Asks for information on the Pollock Dante collection.
Two letters offering the Library Isaac Todhunter's copies of William Whewell's correspondence, shelfmark O.15.47-48.
With extracts and duplicates.
Concerning the donation of a book in her possession created by Augustus De Morgan, recording the quarrel between Richard Sheepshanks, Sir James South and Charles Babbage, now on the shelves of Trinity College Library, shelfmark Adv.c.16.32.
With explanatory note.
(With an envelope.)
University Library, Cambridge
Dear Sir.
I write to inform you that the Syndics of the University Library have granted you permission to borrow ten books at a time during the present quarter. The application must be renewed every quarter; but this I will see to, and there will be no need for you or for Professor Housman to write again; only until it is renewed (on Oct. 20) it will not be possible for you to borrow more than 5 books after Aug. 31.
Yours truly
A F Scholfield
4 Aug 1926
[Direction on envelope:] W H Semple Esq: | St John’s College
The envelope is not stamped or postmarked.
Concerning books offered as gifts to the Library, some of them owned by H. A. J. Munro and J. B. McLellan. Encloses a leather spine book label from a volume of Lucretius.
Re Milton MSS in Trinity Library.
University Library, Cambridge
Dear Housman,
I cannot myself grant your request on behalf of Mr Semple, but I have circulated your letter to Members of the Library Syndicate and hope to be able to send you a favourable answer in three or four days’ time.
Yours sincerely
A F Scholfield
22 July 1926
Letters dated:
8 May 1926
5 June 1926
21 July 1926 [2]
21 Aug. 1926
9 July 1927
24 Oct. 1927
4 Nov. 1927
28 June 1928
2 July 1928
25 July 1928
23 Oct. 1928
12 Mar. 1929
16 Apr. 1929
21 May 1929
7 Aug. 1929
30 Oct. 1929
14 Nov. 1929
20 Jan. 1930
6 Mar. 1930
13 Nov. 1930
15 Dec. 1930
26 Dec. 1930
3 Oct. 1932
20 Mar. 1933
2 June 1933
21 June 1934
12 Nov. 1935
16 Nov. 1935
17 Nov. 1935
25 Nov. 1935
Presents his pamphlet for the Library.
Concerning Thomas Scattergood's quadrant.
Thanks him for his kind words of praise about their catalogue.
Concerning classes in the proposed catalogue.
Concerning a gift of books.
Typed letter, unsigned, concerning a medieval stone head dug up at the back of the Master's Lodge.
Sends a photograph for the Library collection of photographs of Fellows.
Offering a printed card advertising the sale of Bertrand Russell's Trinity furnishings, books etc in Jul. 1916 to Trinity library.
Asks Scholfield to consult the Council of Trinity to find out what they want to be done about the catalogue of early printed books at Trinity with which Gaselee was engaged for a few years before the war.
Offering his collected works to the College.
Letters dated 6 Nov. 1920 and 25 Feb. 1922 accompanied by a printed broadsheet advertising R. T. Gunther's Pausilypon, printed by Horace Hart for the author at the University Press, Oxford.
Housman, Alfred Edward (1859-1936), poet and classical scholarOn the A. G. W. Murray papyri in Trinity College Library.
Committee and officials listed on front cover: President of Committee, H. E. E. Howson; Committee, Dr. F. J. Foakes-Jackson and C. A. Elliott; Keeper of the Match Book and Secretary, H. W. A. Elliott; Steward of the Luncheon, S. Gaselle; Judge, G. G. G. Butler; Starter, P. C. Crick; Clerk of the Scales, A. F. Scholfield; Official Time Keeper, G. T. Lapsley.
'1. 45. The Decemviri Plate ( a catch-weight steeplechase) of half-a-crown each for starters, with twenty shillings added, for four years old and upwards; the second and third to save stake. Coton Course, five furlongs (12 entries). Closed Nov. 23, 1910.' List of horses and their owners, with colour and type, weight, and colours of jockey, for example: '1. Mr. S. Gaselee's b[ay] h[orse - i.e. stallion] BUCEPHALUS. Aged. 14 st. 1 lb. Scarlet'.