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TRER/5/82 · Item · 20 Aug 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Poggio allo Spino, Consuma, (Prov. di Firenze). - Apologies for not writing sooner: was waiting to see the Braccis, but they are involved in negotiations to see most of their land and have not come; had hoped he would be able to tell Trevelyan about the payment of money owed him. Is here while Nicky [Mariano] is resting at Sorrento. B.B. [Berenson] has regained energy but complains of not being able to do much work. Clotilde [Marghieri], still in poor health, is here; her sister is at Vallombrosa and they see her often; there is also a French diplomat, Truela [?], and Martha Ruspoli. Thinks she would take to Trevelyan: B.B. nicknames her 'la pedantina'. Was reading about Alfoxden and Nether Stowey when he received Trevelyan's letter: has been writing about [Mario] Praz's history of English literature and reading around the subject. [John Livingstone Lowes'] "The Road to Xanadu", on Coleridge was 'much too long'; has found [Oliver] Elton's work most rewarding; Middleton Murry's "Keats and Shakespeare" was interesting but had a 'very distasteful, over-emphatic' way of putting across even good arguments.

TRER/5/67 · Item · 10 Sept [1932]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Apologises for not writing sooner: meant to after Lausanne [the Lausanne Conference] with congratulations on MacDonald's achievements, which seemed very important; Ottawa [the British Empire Economic Conference] not so successful but perhaps worse could have been done. Does not know whether to be hopeful; Iris Origo, whom he saw a few days ago, is not. His time at La Consuma was very pleasant; Clotilde [Marghieri?] was more efficient than last year as she did not need to 'lie down all the time' and sleep. Nicky [Mariano] read "Persuasion" and he liked it very much. Dreamt that Trevelyan threw a chair at them for being amused by [Panteleimon Romanov's] "Three pairs of silk stockings". Moravia is at St Moritz re-writing his novel. Has only heard news of the Berensons from Alda, not pessimistic about money but very much so about Mary's health. Regrets not being in England and wonders whether he might join the Berensons in Paris. Asks if he will see Julian on his way back.

TREJ/41/19 · Item · 28 Jul 1949
Part of Papers of Julian Trevelyan

Casa al Dono. - Cannot remember whether he ever sent Trevy this snapshot, taken on top of Monte Secchieta last September. Read B. B. B. the extract from Trevy's 'Autobiography'; 'he liked it very much and was much amused by what you say about him and his "mytho-poeism". Will answer Trevy's letter properly as soon as she has 'got through a ghastly accumulation of letters' on her desk.

Clotilde [Marghieri] is staying with them, and also enjoyed Trevy's letter and autobiography. 'She has aged a lot too and her hair is quite white but is even more attractive mentally and as a companion than she was as a young woman'. Berenson and Nicky are happily settled at Casa al Dono; 'grieves' Nicky that Trevy has never seen it, as he would love it as she does.

Sylvia [Sprigge] is visiting next week; [she and her husband] like their home on the Via Aurelia very much. Thinks Trevy will see them in September. Alda [Anrep] is in Sorrento and Bertie [Anrep] at Forte dei Marmi.

Postscript notes that B. B. was 'delighted' to get Elizabeth's letter; thinks he has answered it.