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Archival description
Add. MS a/665/13 · Item · 1800-1804
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Blake, John Clarke-Whitfield, Creighton, Croft, Crotch, Farrant, Goldwin, Greene, Handel, King, Marcello, Mason, Nares, Palestrina, Purcell, Reynolds, Richardson and Rogers, and services by Child, John Clarke-Whitfield, Kent, King, Pratt and Rogers.

Copied mostly or completely by 'John Clarke / Novr. 6: 1800'; p. 133 signed 'John Clarke / August 29th: 1801'. p. 94 (services) has a note 'paid to this place Jany: 1803 by the Revd. G. King Steward' and p. 96 (services) 'Pd by Mr King Aug. 15 1804'. Some pages include performance comments in ink or pencil.

p. 1: Reynolds, 'My God my God'
p. 5: Marcello, 'O Lord our governor'
p. 17: King, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 20: Mr Mason, 'Lord of all power & might'
p. 22: Revd. Dr Blake, 'I have set God always before me'
p. 30: Anon, 'Wherewithall shall a young man'
p. 32: Mr Richardson, 'O how amiable'
p. 35: Selected from Handel & Purcel, 'Commemoration Anthem' [O give thanks]
p. 48: Selected from Green and Purcel, 'Anthem for Christmas day' [Behold I bring you glad tidings]
p. 55: Dr Clarke, 'Blessed are all they'
p. 59: Dr Nares, 'The eyes of the Lord'
p. 65: Purcell, 'I was glad'
p. 71: Goldwin, 'I have set God always before me'
p. 74: Dr Rogers, 'Behold now praise the Lord'
p. 76: Dr John Clarke, 'Behold now, praise the Lord'
p. 80: Dr John Clarke, 'In Jewry is God known'
p. 83: Anon, (untitled work) (incomplete)
p. 86: Dr Croft, 'God is gone up'
p. 93: Dr Crotch, 'How dear are thy counsels'
p. 95: Aldrich, 'We have heard with our ears'
p. 99: Creyghton, 'I will arise'
p. 101: Farrant, 'Call to remembrance'
p. 103: Farrant, 'Hide not thou thy face'
p. 105: Dr Jno. Clarke, 'It is a good thing &c. verse anthem composed for the opening of the organ'
p. 134: Palestrina, 'God is our hope and strength'
p. 66: Dr John Clarke, 'Magnificat in A minor'
p. 70: Dr Jno. Clarke, 'Nunc dimittis in A minor'
p. 73: Doctor Nares, 'Te Deum in C'
p. 79: Dr Nares, 'Jubilate in C'
p. 82: Dr Nares, 'Magnificat in C'
p. 85: Nares, 'Nunc dimittis in C'
p. 88: Dr Child, 'Cantate in F'
p. 91: [Child], 'Deus misereatur'
p. 95: Dr Clarke, 'Responses to the commandments in C'
p. 97: Anon, 'Responses to the Commandments in D'

p. 1: Mr King, 'Magnificat in C'
p. 4: Mr King, 'Nunc dimittis in C'
p. 6: Mr Kent, 'Cantate Domino in C'
p. 14: ---, 'Deus misereatur'
p. 20: J. Pratt, 'Magnificat in E# 3d.'
p. 24: [J. Pratt], 'Nunc dimittis in E# 3d'
p. 26: Dr Child, 'Magnificat in G'
p. 28: Dr Childe, 'Nunc dimittis in G'
p. 29: Mr Chas. King, 'Cantate Domino in B flat'
p. 35: Mr Chas. King, 'Deus misereatur in B'
p. 40: Dr Clarke, 'Magnificat in F'
p. 44: Dr Clarke, 'Nunc Dimittis in F'
p. 46: Dr Clarke, 'Te Deum in F'
p. 53: Dr. Clarke, 'Jubilate in F'
p. 55: Mr Kent, 'Magnificat in D'
p. 59: Mr Kent, 'Nunc dimittis in D'
p. 61: Dr Rogers, 'Magnificat in D#'
p. 64: Dr Rogers, 'Nunc dimittis in D'

