1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
39-46 Letters from Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 11th Baronet, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 6 Apr. 1834-5 Jun. 1866
56 Letter from Charles Francis Adams Jr. to Lord Houghton Item 27 Feb. [1864?]
67 Letter from Mrs E. Ainsworth to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Dec [no year]
70 Letter from John Byrne to Lord Houghton re Duke of Albany Item 9 Dec. 1879
77-83 Letters from Sir Robert Hawthorn Collins to Lord Houghton, re Duke of Albany Item 25 Sept. 1883-8 Jul. 1885
89-90 Letters from Henry Alford to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 15 Dec 1834 and undated
91-110 Letters from Lady Marian Alford to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1858]-[1885]
112-133 Letter from Willam Allan to Lord Houghton, enclosing poems Item 29 Apr. 1878
134-145 Letters from Willam Allingham to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 25 Mar. 1852-1 Jul. 1881
172-177 Letters from François Barthélemy Arlès-Dufour to Lord Houghton, and associated material Item [1862]-21 Jan 1872
194-196 Letters from D. Christison to Lord Houghton, re William Bingham Baring, 2nd Baron Ashburton Item [1863]-23 Mar. 1864
225-264 Letters from Louisa Caroline Baring, Lady Ashburton, to Lord Houghton Item [1860]-4 Nov. 1879
272 Letter from Thomas Ashton to Lord Houghton Item 13 Oct. 1871
277 Letter from Berthold Auerbach to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 22 Apr. 1852
278 Letters from Sarah Austin to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 30 Jul. 1884
1-3 Letters from Adam Badeau to Lord Houghton Item [1869]-26 Jul. 1871
7 Letter from John Frederick Bateman to Lord Houghton Item 2 Jul. 1866
9-11 Letters from Sir Samuel White Baker to Lord Houghton Item [?]-2 Aug 1874
12 Letter from John Hutton Balfour to Lord Houghton Item 22 Oct. 1877
19-21 Letters from Samuel Bamford to Francis Place Item 24 Aug. 1841-3 Jan. 1843
47 Letter from Michael Joseph Barry to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 8 Mar. 1847
53-57 Letters from Alicia Bayne to Lord Houghton Item 29 Jan. 1864-13 Mar 1872
12-18 Letters from Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, to Lord Houghton Item 4 Jul. 1872-2 Feb. 1878
19 Letter from Hon. Stephen Willoughby Lawley to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 15 Nov. 1860
21 Letter from Louisa Laurence to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 26 Jun. [before 1863]
29-30 Letters from William Ulick Tristram St Lawrence, Viscount St. Lawrence, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [before 1874]
31 Letter from John Lee to Lord Houghton Item 24 Nov. 1863
36-37 Letters from George John Shaw-Lefevre, 1st Baron Eversley, to Lord Houghton Item [1864?]-[1867?]
39 Letter from Frederick Lehmann to Lord Houghton Item 6 May 1874
40 Letter from Nina J. Lehmann to Lord Houghton Item [1870s?]