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Letter from Adam Sedgwick
Add. MS a/213/42 · Item · 3 June 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

WW's kind letter reached him along with ten others. AS hopes that his niece [Isabella Sedgwick] is on the road to a perfect restoration [see AS to WW, 16 May 1862]. AS has been suffering from gout and a bad cold which is now on the mend.

Letter from Adam Sedgwick
Add. MS a/213/41 · Item · 16 May 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

AS had a scare over the health of his niece [Isabella Sedgwick], but she has had an operation and is now on her way to a perfect recovery. AS plans to take her to the seaside as soon as she is well enough.

Add. MS a/213/15 · Item · 18 Feb. 1859
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

AS has gone to Dent for his brother's [John Sedgwick] funeral: 'I found my dear friends here better than I expected'. He has to stay for a week or two as he is the acting executor of his brother's will. AS has no doubts that his nephew [Richard] will be elected to his father's house and office. AS's brother believed that the terrible bodily sufferings he experienced were good for him: 'I believe that as his body was bent down by sickness towards the grave his soul rose higher and higher'. Isabella attended 'her father with that unflinching love which none but a woman can show, and no one but a Christian woman can show in perfection'.