been in contact since writing the 'Fortnightly' articles; he had not heard of [F.… read more
Highgate [recte Highgarth], Gloucester. Dated 21 April 1901 - Sends [Frank] Jevons' article [not transcribed]; says not to worry about [E. B.] Tylor, who is immersed in his Gifford Lectures; is glad [Franz] Cumont sent the note [about the Acts of St… read more
Highgate [recte Highgarth], Gloucester. Dated 20 September 1901 - Has been away and asks what Frazer knows about [George McCall] Theal's 'Records of South-Eastern Africa' quoted in his article for 'Man'; hears from [Alfred] Haddon that Frazer had gone to… read more
Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 22 September, 1901 - Agrees that they should get [George McCall] Theal's authority for South African totemism, asks Hartland to write as he abhors correspondence, especially with a stranger; has had letters from Baldwin… read more
Highgate [recte Highgarth], Gloucester. Dated 23 September, 1901 - Doesn't feel they have enough evidence to say what the origin of totemism is; doesn't see a clear line between magic and religion; mentions Baldwin Spencer's letter which points in favour… read more