Organ book, anthems
Add. MS a/665/14 · Item · 1818
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Battishill, Carissimi, Chard, Jeremiah Clarke, John Clarke-Whitfield, Croft, Richard Farrant, Handel, Philip Hayes, William Hayes, Himmel, Kelway, King, Palestrina, Pring, Stroud, Weldon and Wise; With a hymn by Luther. Copied by John Clarke-Whitfield, organist of Trinity 1799-1820; p. 142 signed and dated: Dr Clarke Cambridge Sep. 4, 1818; and p. 151 Sep. 14, 1818.

p. 1: Dr Croft, 'We will rejoice'
p. 7: Mr Wise, 'Awake up my glory'
p. 11: Carissimi, 'I am well pleased'
p. 19: Jerah. Clarke, 'The Lord is full of compassion'
p. 28: Dr Croft, 'Blessed is the people'
p. 41: Dr Willm. Hayes, 'Great is the Lord'
p. 45: Dr Willm. Hayes, 'O worship the Lord'
p. 55: Weldon, 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 57: Battishill, 'Call to remembrance'
p. 65: Ricd. Farrant, 'Lord for thy tender mercies sake'
p. 67: Chas. King, 'Unto thee O Lord'
p. 70: Handel, 'How excellent thy name'
p. 71: Chas. Strode, 'Hear my prayer'
p. 77: Mr Weldon, 'Hear my crying O God'
p. 83: Kellway, 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen'
p. 84: Weldon, 'In thee, O Lord'
p. 89: Dr P. Hayes, 'The Lord descended from above'
p. 91: Dr P. Hayes, 'O Lord our governor'
p. 93: Dr P. Hayes, 'Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous'
p. 103: J. Pring, 'With angels and archangels'
p. 108: Dr Chard, 'In humble faith'
p. 112: Dr P. Hayes, 'Praise the Lord'
p. 113: J. Pring, 'We will rejoice'
p. 115: J. Pring, ' Blessed be the Lord God of Israel'
p. 117: Palestrina, adapted by Dr Aldrich, 'Behold now praise the Lord'
p. 121: Jeremiah Clarke, 'I will love thee'
p. 129: Dr Croft, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 137: John Clarke, 'Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord'
p. 140: John Clarke, 'I will alway give thanks'
p. 143: John Clarke, 'I will lift up mine eyes'
p. 146: John Clarke, 'My heart sheweth me the wickedness of the ungodly'
p. 149: John Clarke, 'Behold how good and joyful a thing it is'
p. 151: John Clarke, 'O lord God of my salvation'
p. 154: [attrib. Luther], 'The 100th Psalm'
p. 155: 'Martin Luther's Hymn'
p. 156: Handel, 'Let us now make man'
p. 162: Himmel, 'Incline thine ear'

Treble partbook
Add. MS a/665/5 · Item · late 18th c.
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Verse anthems by Aldrich, Batten, Blake, Blow, Bowman, Boyce, Byrd, Child, Clarke, Croft, Gibbons, Greene, Handel, Hawkins, Humfrey, Jackson, Kent, King, Mason, Mundy, Nares, Norris, Purcell, Reynolds, Richardson, Stroud, Tallis, Tucker, Tudway, Turner, Webbe, Weldon, Wise, and Woodward.

The name 'John Pepper' [unidentified] appears in pencil on p.27 (possibly the student at Jesus College 1787-1792); 'John Peppercorn party' appears on p. 170, which also includes a musical fragment in pencil in E flat, 'I have set God always before me,' copied from p. 231. There are many other pencil jottings in a juvenile hand.

The index is pasted to the inside front cover. Three anthems are listed in the index but are not present: Croft, 'I will sing unto the Lord'; Purcell, 'Blessed be the Lord my strength'; and Handel, 'His yoke is easy' [Messiah].


