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TRER/15/70 · Item · 6 Aug 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o B[ernard] Berenson, Poggio allo Spino, Consuma (Prov di. Firenze). - Glad Julian is having such a good time; expects he will be at or near Aulla by now. Unsure whether he himself will be able to get to Aulla; expects he will stay here until the end of the month then go home; hopes Aubrey and Lina [Waterfield] will not be annoyed with him. Might be able to come for a few days early in September, but fears Julian would have left by then. B.B. [Berenson] likely to go to Paris then so Julian would probably miss him, or the house would be full since Mary is coming from England with some guests. Nicky [Mariano] and the Anreps [Alda and Egbert] are here at the moment, and [Alberto] Moravia is staying in the village nearby. Julian could maybe arrange to do this, but will probably want to go on to Ravenna.

Spent some time in Paris with the Allens [Clifford and Joan], and saw [Hasan] Suhrawardy and [Maria] Germanova; then went with the Allens to Bolzano for almost a week. Clifford Allen seems much better in health; they will return home soon via Heidelburg. Bessie writes that the 'last difficulties to the building contract have been removed'; she has probably signed it by now. Roland [Vaughan Williams] will not allow the house to be 'plastered smooth', so the 'old part shall remove rough-cast, and the new part be brick': he is sorry, but Julian may prefer it. Is reading a lot, but has done little work, except on translating the "Medea" for Germanova, who 'seems to want very much to do it in America next year'. Received Julian's letter at Bolzano about 'adventures in the Pyrennees [sic] and in wolf-caverns'; glad Julian is seeing [Frederick] Porter, will pay for any lessons when he returns so he should keep an account. Sends love to Lina and Aubrey; will write soon to let them know whether he can visit.

TRER/15/58 · Item · 18 Oct 1929
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Went to the L.Gr. [London Group] Show yesterday; thought Julian's pictures 'looked very well'; went with [Hasan] Suhrawardy, who also liked them; saw Roger [Fry] who 'thought the water-colour came off best but was interested in the others too'. A 'great thing' to have got them shown, since the 'hanging committee is quite strict and impartial' and would not have shown them just to please [Frederick] Porter. Liked Porter's 'snow picture', as well as Fry's landscape and [Duncan] Grant's still life. Rehearsals [for Robert's "Meleager"] on Wednesday went quite well; Mrs [Penelope] Wheeler likes [Julian's] idea of painting the shrine on the wing-cloth, which will allow more room for the actors, as well as the tomb on the opposite side. Suhrawardy thinks that a 'vaguely suggested image' on the shrine 'would worry the audience', so it should be assumed to be inside; Robert is not sure whether he is right, but thinks Mrs Wheeler will want the image suggested. Has paid Higson's bill for the canvas. Lists the rehearsal dates; supposes that Julian will be able to get the cloths to Oxford by 4 or 5 November. Will come to Cambridge if he can if Julian wants him to; asks if he could send a sketch of his designs. They seem to be finding some costumes which will meet Julian's 'requirements'.

TRER/15/53 · Item · 29 May 1929
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Saw Jellé [Jelly d'Aranyi] yesterday, who hopes that if Julian comes to her concert with Myra Hess in Cambridge, he will visit her afterwards. Thinks Julian should go and see [Frederick] Porter as soon as he can in London; suggests writing to see when would be best; Porter will be in Chiswick for most of the summer but is going to France to paint for two or three weeks at the end of June; he seemed to think Julian might like to go with him. Julian could probably also arrange to travel with [Robin] Darwin, but It might be a shame to miss the 'chance of getting the most out of Porter' since 'everyone seems to think very well' of him as a teacher. Will not come to Cambridge on Saturday, but hopes all will go well.

TRER/15/52 · Item · 22 May 1929
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

When in town last week, saw Roger [Fry], who advised him to see [Frederick] Porter; Porter seemed 'a very sensible sort of man', and he thinks Julian would like him. Porter thinks Julian should come and visit him at his house in Chiswick when the Cambridge term is over and show him some drawing; he is going to France for a fortnight in July and perhaps Julian could go with him. Likes what he has seen of Porter's painting; he teaches at the Central School of Art[s and Crafts]. Does not think he will come to Cambridge on 8 June, but Bessie probably will. Had quite a good [Lake] Hunt, but left on Monday. The Sangers are visiting.

TRER/15/237 · Item · 1 Feb 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence, addressed to Julian at 12 rue de la Grande Chaumière, Paris VIᵉ, Francia. - Bessie says this is Julian's address at the moment; hopes he has found somewhere which suits him. Came here from Cortona with [Umberto] Morra two days ago. Expects he will come to Paris around 16 Feb, when Bessie and perhaps the C.A.s [Clifford and Joan Allen] will come for a few days. [Maria] Germanova hoped Julian would come to see them. [Gordon] Luce is still at the [Hotel] Londres; expects he will stay there to. Asks Julian to say what he should pay [Frederick] Porter; would rather pay too much than too little, and would prefer not to wait as Porter may need the money. Morra says he will write to Julian soon. Asks to be remembered to [Jean] Marchand and [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy. Sends love to [?] Franz if he is with Julian.