Université de Paris, Cabinet du Recteur - Thanks them for founding the Société du Folk-Lore français and states that it should be easy to link it to l'Institut d'Ethnologie and l'Université de Paris.
19 Avenue du Progrès, Vanves and Les Glycines, Biache S. Vaast - Three undated letters probably dating from 1927, concerning the French translation of J. G. Frazer's works; in one he is working on a selected passages book, and mentions his fear of including a theory on which Frazer has changed his mind, and mentions that [Sébastien] Charléty is nominated for the poste of Recteur de l'Université de Paris (Item 346); in another he reports he has seen [Georges?] Geuthner and he has no documents relating to the Apollodorus (Item 347); he also thanks Sir James for the list of his suggested selected passages for the book (Item 348); mentions that Geuthner has told him he is sending 50 copies of the Moret booklet to her ['La mise à mort du dieu en Egypte'?] (Item 349).
Université de Strasbourg - Is sending the diploma for the honorary doctorate conferred by the University of Strasbourg; hopes he will come to Strasbourg with Lady Frazer; is reading 'Adonis' and admires it.
Accompanied by the envelope.
Université de Paris, Le Recteur, en Sorbonne - Thanks her for the book, is a great admirer of Sir James.
Université de Paris, Cabinet du Recteur, en Sorbonne - Has been recovering from an accident, makes arrangements to meet.
Université de Strasbourg, Le Recteur - Announcing that the Council of the University of Strasbourg has asked that he be awarded an honorary doctorate; this still needs to be formalised.
Accompanied by the envelope, addressed to Lady Frazer.
Université de Paris, Cabinet du Recteur, en Sorbonne - Accepts an invitation to tea on 30 October; sends his subscription to the bibliography; suggests he contact le Recteur Dresch at Strasbourg.
Libraire Armand Colin - Cannot serve as intermediary between her and Georges Roth, because when they sold all the remaining stock of 'La tâche de Psyché' they gave her all rights on the book; are therefore returning her cheque; thanks her for sending Charléty's letter.