Stuk 128 - Letter from Maria Germanova to Elizabeth Trevelyan


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Letter from Maria Germanova to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 28 Dec 1934 (Vervaardig)



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26 rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne s[ur]/Seine. - Very happy to see Mr Trevelyan, Julian and his wife [Ursula]: Mr Trevelyan looks well and seemed his old self from before his operation; most 'invigourating [sic]' to talk to him about the theatre; she explained how she 'managed the chorus in Medea'. Ursula is 'so quiet, so peaceful and trustful', with something 'so true about her', and Julian is 'radiant' with happiness, and 'now a man'. Very good of him to bring Ursula to see them; Andrusha was there too. He is now 'friendly with a Canadian girl' [Laura Beverley Robinson?] who is nice: 'egoistic, as all the young ones [are]', but she 'works, and has lot[s] of energy'. Maria is not sure how to act towards her; thinks the 'best thing to be tolerant and a little blind', but sometimes this seems 'cinical [sic]'. Worried that André does not sleep enough because of his work; lets him sleep very late when he is here, even though this means he does not have much time with her. She, her husband and son all send best wishes for a happy new year.

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