Telegraphic correspondence with Lord Chelmsford, and related papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
3 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 27 Apr. 1919
6 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 28 Apr. 1919
7 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 30 Apr. 1919
12 Printed copy of a telegram from Sir George Lloyd to Edwin Montagu Item 2 May 1919
1 Copy of a memorandum from Edwin Montagu to Sir Thomas Holderness and Sir Malcolm Seton Item 10 June 1919
1 Memorandum from Alan Parsons to S. K. Brown Item 23 June 1919
3 (i) Memorandum from J. W. Hose to Sir Malcolm Seton, and (ii) telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 18 July 1919
6 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 30 July 1919
7 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 30 July 1919
1 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 12 Aug. 1919
4 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 20 Aug. 1919
2 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 3 Sept. 1919
3 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 17 Sept. 1919
4a (i) Minute from Sir H. Vaughan Cox to Sir Arthur Hirtzel, with (ii) a short note by Edwin Montagu Item 15 Sept. 1919
8 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 29 Oct. 1919
1 Telegram from Sir Narayan Chandavarkar to Edwin Montagu Item 8 Sept. 1919
2c Copy of a telegram from Sir Narayan Chandavarkar to Edwin Montagu Item 8 Sept. 1919
3 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 14 Sept. 1919
8 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 11 Apr. 1920
4 Copy of State Offences (Sec. 1), Bengal Regulation X, 14 Dec. 1804 Item [Apr. 1919]
8 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 17 Apr. 1919
10 Cutting from The Express, containing an article headed 'Nine Europeans Killed' Item 17 Apr. 1919
11 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 18 Apr. 1919
12 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 18 Apr. 1919
2 Cutting from a newspaper, containing an article headed 'The Outbreak in India' Item 15 Apr. 1919
3 Cutting from a newspaper, containing an article headed 'The Indian Riots' Item 16 Apr. 1919
4 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 21 Apr. 1919
1 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 25 Apr. 1919
2 Newspaper cuttings concerning riots in India File 15–16 Apr. 1919
4 Unmarked file File 16–22 Apr. 1919