p. [5]: [Purcell], 'For the Commemoration Day' (also p. 133)
p. 10: Webb, 'The Lord is the portion'
p. 12: [Handel], 'And the glory of the Lord' [Messiah]
p. 14: ——, 'The Lord hath prepared'
p. 19: [Bowman], 'The Lord is my light' (also pp. 31, 123)
p. 19: Mr Green, 'My soul truly waiteth' (also p. 122)
p. 21: Mr Green, 'Rejoyce in the Lord'
p. 23: Dr Tudway, 'Man that is born of a woman' (also p. 124)
p. 24: Dr Tudway, 'I heard a voice from Heaven' (also p. 128)
p. 25: Mr Humphreys, 'Have mercy upon me O God' (also p. 129)
p. 26: Mr Gibbons, 'Behold, thou hast my days' (and p. 101)
p. 27 (bis): [Croft], 'Anthem for 2 Voices, the 13th part of the 119 Psalm'
p. 31: Mr Bowman, 'The Lord is my light' (also pp. 19, 123)
p. 32: Mr Welldon, 'O Lord rebuke me not' (also p. 127)
p. 37: Mr Weldon, 'I will lift up mine eyes'
p. 42: Mr Green, 'O God thou art my God' (also p. 131)
p. 43: Mr Weldon, 'Thou art my Portion O Lord' (name trimmed)
p. 48: Mr Welldon, 'Blessed be the Lord my strength' ('Webbe' in index)
p. 52: Mr Welldon, 'O praise the Lord of heaven' (also p. 132)
p. 57: [Weldon], 'Have mercy upon me O God'
p. 63: Greene, 'Thou O God art praised in Sion'
p. 66v: ——, [incomplete pencil copy, no text]
p. 67: Mr Wise, 'The ways of Sion do mourn'
p. 69: Crofts, 'Out of the deep'
p. 70: Mr Turners, 'The Lord is righteous'
p. 71: Mr Hawkins, 'Lord remember David'
p. 72: Dr Aldrich, 'Out of the deep'
p. 74: Mr Battens, 'Hear my prayer O God'
p. 76: Dr Crofts, 'We will rejoice in thy salvation'
p. 79: Dr Tudways, 'I am the resurrection'
p. 81: [Clarke], 'I will love thee O Lord'
p. 82: Aldrich, 'O Lord, I have heard thy voice'
p. 84: Dr Crofts, 'The Lord is my strength'
p. 85: Dr Crofts, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 87: Mr Greens, 'Hear my prayer, O God'
p. 88: Mr Greens, 'O Lord, give ear unto my prayer'
p. 90: Blow, 'Lord, how are they increased'
p. 91: Blow, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 92: Blow, 'Turn thee unto me O Lord' (and p. 146)
p. 93: Purcell, 'They that go down to the sea in ships'
p. 94: Dr Blows, 'And I heard a great voice'
p. 95: Mr Wises, 'Awake, put on thy strength'
p. 98: Purcell, 'My song shall be alway'
p. 99: [Jackson], 'The Lord said unto my Lord'
p. 100: [Hall], 'By the waters of Babylon' (index attributes it to 'Aldrich')
p. 101: [Gibbons], 'Behold, thou hast made my days' (and p. 26)
p. 102: Humphreys, 'My God my God'
p. 103: [Humfrey], 'Lord, teach us to number our days'
p. 104: Purcell, 'Be merciful unto me, O God'
p. 105: [Purcell], 'Behold I bring you glad'
p. 106: [Tucker], 'I will magnify thee O God my king'
p. 107: [Wise], 'Awake up my glory'
p. 108: Dr Tudways, 'Sing we merrily'
p. 109: Tudway, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 110: Blow, 'O Lord, I have sinned' (and p. 164)
p. 111: [Norris], 'In Jury is God known'
p. 112: Dr Crofts, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 113: Dr Croft's, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 114: Crofts, 'The earth is the Lord's'
p. 115: Dr Tudways, 'Thou O Lord hast heard our desire'
p. 116: [Aldrich], 'I am well pleased'
