Protocol of Geneva

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
8 Protocol for the pacific settlement of international disputes published by the League of Nations Union Item Oct 1924
9 Protocol for the pacific settlement of international disputes Item 1 Oct 1924
10 Resolutions adopted by the Fifth Assembly relating to the reduction of armaments Item 2 Oct. 1924
14 'Some Questions on the Geneva Protocol' published by the Leage of Nations Union (advance proof copy) Item Dec 1924
21 Newscutting from the 'Christian Science Monitor' containing articles on the Geneva talks Item 11 May 1925
1 Newscuttings relating to the Geneva Protocol File 1924–1925
3 Report of British delegates at the fourth assembly of the League Item 1924
5 Fifth assembly of the League: Arbitration, security and the reduction of armaments Item 1924
13 'The Covenant and the Protocol' published by the League of Nations Union Item Dec 1924
17 'The Meaning of the Protocol' published by the League of Nations Union Item Mar 1925
20 Resolution of the Executive Committee of the League and an interim statement of policy. Apparently part of a larger series of agenda papers File c 19 Mar 1925
23 Protocol for the pacific settlement of international disputes Item Jul 1925
6 Draft Treaty of Mutual Assistance published by the League of Nations Union Item Mar 1924
7 Text of the draft treaty of disarmament and security Item Jun 1924
12 Newscutting from The Times of a letter from Lord Parmoor on American opinion of the Protocol of Geneva Item 29 Nov [1924]
15 'The Complete Texts of the Covenant and the Geneva Protocol' Item Dec 1924
16 'Protocol for the pacific settlement of international disputes' published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Item Oct 1924
18 Council debate on the protocol for the pacific settlement of international disputes Item 12 Mar 1925
22 Pact and Protocol; text of a speech given by Viscount Grey of Falloden Item Jul 1925
24 Newscutting from the Cambridge Daily News of a speech by Viscount Grey Item 27 Mar 1926
2 Newscutting from 'The Times' giving the text of letters between Ramsay MacDonald and M. Pointcare MISSING Item 3 Mar 1924
4 Correspondence between the British Government and the League of Nations concerning the proposed treaty of mutual assistance Item 1924
4a Arbitration, Security and Reduction of Armaments. Protocol and Resolutions adopted by the Assembly, and Report by the First and Third Committees of the Assembly Item 1924
11 News Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Association on the Protocol of Geneva Item 10 Oct 1924
19 Statement by Austen Chamberlain on the pacific settlement of international disputes Item 12 Mar 1925
25 Papers regarding the limitation of naval armaments Item 1928