15 Sept [1944-1950]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
50 Gordon Square, W.C. - Apologises for not thanking Bob for his 'delightful' "From the Shiffolds"; there is a great deal he likes "very much", such as that 'things like "Krishna to Radha" have a strict form'. Offers the suggestion that 'nothing' rather than 'naught' on page 10 would 'make better music'. They [he and Beryl de Zoete] have just been staying a week at Ramsbury in Wiltshire, to be near Gerald Brenan; describes the countryside and calls it 'delightful'. Hopes the Trevelyans are well; has seen Julian, who had recently been with them and said they had 'chuckled over [Arthur's] letter to the Times".