p. 117: Crofts, 'I will give thanks'
p. 118: [Croft], 'Sing unto God'
p. 120: [Croft], 'O be joyful'
p. 122: [Greene], 'My soul truly waiteth' (also p. 19)
p. 122: ——, 'When the son of man' (added later)
p. 123: [Bowman], 'The Lord is my light' (also pp. 19, 31)
p. 124: Dr Greens, 'Rejoyce in the Lord' (also p. 21)
p. 126: [Tudway], 'Man that is born of a woman' (also p. 23)
p. 127: Mr Weldons, 'O Lord rebuke me not' (also p. 32)
p. 128: Dr Tudways, 'I heard a voice from heaven' (also p. 24)
p. 129: Humphrys, 'Have mercy upon me O God' (also p. 25)
p. 131: Dr Green's, 'O God thou art my God' (also p. 42)
p. 132: [Weldon], 'O praise the Lord of Heaven' (also p. 52)
p. 133: [Purcell], 'O give thanks' (also p. [5])
p. 137: Dr Blow's, 'My God, my God'
p. 139: Dr Green's, 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 141: Dr Blow, 'O sing unto God'
p. 142: [Blow, Humfrey, Turner], 'I will alway give thanks'
p. 144: Dr Crofts, 'We wait for thy loving kindness O God'
p. 146: Dr Blow, 'Turn thee unto me O Lord' (and p. 92)
p. 148: [Croft], 'O Lord, thou hast searched &c.'
p. 151: Crofts, 'I cryed unto the Lord'
p. 153: Dr Croft, 'Blessed is the people'
p. 154: Mr Purcell, 'Blessed is the man'
p. 155: [Mundy], 'O Lord the maker' (attributed to Henry VIII)
p. 157: Dr Crofts, 'O Lord rebuke me not'
p. 159: Mr Vaughon Richardson, 'O how amiable'
p. 160: Dr Child, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 162: Mr Tallis, 'I call and cry'
p. 164: Dr Blow, 'O Lord, I have sinned' (and p. 110)
p. 166: Mr Humphrys, 'L:ike as the hart'
p. 167: Mr Stroud, 'Hear my prayer'
p. 171: Mr Weldon, 'Hear my crying'
p. 173: ——, 'Psalm 119' (metrical)
p. 175: [Clarke], 'The Lord is full of compassion'
p. 176: Dr Blake, 'I have set God always'
p. 180: Kent, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 182: Kent, 'Lord how are they increased'
p. 184: Dr Boyce, 'If we believe that Jesus died'
p. 186: [Mason], 'Lord of all power' (fragment)
p. 190: Mr Bird, 'Bow thine ear O Lord'
p. 193: Tucker, 'O give thanks' (crossed through) (and p. 213)
p. 195: Jer: Clarke, 'Praise the Lord O Jerusalem'
p. 198: Child, 'O Lord grant the King a long life'
p. 199: Dr Woodward of Dublin, 'Sing O ye heavens'
p. 201: Mr Cha: King, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 203: Dr Croft, 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen'
p. 204: ——, 'O give thanks'
p. 207: Mr King, 'Hear O Lord'
p. 209: Aldrich, 'Not unto us O Lord'
p. 211: Tallis, 'All people that on earth'
p. 213: Tucker, 'O give thanks'
p. 215: [Wise], 'Thou O God art praised in Sion'
p. 218: [Aldrich], 'Rejoice in the Lord' (Dr A)
p. 219: Naros, 'Not unto us Lord'
p. 220: Nares, 'The Lord is my strength &c.'
p. 222: Nares, 'Behold how good and joyful'
p. 223: [Nares], 'Awake up my glory'
p. 224: Mr Kent, 'Who is this that cometh from Edom?'
p. 227: Mr Kent, 'Blessed be thou Lord God of Israel'
p. 230: Mr Kent, 'Hear my prayer O God'
p. 231: [Goldwin], 'I have set God always before me'
p. 233: Kent, 'My song shall be of mercy'
p. 234: Webbe, 'How excellent is thy mercy'
p. 237: [Reynolds], 'My God my God &c.' (incomplete)

