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TRER/8/99 · Item · 23 Aug 1914 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Bruhn, Nürnbergerstr. 65, Berlin IV; addressed to them at Beethovenlaan, Hilversum, Holland. - Is worried that Donald [Tovey] who needs a cure, has no more of his medicine. Asks if they could write to Margaret Parratt asking her to tell Herbert in Egham at once to send two bottles, not directly to Donald but to Mrs Trevelyan at the Shiffolds. This is the new tonic he last received from the doctor. Would be very grateful. Bessie Trevelyan already cares for Donald; asks if they know she is also Dutch.

TRER/7/37 · Item · [13 Aug 1914?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Elton Hall, Peterborough. - Is attracted by Trevelyan's Rothbury plan and will join in if he can, but there are factors which may prevent him. Miss Weisse went to Germany the Sunday before the British declaration of war; the Noordewiers [Aaltje and Michiel], who have just returned to Holland, heard from her a week ago and she is safe in Hanover. She can get money from the Streckers at Mainz there, and he has 'no special cause for anxiety' at the moment. His brother [Duncan] is in the London Scottish Regiment and has just left on active service, so his family at Worplesdon may want help. He also left all his opera score at the Shiffolds. Whatever his own prospects, and whatever becomes of Fritz Busch, he has to try to work as if nothing has changed. It is 'awful' working on his symphony, 'every note of which is Fritz's private property' but if Fritz comes through the war he could not face him unless the work were perfect. He and Trevelyan must also carry on with the opera: 'German translation & all'. Must not let himself merely subside into his Edinburgh professorship, but must also make 'a striking and solid success' of his first term's work there. Will have a few 'rather vulgar sham-organization-&-efficiency bullies' to cope with, and needs to win the support of people of 'real culture' through efficiency. His timetable is in print in the University calendar; has decided to get a secretary for office-work, and asks if Trevelyan knows of a candidate, though he must be 'an Edinburgh sort of librarian's bottle-washer' and it wouldn't be a good move for Rupert Leigh [Rupert Lee?].

Thinks it best to complete his time at Elton Hall: 'Victor [Hely-Hutchinson]'s talent is a thing of immense importance' and he must be saved 'from the appalling bad musical taste of his people'; they are not 'bad and vulgar' but 'good and kind, in spite of many British limitations that are beyond caricature' and their 'impenetrable satisfaction with the precise stage of culture they happen to have drifted into', which makes things difficult, but he thinks he will succeed. Hal Goodhart-Rendel is an example of 'what bad feeding can do for the finest material in the world': both he and Victor had 'more talent, better health & stronger brains' than Tovey had. His sister [Natalie] must had had a quite useful talent and her violin-playing could have been useful to Victor, but 'it is now so unspeakably bad' and she plays 'such vile stuff' to the delight of her relations that it is bad for Victor to play with her. So Tovey feels he should stay until the other tutor comes on the 20th.

Would be an 'honour & delight' to meet Trevelyan's parents again, and sees it would be good for Trevelyan to be north; however, it may be better for Tovey to be near Northlands, Worplesdon and the Shiffolds. Leaves the decision to Trevelyan.

TRER/7/36 · Item · [late August 1914?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Elton Hall, Peterborough. - Asks Trevelyan to help him make up his mind: the three postcards [originally] enclosed will explain themselves. Miss Weisse's friend Elisabeth Besser, who lives at the address given by the Noordewiers [Aaltje and Michiel?], has obviously recommended she use de Wed, Tjeenk & Co. [?] as a 'neutral channel'. The Noordwiers have obviously got 'far more explicit information', but Miss Weisse dares not risk anything but postcards [from Germany]: seems it is necessary to write from here to Holland in English and from Holland to Germany in German. Asks if it would be 'fair and right' to send the enclosed to the Röntgens: is 'tormented with the most childish hopes of seeing Fritz [Busch] again' and 'can neither sleep nor work'. If the Trevelyans think it is possible to send the postcard, asks them to do so, as he trusts their judgment and cannot cope with the decision himself. His brother [Duncan] will not be going abroad for a month or two, if at all, since his regiment will probably be defending the East Coast.

