1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
35-43 Letters from Thomas Jefferson Hogg to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 12 Aug. 1859-14 Oct. 1860
44-45 Letters from Elise von Hohenhausen to Lord Houghton Item [1873/1874?]
58 Letter from Henry Richard Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 20 Mar. [1840?]
91-96 Letters from Alexander Beresford Hope to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Mar. 1841-14 Jun. 1876
103 Letter from William Jones Hoppin to Lord Houghton Item 14 Apr. 1877
104 Notes by Sir Edmund Grimani Hornby on legal matters Item [n.d.]
105-117 Letters from Richard Hengist Horne to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1840?]-27 Nov. 1874
121-128 Letters from George Howard to Lord Houghton Item 9 Mar. 1872-9 Aug. 1884
129 Letter from ? Howard to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Apr. [no year]
134-137 Letters from Julia Ward Howe to Lord Houghton, with copy of the 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' Item Nov. 1860-22 Jul [1877?]
211-214 Letters from William Hutt to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 26 Nov. 1862
215-222 Letters from Richard Holt Hutton to Lord Houghton Item 21 Nov. 1865-7 Apr. 1881
232-234 Letters from Thomas Hughes to Lord Houghton Item 25 Dec. 1875 etc
236-257 Letters from William Henry Hurlbert to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 3 Oct. 1856-13 Dec. 1884
264-270 Letters from William Holman Hunt to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 24 Jul. 1880 etc
280-282 Letters from Père Hyacinthe [Charles Jean Marie Loyson] to Lord Houghton Item 28 Jun. 1868-16 Jun. 1882
275 Letter from Leigh Hunt to Annabella Hungerford Milnes Item 6 Jun. 1853
1-11 Letters from Ferdinand Freiligrath to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Mar 1847-22 Jun. 1847
30 Letter from Sir William Haswell Stephenson to Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle Item 20 Mar. 1873
62-68 Letters from Isabel Grahame Fullerton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [n.d.]
74-78 Letters from James Gairdner to Lord Houghton Item 14 Nov. 1883-30 Jul. 1884
82-84 Letters from James William Gambier to Lord Houghton Item 21 Mar. 1878-20 Oct. 1884
123 Invitation from Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Prussia, to Lord Houghton Item 15 Sept. 1880
212 Letter from Robertson Gladstone to Lord Houghton Item 31 Jan. 1865
221-222 Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon Item
242 Note from Sabine Matilda Greville to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [n.d.]
244-248 Letters from Sir James Robert George Graham to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 23 Mar. 1842-15 Jul. 1860
260-273 Letters from Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 17 Aug. 1853 etc
309 Letter from John Mossman to James MacLehose re David Gray Item 8 Jun. 1865
311 Letter from Hon. Roden Noel to Lord Houghton re David Gray Item 30 Jan. 1864