Alto cantoris partbook
Add. MS a/665/6 · Item · c 1735-1814
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Blake, Blow, Bowman, Boyce, Byrd, Child, Clarke, Croft, Gates, Gibbons, Goldwin, Greene, Handel, Hawkins, Humfrey, Kent, King, Marcello, Mason, Mundy, Nares, Purcell, Richardson, Stroud, Tallis, Tudway, Turner, Tye, Webbe, Weldon, Wise, and Woodward.

Part of the same set as the bass cantoris partbook (item 7), and the contents are related to the treble partbook (item 5). This is a very substantial collection of repertoire dating from c.1680-1780; the appearance of c16th works like Mundy O Lord the maker of all things, Tallis I call and cry, Tye I will exalt thee, Byrd Bow thine ear and Child O Lord grant the King a long life indicates that Boyce (1768) was a source; there are 20 anthems by Croft, mostly from the 1724/5 collection, and much from Page's Harmonia sacra (1800). The manuscript was possibly begun as early as the 1730s, but most of it has been copied later, and was still in use in the 19th century: p.278 contains a pencil note 'This is sung Dec 16 1814' [occasion not identified]. The James Kent works may be autograph.

Numerous copyists, of which some professional hands, were involved. The original ink index is now pasted inside the front cover and bound in at ii and iii.


p. 2: [Blow, Humfrey, Turner], 'I will allways give thanks' (incomplete, also p. 101)
p. 6: Dr Blow, 'The Lord is King'
p. 9: Mr Crofts, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 12: Mr Crofts, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 16: Mr Jer. Clarke, 'Praise the Lord O Jerusalem'
p. 21: [Bowman], [O be joyful] (ending only)
p. 22: Mr Crofts, 'Out of the deep'
p. 25: Mr Wm. Crofts, 'I will give thanks. Composed for the victory at Blenheim'
p. 30: Dr Aldrich, 'I am well pleased'
p. 33: Mr Welldon, 'Ponder my words' (incomplete)
p. 36: Dr Tudway, 'Thou O Lord hast heard our dessires'
p. 40: Turner, 'Lord thou hast been our refuge'
p. 42: Dr Crofts, 'The earth is the Lord's'
p. 43: Mr Hawkins, 'O sing unto the Lord'
p. 44: Dr Croft, 'O be joyful in God all ye Lands'
p. 45: Dr Croft, 'Sing unto God'
p. 50: Mr Green, 'O God thou art my God'
p. 53: Mr Welldon, 'O Lord rebuke me not' (only a final cadence)
p. 55: Mr Greene, 'Rejoyce in the Lord'
p. 57: Dr Tudway, 'Man that is born of a woman'
p. 58: Mr Weldon, 'I will lift up mine eyes'
p. 60: Dr Tudway, 'I heard a voice from Heaven'
p. 61: Mr Gibbons, 'Behold, thou hast made my days'
p. 62: Mr Humphreys, 'Have mercy upon me O God'
p. 63: Bowman, 'The Lord is my light' (title only)
p. 64: Dr Croft, 'Lord, what love have I unto thy law'
p. 66: Mr Greene, 'My soul truly waiteth'
p. 67: Dr Turner, 'The Lord is righteous'
p. 68: Mr Weldon, 'Thou art my portion' (also p. 79)
p. 69: Mr Weldon, 'Have mercy upon me O God'
p. 71: Mr Weldon, 'Blessed be the Lord my strength' (only a final cadence)
p. 72: Mr Weldon, 'O praise the Lord' (only a final cadence)
p. 73: Dr Green, 'Hear O Lord'
p. 75: [Kent], 'Sing O heavens'
p. 76: [Greene], 'Acquaint thyself with God'
p. 79: Mr Weldon, 'Thou art my portion' (also p. 68)
p. 79: Clarke, 'How long wilt thou'
p. 80: J. K[ent], 'O Lord our governor'
p. 81: J. K[ent], 'Hear my prayer'
p. 82: Dr Green, 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 84: Dr Blow, 'O Lord, thou hast searched &c'
