Rough, 'pen-testing' marks on first pages, including the signatures of John Saunders, Francis Gregory ('Franciscus Gregory, huius libri possessor') and David Whitford; Latin note, scribbled out but probably a curse on thieves ('qui rapis... libellum' visible); Latin note on Psalm 109; Latin prose passage on the 'Academia', which may mention Christ Church, Oxford ('Aedes Christi'... 'Oxonium'); calendar for Mar 1641-Feb 1642 (few entries, but 24 Mar is marked 'electio'); Latin phrases from Virgil's Aeneid with English translation; numbered Latin quotations, many couplets, including from Juvenal; English notes on Psalm 118.2 [for a sermon?].
Notebook also used from other end inwards; pages much damaged by mould here but it is possible to see: rough pen scribbles, including 'Wheitford' [sic] and a monagram 'HB'; page beginning 'man that is borne of a wo[man...' Book of Job] then continuing with Latin notes on 'Philippus' [of Macedon?], Amphipolis and Thermopylae, etc; Latin prose notes, possibly on a religious subject; Latin verse; Latin notes about the angel Gabriel.
Add. MS c/228
c. 1642?
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
Add. MS c/227
c 1641-1642?
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
Rough, 'pen-testing' marks on first pages, including the signatures of Adam Whitfield and Francis Gregory. List of Greek vocabulary with Latin translation. Phrases from Cicero's *De Oratore" with English translation. Notes on the Resurrection in Latin. Notes on the Crred and canonization in Latin. Latin verse couplets.
Notebook also used from other end in: Latin orations, on headed 'Ad doct. Stroud' [possible William Strode, Canon of Christ Church, Oxford); English sermon on a text from John's Gospel (notes in Latin interspersed).