TRER/18/30 · Item · 26 July 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Ridgehurst, Shenley, Herts. - Mr [William] Hadow of Oxford, and their 'very musical friends' Mr and Mrs Napier Miles of Kings Weston are visiting for the weekend of 14-16 August, when Donald [Tovey] is staying with the Trevelyans; Donald has encouraged him to invite them to join the party. Knows she will be pleased that he has arranged for Madame Noordevier to sing at the concert on 24 November. His wife may possible have to 'prolong her stay over there [at Bad Schlangen for a cure, see 18/27] beyond the middle of August' and would be sorry to miss Mrs Trevelyan if so.

TRER/9/3 · Item · 12 July 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Ma Retraite, Ede. - Is returning two of the books lent her by Trevelyan, both of which she much enjoyed; had no idea the "Odyssey was 'such a wonderful human poem', and wishes she could read it in Greek; the translation is 'very melodious', asks whether Greek scholars approve of it. Found Henry James's "In The Cage" most amusing, though she asks whether 'the subtle suggestive analysis of the emotions & situations sometimes leads to a little mannerism in style'; thought it very clever, and 'a very English book'. Asks if she can keep [Sir George Otto Trevelyan's] "The American Revolution" longer as she has not yet begun it. Expects her cousin [Bramine Hubrecht?] has told him they will be glad to have him as early in September as he can come. Her sister [Abrahamina Röntgen] is currently here; goes with her to Denmark for a month at the end of a month which will be 'a delightful dip into music again' as their Danish friends [the Noordewier-Reddingius family?] are very musical. Asks if Trevelyan has heard much this spring, and whether he has decided about Beyreuth. Trevelyan has been neglecting to mention [his own] "Mallow and Asphodel", which she has been enjoying very much; looks forward to reading his friend's poetry which he gave her cousin [Bramine Hubrecht?]. Is reading Keats' letters, through which '[o]ne gets to know the man very well'. Encourages Trevelyan to read a book translated from Swedish into English called "Antichrist Miracles" ["Antikrists mirakler "] by Selma Lagerlof; has 'heard it praised very much' and it is 'all about Taormina, though with different names', fears Mrs Cacciola [Trevelyan] is 'treated rather badly' but has not yet read it. Beautiful hot weather this week, 'just fit for lying in hammocks and reading' though it is easy to get last and 'even a little bicycling seems too much!'.

TRER/7/163 · Item · [2 Dec 1914?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

University of Edinburgh. - Thanks Bessie for the Buchholz. The notes are Tovey's father's. Fritz Busch has two other volumes, and the rest are Miss Weisse's, at Northlands. Received a postcard from the Noordewiers yesterday saying Fritz was well on the 11th, and that he had not been wounded as reported. Knows that his brother [Duncan] has been wounded, but not seriously. Things quiet and well, and the work fun, Is reading [Jan Pieterszoon] Sweelinck, 'a very great man indeed'. Sends, as an 'Awful Example of the sacrifice of poetry to rhyme', six lines of Psalm 137 translated into French [by Clément Marot].

TRER/7/148 · Item · [c.13 Aug?] 1914 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Elton Hall, Peterborough. Addressed to Trevelyan at Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Wonders if the Rs [Röntgens] in Denmark could suggest a safer way out for Miss Weisse than through Holland; doesn't want to cause trouble or risk to anyone, and knows the Noordewiers have already invited her to come to them, but Holland seems to be in much more danger than Denmark at the moment.

TRER/8/144 · Item · 31 Aug 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Danestream House, Milford-on-Sea, Hants. - Has written to Herbert [the pharmacist?] to send another full set of medicines [for Donald Tovey] from the most recent prescriptions. A postcard from Bessie to the Noordewiers 'would be a great comfort to Miss Weisse'. Fears the news that Mr [Fritz] Busch is to go to the front will be a great shock to Tovey; feels very sorry about it. Mr [Willi] Strecker 'seems quite safe with his entire family in England', having not gone to Germany after all. Gives the Noordewiers' address.