p. 85: Dr Croft, 'O Lord thou hast searched &c'
p. 88: Dr Greene, 'Like as the hart'
p. 90: Dr Green, 'Blessed are those'
p. 97: Dr Blow, 'O sing unto God'
p. 101: Dr Blow, Mr Humphrys, Mr Turner, 'I will alway give thanks' (also p. 2)
p. 104: Dr Crofts, 'We wait for thy loving kindness'
p. 108: Dr Blow, 'Turn thee unto me'
p. 110: Dr Croft, 'Blessed is the people'
p. 115: Dr Croft, 'The Lord is my strength'
p. 122: [Croft], 'The Lord is my light'
p. 123: [Mundy], 'O Lord the maker' (attributed to Henry VIII)
p. 125: Dr Croft, 'O Lord rebuke me not'
p. 128: Dr Croft, 'O Lord grant the King'
p. 131: Dr Aldrich, 'We have heard with our ears'
p. 133: Dr Aldrich, 'O God the King of Glory &c.'
p. 135: Dr Aldrich, 'Give ear O Lord'
p. 137: Dr Aldrich, 'Behold now praise the Lord'
p. 139: Dr Aldrich, 'God is our hope and our strength' (not in index)
p. 141: Dr Aldrich, 'O give thanks'
p. 143: Dr Croft, 'Sanctus' and 'Gloria'
p. 146: Dr Croft, 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 150: Dr Croft, 'O praise God in his sanctuary'
p. 157: Mr Tallis, 'I call and cry'
p. 159: Dr Croft, 'I waited patiently'
p. 161: Mr GIbbons, 'Hosanna to the son of David'
p. 163: Mr Stroud, 'Hear my prayer'
p. 167: Aldrich, 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen'
p. 169: Mr Goldwin, 'I have set God'
p. 171: Mr Weldon, 'Hear my crying'
p. 173: Marcello, 'My soul hath longed'
p. 179: ——, 'Psalm 119/Blessed are they' (metrical psalm)
p. 181: Dr Nares, 'Call to remembrance'
p. 184: Mr Bird, 'Bow thine ear O Lord'
p. 187: Dr Aldrich, 'By the waters of Babylon'
p. 190: Dr Tye, 'I will exalt thee O Lord'
p. 196: Mr Kent, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 198: Mr Kent, 'In the beginning was the word'
p. 202: Mr Kent, 'It is a good thing'
p. 203: Dr Boyce, 'The Lord is my light'
p. 211: Mr Kent, 'My song shall be of mercy'
p. 213: Mr Kent, 'Who is this that cometh from Edom'
p. 220: Mr Kent, 'All thy works praise thee O Lord'
p. 227: Clark, 'The Lord is full of compassion'
p. 231: Clark, 'Bow down thine ear O Lord'
p. 236: Dr Blake, 'I have set God always &c.'
p. 240: Mr Webbe, 'Praise the Lord O my soul' (not in index)
p. 241: Kent, 'Why do the heathen'
p. 244: Kent, 'Lord how are they increased'
p. 247: Dr Boyce, 'If we believe that Jesus died'
p. 249: Mr W. Mason, 'Lord of all power'
p. 250: Mr Wise, 'Thou O God art praised in Sion'
p. 252: Purcel, 'O give thanks' (also p. 276)
p. 259: Tucker, 'O give thanks'
p. 262: Child, 'O Lord grant the King a long life'
p. 263: Dr Woodward of Dublin, 'Sing O ye heav'ns'
p. 265: Mr Chas. King, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 266: Dr Croft, 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen' (not in index)
p. 270: Gatts, 'Rejoyce in the Lord'
p. 272: Dr Child, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 273: [RIchardson], 'O how amiable'
p. 274: [Croft], 'The earth is the Lord's' (only words copied)
p. 276: [Purcell], 'O give thanks' (also p. 252)
p. 281: Mr King, 'Hear O Lord'
p. 283: Aldrich, 'Not unto us' (not in index)
p. 285: [Tallis], 'All people that on earth do dwell'
p. 286: [Handel], Hallelujah from Messiah
p. 290: [Handel], 'His yoke is easy' [Messiah]
p. 294: ——, 'Like as the hart'
p. 295: Marcello, 'O Lord our governor'
p. [297]: ——, [untexted part]
p. [300]: Dr Clarke, 'Blessed are all they'

