Refers to [Charles Kegan] Paul's intended visit at Easter. States that he has to go up to Cambridge on the Monday [after Easter] to examine. Intends to pay a visit during Passion Week, and shall probably join her 'either just before of just after Easter Sunday.' Declares that he lives in expectation of 'the portfolio and [ ].' Promises to write to let her know when it arrives.
Asks if she has sent off 'the "de Mirville [Pneumatologie]" to Miss Attersoll' Reports that he has been corresponding with the latter on the subject, and is 'trying to instil into her some sound views on the subject of spiritualism'. Reports on a book that has recently appeared on the English Constitution, 'which is lively enough to interest people in the subject who have not previously given much attention to politics' and is 'entirely free from party spirit': The English Constitution by W. Bagehot. Declares that the two best books he has read for years on politics, are the latter and Grant Duff's Studies in European Politics. In relation to novels, refers to The Village on the Cliff [by Anne Isabella Thackeray] which he deems 'first-rate'. Claims that he is busy at present with University business. Sends his love to all at Wellington College, and refers to the fact that 'they have got a Schol[arship] at University Coll[ege].'