1-35: Correspondence arranged in alphabetical order

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
137-147 Letters from Edward Ernest Bowen to Lord Houghton Item [1867]-15 Nov. 1878
154 Letter from Georgina Muir Mackenzie to Charles Holte Bracebridge Item 12 Mar. 1863
157 Letter from Thomas Brassey to Lord Houghton Item 13 Aug. 1883
159-174 Letters from John Bright to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 21 Jul. 1853-25 Nov. 1881
195 Letter from Charles Astor Bristed to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 22 Apr. 1848
175-194 Letter from Henry Arthur Bright to Lord Houghton Item 29 Oct.1868-5 Apr. 1884
200-201 Letters from Achille Charles Léonce Victor, Duc de Broglie, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 21 Dec. 1840-12 Aug. [1858]
23-25 Letters from Louise Chandler Moulton to Lord Houghton Item 16 Jul. [1870s]-[1878?]
33 Letter from Friedrich Max Müller to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Jun. [1860?]
40 Letter from Charlotte Murchison to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [n.d.]
74-78 Letters from Macvey Napier [the younger] to Lord Houghton Item 16 Jun. [1879?]-25 Oct. [1879?]
86 Letter from Charles, Lord Neaves, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 3 Jun. [no year]
87-94 Letters from Christopher Nevile to Lord Houghton Item 15 Feb. [1864?]-2 Jun. [1869?]
105 Letter from Henry Pelham-Clinton, 6th Duke of Newcastle, to Lord Houghton Item [1865?]
106 Letter from John Henry Newman to Lord Houghton Item 15 Feb. 1869
148-158 Letters from Frances Parthenope Nightingale to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [23 Oct. 1854]-25 Jan.[1856] and undated
164-165 Letters from William Edward Nightingale to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Dec. 1844 and undated
178 Letter from Charles Douglas-Compton, Earl Compton, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 10 Dec. 1839
184 Letter from Cecilia Anne Mary Gore to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 5 May 1851?]
208 Letter from Charles Eliot Norton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 8 Apr. 1851
217 Letter from John O'Hagan to Lord Houghton Item 11 Nov. 1876
220 Letter from G. T. Oldfield to Lord Houghton Item 31 Oct. 1870
221-224 Letters from Margaret Oliphant to Lord Houghton Item 18 Jul. [1879?]-12 Aug. [1879?]
225 Letter from Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, to Lord Houghton Item 9 Aug. 1879
226-228 Letters from Laurence Oliphant to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 29 Mar. 1855-[1861?]
162-163 Letter from Frances Parthenope, Lady Verney, to Henrietta Eliza Monckton-Arundell, Viscountess Galway Item 26 Sept. 1889
46 Letter from Charles Wentworth George Howard to Lord Houghton Item 6 Jul. 1863
30-33 Letters from Thomas Sunderland to Richard Monckton Milnes Item Mar. [1828?] etc
47-53 Letters from George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of Sutherland, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [1860s?]-9 Apr. [no year]
122-123 Letters from Charles Henry Swinburne to Lord Houghton, re Algernon Charles Swinburne Item 14 Jul. 1867-26 Jul. 1867