Bass cantoris partbook
Add. MS a/665/7 · Item · c 1730s-1790s
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Blake, Blow, Bowman, Boyce, Byrd, Child, Clarke, Croft, Gates, Gibbons, Goldwin, Greene, Handel, Hawkins, Humfrey, Kent, King, Marcello, Mason, Mundy, Nares, Purcell, Richardson, Stroud, Tallis, Tudway, Turner, Tye, Webbe, Weldon, Wise, and Woodward.

The manuscript was possibly begun as early as the 1730s, but the majority of the anthems were likely to have been copied later. This is part of the same set as the alto cantoris partbook at Add. MS a. 665/6.

There were numerous copyists. The original index is now pasted inside the front cover and bound in.
p. 4: [Purcell], 'Blessed be the Lord my strength'
p. 5: Mr Crofts, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 6: Mr Hawkins, 'O sing unto the Lord'
p. 7: [Clarke. 'Praise the Lord O Jerusalem']
p. 8: John Bowman, 'O be joyful in the Lord'
p. 9: John Bowman, 'O sing unto the Lord'
p. 10: Mr Crofts, 'Out of the deep'
p. 11: Dr Aldritch, 'I am well pleased'
p. 12: Dr Turner, 'The Lord is righteous'
p. 13: [Croft, 'The earth is the Lord's']
p. 14: Turner, ['Lord thou hast been our refuge'] (Not in MS a/665/6)
p. 15: [Tudway], 'Thou O Lord hast heard our desires'
p. 16: Dr Croft, 'O be joyful in God all ye lands'
p. 17: [Croft], 'Sing unto God O ye kingdoms'
p. 19: [Croft], 'Lord, what love have I unto thy laws'
p. 19bis: John Bowman, 'The Lord is my light'
p. 20: [Greene], 'Rejoyce in the Lord'
p. 21: Welldon, 'O Lord rebuke me not' (no music copied)
p. 21bis: Weelldon, 'Have mercy upon me'
p. 22: [Weldon], 'O Lord rebuke me not' (see p. 21)
p. 23: Dr Tudway, 'Man that is born of a woman'
p. 25: [Weldon], 'I will lift up mine eyes'
p. 27: Dr Tudway, 'I heard a voice from heaven'
p. 28: Mr Humphreys, 'Have mercy upon me'
p. 29: Mr Gibbons, 'Behold, thou hast made my days'
p. 30: [Croft], 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 31: Dr Croft, 'I will give thanks'
p. 32: [Weldon], 'Thou art my portion'
p. 33: [Weldon], 'Blessed be the Lord' (only a final cadence)
p. 34: [Weldon], 'O praise the Lord' (only a final cadence)
p. 35: Mr Green, 'My soul truly waiteth still upon God'
p. 36: Mr Green, 'O God thou art my God'
p. 38: Dr Green, 'Hear O Lord'
p. 43: [Kent], 'Sing O heavens'
p. 49: Dr Green, 'Acquaint thyself with God'
p. 50: J. K., 'Hear my prayer'
p. 51: J. K., 'O Lord our governor'
p. 52: Dr Green, 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 55: Dr Blow, 'O Lord, thou hast searched me out'
p. 57: Dr Croft, 'O Lord, thou hast searched me out'
p. 60: Dr Croft. 'Hear my prayer' (Not in MS a/665/6)
p. 62: Dr Greene, 'Like as the hart'
p. 63: Dr Blow, 'O sing unto God'
p. 64: [Blow, Humfrey, and Turner], 'I will always give thanks'
p. 65: Dr Crofts, 'We wait for thy loving kindness'
p. 68: Dr Blow, 'Turn thee unto me'
p. 70: Dr Crofts, 'I cryed unto the Lord' (no music copied)
p. 72: Dr Croft, 'Blessed is the people'
p. 73: Dr Croft, 'The Lord is my strength'
p. 78: [Croft], 'The Lord is my light'
p. 79: [Mundy], 'O Lord the maker' (wrongly attributed to Henry VIII)
p. 81: Dr Croft, 'O Lord grant the King a long life' (Not in MS a/665/6)
p. 84: Dr Croft, 'O Lord rebuke me not'
p. 86: Dr Aldrich, 'We have heard with our ears'
p. 88: Dr Aldrich, 'O God the king of glory'
p. 89: Dr Aldrich, 'Give ear O Lord'
p. 90: Dr Aldrich, 'Behold now praise the Lord'
p. 91: Dr Aldrich, 'God is our hope and strength'
p. 92: Dr Aldrich, 'O give thanks'
p. 93: Dr Croft, 'Sanctus' and 'Gloria'
p. 97: Dr Croft, 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 99: Dr Croft, 'Praise God in his sanctuary'
p. 100: Mr Tallis, 'I call and I cry'
p. 102: Dr Croft, 'I waited patiently for the Lord'
p. 104: Mr Gibbons, 'Hosanna to the son of David'
p. 106: Mr Stroud, 'Hear my prayer'
p. 109: Dr Aldrich, 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen'
p. 110: Mr Golding, 'I have set God'
p. 112: Mr Weldon, 'Hear my crying'
p. 114: ——, Psalm 119/'Blessed are they' (metrical psalm)
p. 116: Dr Nares, 'Call to remembrance'
p. 119: Mr Bird, 'Bow thine ear'
p. 121: Dr Aldrich, 'By the waters of Babylon'
p. 123: Dr Tye, 'I will exalt thee'
p. 130: Mr Kent, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 137: Mr Kent, 'In the beginning'
p. 143: Mr Kent, 'It is a good thing'
p. 144: Dr Boyce, 'The Lord is my light'
p. 146: Mr Kent, 'My song shall be of mercy'
p. 148: Mr Kent, 'Who is this that cometh'
p. 154: Mr Kent, 'All thy works praise thee O God'
p. 160: Dr Blake, 'I have set God'
p. 164: Webbe, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 167: Kent, 'Why do the heathen'
p. 170: Kent, 'Lord how are they increased'
p. 172: Humphreys, 'O Lord my God' (not in MS a/665/6)
p. 177: Dr Boyce, 'If we believe that Jesus died'
p. 179: Mr W. Mason, 'Lord of all power'
p. 180: Wise, 'Thou O God art praised in Sion'
p. 185: Mr Henry Purcell, 'They that go down to the sea in ships' (not in MS a/665/6)
p. 191: Mr Wm. Tucker, 'O give thanks'
p. 193: Child, 'O Lord grant the King a long life'
p. 195: Dr Woodward of Dublin, 'Sing O ye heavens'
p. 196: Mr Cha: King, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 197: [Croft], 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen'
p. 200: Mr Gatts, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 201: Child, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 203: [Richardson], 'O how amiable'
p. 204: Dr Croft, 'The earth is the Lord's' (no music copied; not in MS a/665/6)
p. 206: [Aldrich], 'Not unto us'
p. 209: Mr King, 'Hear O Lord'
p. 211: ——, 'All people that on earth do dwell' (incorrect attribution to Tallis)
p. 212: [Purcell], 'Anthem for the Commemoration Day' [O give thanks]
p. 217: [Handel], Hallelujah Chorus [Messiah]
p. 221: [Reynolds], 'My God my God'
p. 223: [Handel], 'His yoke is easy' [Messiah]
p. 225: Marcello, 'O Lord our governor'
p. 228: Dr Clarke, 'Blessed are all they'
p. 231: G. F. Handel, 'And the glory of the Lord' [Messiah] (incomplete)

