1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Correspondence: Badeau - Blackmore Series 1803-1885
4 Correspondence: Broughton - Cambridge Series 1838-1883
7 Correspondence: Dawson - d'Eichtal Series 1831-1885
9 Correspondence: Freiligrath - Gray Series 1806-1885
11 Correspondence: Halliday - Harewood Series 1834-1885
12 Correspondence: Hibbert - Hyacinthe Series 1840-1884
14 Correspondence: Labouchere - Locker Series 1829-1885
240-246 Letters from Reginald Cholmondeley to Lord Houghton Item [?]-11 Nov. 1877
176 Newspaper article in memory of Maria Weston Chapman Item July [1885?]
33 Correspondence: Nagoaka - Seymour Series 1832-1884 View
1-3 Letters from Oscar Wilde to Lord Houghton Item [n.d.]
11 Letter from Henry Francis Wilson to Lord Houghton Item 29 Sept. 1884
24 Letter from William Worsley to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 25 Jul. 1861
31 Unidentified correspondent, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item
40 Letter from Sarah Fox Wilder to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 9 Apr. 1862
41 Letter from E. M. Wilkinson to Lord Houghton Item 22 Oct. 1878
42-43 Letter from Henrietta Charlotte Williams to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 6 Feb [1844?]-12 Feb. [1844?]
46 Letter from Robert Charles Winthrop to Lord Houghton Item [1867?]
48 Letter from Henry Selfe Page Winterbotham to Lord Houghton Item 22 Jun. [1870?]
50 Letter from Charles Lindley Wood to Lord Houghton Item 19 Dec. 1866
128 Letter from Richard Monckton Milnes to his father Robert Pemberton Milnes Item [1830]
130-133 Letters from Richard Monckton Milnes to his aunt Caroline Milnes Item [Dec. 1833]-8 May 1835
160 Letter from Richard Monckton Milnes to his mother Henrietta Maria Milnes Item [on/before 7 May 1829]
165 Letter from Richard Monckton Milnes to his mother Henrietta Maria Milnes Item [on/before 11 May 1829]
45 Obituary notice of Louis Adolphe Thiers Item 3 Sept. 1877
53 Letter from Sir Thomas Wemyss Reid Item 28 Dec. 1895
55 Printed copy of inscription to Connop Thirlwall in Westminster Abbey. Item 27 Jul. 1875
118-134 Letters from William Hepworth Thompson to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Apr. 1837-28 May 1881
138 Letter from Thomas Perronet Thompson to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 25 Mar. 1862
140-147 Letters from Harry Stephen Meysey-Thompson to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 22 Feb. [no year]-12 Nov. 1873