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FRAZ/14/44 · Item · 2 Apr. 1928
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Brussels - He was not aware of Alton's articles as the 'Hermathena' is not to be found in Brussels; Alton was at the Royal Library at the same time as Peeters and asking for the same MS but Peeters was never told of this; he will wait to publish until Alton's article has appeared. Accompanied by Peeters' calling card and the envelope.

FRAZ/14/41 · Item · 15 Aug. 1929
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe, St Pierre, 52 avenue Parmentier - Is pleased to learn that the 'Fasti' will appear soon, is looking forward to reading it with his students; a letter from Heinsius to Gevartius was published last year by Prims in 'Le Compas d'Or' and he transcribes it for Frazer, in a discussion of the dating of the Codex Zulichemianus and its relationship to the Bruxelles MS; the article on this by Peeters will not appear, and Kugener has been given the task of writing it, but he has other articles at the moment; Peeters has returned from Chicago, and now speaks English with a nasal accent; Peeters has received a grant from la Fondation Universitaire to go to Paris, and will be there in October.

FRAZ/14/40 · Item · 7 Apr. 1928
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe, St Pierre, 52 avenue Parmentier - Has just read E. H. Alton's articles in 'Hermathena' ['The Mediaeval Commentators on Ovid's "Fasti"' and 'The Zulichemianus, Mazarinianus, and Other Mss. of the "Fasti" of Ovid'], discusses the copyists and dates of the manuscripts, including his view that the Bruxelles MS is earlier than Alton believes; M. Peeters is discouraged and sick, was injured in the war, has been told to stop smoking, has obtained a scholarship to study at the University of California at Berkeley, has taken against Alton's position, though Alton has done more research; Kugener regrets that he did not know of the articles before as the article wasn’t shared; Alton hopes to publish his edition at the end of the year; Krugener has finished looking at two manuscripts of the 'Fasti' at Anvers and has written an article for M. Sabbe; hopes Lady Frazer has recovered from influenza and hopes that she will send the books she has promised him; for his part he is still attempting to get the badge [for l’Ordre de Léopold?] that he was promised.