Bass decani partbook
Add. MS a/665/8 · Item · c 1750-1800
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Morning and evening services by Aldrich, Bevin, Bishop, Blow, Byrd, Child, Clarke-Whitfield, Dean, Ebdon, Farrant, Fussell, Gibbons, Jackson, Kent, King, Patrick, Purcell, Rogers, Tallis, Tudway, and Wise.

The original index is now pasted on inside the front cover. Boyce's Cathedral Music was a major exemplar.


p. 5: [Aldrich], Te Deum (incomplete)
p. 5: Dr Aldrich, 'Jubilate', 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus misereatur'
p. 13: Dr Blow, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 18: Dr Tudway, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 21: Mr Purcell, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 24: Dr Rogers, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 27: Dr Child, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 33: Dr Child, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis',
p. 37: Dr Child, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 41: Dr Child, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate', 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 51: Dr Rogers, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate', 'Magnificat' (see p. 173), 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 61: Mr Gibbon, 'Te Deum'
p. 65: Mr Orlando Gibbon, 'Benedictus'
p. 68: Mr Gibbon, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 72: Mr Tallis, 'Te Deum', 'Benedictus', 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 82: Mr Bird, 'Te Deum', 'Benedictus', 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 92: Mr Farrant, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 95: Mr Pattrick, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 98: Dr Dean, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur', 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 109: Mr Wise, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 112: Mr C. King, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 119: Dr Dean, 'Morning Ser.', 'Jubilate Deo'
p. 127: Mr Elway Bevin, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 132: Dr Blow, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 139: Mr Kent, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis', 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 156: Fussell, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 165: Bishop, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 173: Dr Rogers, 'Magnificat' (see p. 57), 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 178: Kent, ['Gloria patri']
p. 178: Chas. King, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 182: King, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 187: I. Pratt, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 192: Ebdon, 'Te deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 201: Dr Clarke, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 207: Dr Clarke, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 212: Mr King, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 220: Jackson, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'